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By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:06 am
by Gorak
I was asked to post a few pics of my favorite piece of gear and here it is.. ... 091525.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 091913.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 092229.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 091225.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 091401.jpg" onclick=";return false;
Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:12 am
by tomek9210
That's a beautiful piece of history. Just wow, amazing bullwhip. I love the buttknot's shape.
BTW, could you measure the thickness of the handle? How long is it (bottom of buttknot to top of ringknot)?
Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:33 am
by Eloquent 1
Absolutely gorgeous! That is a whip with character; thank you so much for sharing, I love seeing original David Morgans.
Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:53 am
by Gorak
Thanks guys..
I only have a tailors measuring tape on me so I don't know if the measurements will be accurate but..the handles thickness is 1 3/4 cm. It does seem to taper slightly towards the top.
The length of handle from knot end to ringtop is 7 inches exactly.
This whip has not been babied. It has traveled with me extensively up untill the the whole 9/11 restrictions. It has been used twice for swinging, about twenty or so times against aggressive dogs, three times against aggressive individuals, caught three kids from running into the street or off a rooftop, saved my brother from falling off a cliffside, and practiced with daily up untill about 3 years ago. I dont reccommend these practices as I would assume that some are bad for the whip. I dont see it as this puppy has held up wonderfuly!
I have changed the fall 3 times in its lifetime, countless crackers, and pecarded it once a month regardless.
The thing I love most about my whip is the way it has halfway darkened...just like the Cairo whip. I dont know if it shows on camera. I remember someone once asking if anyone had ever made a whip that SA with the dusty look and all. Someonr even said they made a whip with selected hides that eventually darken to look screen accurate. Im no leather expert but this particular DM has darkened in all the right spots from just daily use. The bottom half will darken like the Cairo whip just cuz it is the part that hits the ground more, wraps, cracks and cuts so that part of the whip will distress darker. And I love it cuz that particular scene is what drew me to go see Raiders...that split srcond of this guy turn and unleash a bullwhip on two approaching thugs...EXCITING!
Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:58 pm
by tomek9210
You have used it in swinging? Did it really support your weight? Wow, I'd rather exept broken strands or even broken whip. It has awesome history, it should hang on your belt to the rest of your days, never sell it.
Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:13 pm
by whiskyman
Gorgeous! That's how a real Indy whip should look!! Used, abused and well loved - no fake aging necessary and no babying either. Terrific!

Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:18 pm
by TheSavoryTrim
Oh my! What a beauty. The color on that whip is so rich. I'm jelly.
Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:34 pm
by Gorak
First time I swung on it was when it was new and I was hiking with some friends. We came to a deep creek and they went to find a better cross over. I had to get some street cred so I just pulled her out, lashed her to a branch and went for it...wasn`t thinking at all about the reality of it. Praise God, it worked perfect. Even after I landed, I was able to just wrist flip it loose and continue on my way. Don`t know how I really did it...all over-confidence, I think.
Second time was crossing an old elevated train trolley which was broken down. Took about three tries to lash it strong enough for me to trust it.....we were high up! And after I crossed, I had to break the piece I had lashed onto off. The whip never seemed to get injured. Go figure. I have since retired it the last couple of years.
Though I take it out for pictures and practice like once a month, it really sits on my display most of the time. The end of the thong is starting to look as if it may be time for a rehaul. Been considering sending it in for the "whip repair" DM offers on their website.
I have to add, I have handled whips of all qualities (not proffessionally mind you and none of the more recent offering we have), but this particular whip is the first and only whip I have ever used that really felt like it "comes alive" in your hands. I understand when people use that term just with this whip. I love it. Also it was my first real piece of gear. I came into Indygear thinking that I could make do with temporary substitutes for all the other pieces but the whip..I was not going to settle for anything less. I saved and saved and saved until I collected $497. I was so tickled when I was sent an E-mail telling me that "Mr. Morgan will be finishing up your whip by the weekend and be shipping it out".....aaaa, the memories. Thanks for reminding me

Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:25 pm
by rawvoodoo
Crazy cool Gorak , simply crazy cool
Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:17 am
by IndianaBravo
Wow, I don´t know if I´ll ever get my hands on a whip made by David himself, but I hope to grow old with my Strain of a couple of years now. Great post!
Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:17 pm
by whipwarrior
This post made me suddenly realize that my own DM will be 10 years old this summer. How time flies!

Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:05 pm
by DarenHenryW
Great stories and what a fantastic whip! Like an old friend, the more it wears, the more it gets better with age.
Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:55 am
by Gorak
Thanks everybody for looking but more so for bringing back such great memories of some fun crazy times. Now I want to take my two littles daughters out to that train tressle...they love hiking and my two year old even already has her own whip.
Id love to hear anyone elses ol yarns of adventures with your trusty bullwhip by your side..please share!
I have day I was practicing in my backyard (when I still lived at home) and my mom was outside reading and this cicada was buzzing on a nearby tree. My mom was worried I might hit her and I told her, "I know what Im doing...check this out!" And I turned and snapped at the bug. I swear that insect split perfectly in half. My mom flipped out and ran inside to tell eveyone! And honestly, I did a dance as I totally hadnt planned to hit it.......pure luck! Still unbelievable even to myself....I wish i would have saved the two pieces in a jar or something...just didnt think about that at the time. Crazy.

Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:16 pm
by Noah
The whip looks beautiful!

Interesting stories with it too.

Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:47 pm
by Lukes Roommate
Awesome stories and whip!!
I love to see old David Morgan whips!
Here's my tale:
I asked my wife to hold an apple in her mouth and I would whip said apple out of her mouth.
She said "NO!".
The end.

Re: By 1994 8ft DM
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:18 am
by Mitch LaRue
Just a beautiful, beautiful piece of gear of the Highest Order, gorak...
Love those photos... and the stories you share.