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I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:28 am
by tekors
Hi guys,
I am covering the political crisis and uprising in Egypt.
While watching clashjes between the demonstrators and anti-riot police... I saw a couple of guys with molotovs.
That was the signal for me to leave, and when was making my way to flee the scene, an armoured vehicle appeared with a policeman who shot me with a shotgun using a non-lethal cartridge.
I've got small wounds, bit of bleeding and some pain in the chest and left arm. I am ok, but my Wested got f**d witgh small holes fro m the bullets.
So, now I hve to order a new Wested, Raiders... so, will call Gemma as soon as I leave Cairo. The bright side is that I will have a really distressed jacket for messy situations now.

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:31 am
by Indiana Dymond
Hope you are OK.
Still it's a #### or a way to distress a jacket
Stay safe.
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:31 am
by Michaelson
GOOD grief, my friend! I 'preach' natural distressing, but this is a bit over the line!!!!
I'm SO pleased to hear you were not injured any worse than you were! Let's be careful!
Looks to me like you should have gone with goatskin, though.
Stay safe! No one said these jackets were really bullet proof, even if Indy seemed to be.
HIGH regards! Michaelson
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:35 am
by Joeyeah_right
Wow! I am glad you are ok Tekors!
Stay safe in Egypt, and in the end at least you get a nice new jacket, and have a story to tell your grandkids about how your old jacket got covered in bulletholes!
Be careful out there!
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:40 am
by WhipDude
Those appear to be minor? At least keep it and wear it from time to time. Maybe it could even be prepared by somebody if you really wanted it to be.
Aside from that, you now have one of the coolest jackets ever. I don't think many people can say they got their jacket distressed that way.
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:44 am
by Michaelson
The closest thing I can think of is a member long ago who got attacked by monkeys at a Buddest Temple in Cambodia. His Wested lambskin got pretty well torn, but he escaped unscathed.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:44 am
by Holt
whoa!! I am SO glad your okay my friend!!
you should keep waering it though.. that is ONE special story behind the distress.
stay safe!
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:46 am
by Michaelson
True, but AFTER he leaves Egypt.
Authorities may see him wearing it later and say 'here's proof he was somewhere he SHOULDN'T have been...."
Regards! Michaelson
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:47 am
by Holt
I'll bet his next wested will not be lamb tho...
he should go goat. dark soft goat
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:52 am
by Mike
Though I have to complain about the placement of the bullet holes, totally non-screen accurate. I think you should give it another try.
Glad to hear you're relatively unscathed. Its a shame how things are escalating.
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:00 am
by binkmeisterRick
Better the jacket and not you! Keep safe!
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:00 am
by tekors
Michaelson wrote:True, but AFTER he leaves Egypt.
Authorities may see him wearing it later and say 'here's proof he was somewhere he SHOULDN'T have been...."
Regards! Michaelson
Hum, i didn't think about this

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:05 am
by tekors
Thanks guys for your messages of support...
You know, I was about to go with my hat also, happy that i decided to leave it in the hotel.
I am glad obviously that the bulletholes were not on me.
Yeah, the jacket will have a very good appealing in a Indy's point of view.
But it's too much holes, over distressing.
About the next jacket. What do you think guys? Lambskin or goatskin?
I know about how goat is tougher. Is it soft? The colour is dark?
need some opinions...
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:11 am
by Indiana Dymond
Maybe some genetically modified horse with kevlar in its DNA

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:12 am
by Michaelson
Goatskin. Absolutely.
(I like the Kevlar lining idea.

Dark brown, as Holt suggests, but goatskin.
Tough, resilient, almost as light weight as your lambskin, though still not bullet proof.
If you had one on in this sitation, you may not have had the holes punched through like you did on your lamb.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:15 am
by nicktheguy
To quote Sallah "Holy Smokes, I'm so pleased you are not dead"
--great distressing story for your jacket - but be sure to be very careful!
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:32 am
by BendingOak
I'm so happy to read you are got out of that and you arecalright. Be safe my friend.
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:41 am
by tekors
Indiana Dymond wrote:Maybe some genetically modified horse with kevlar in its DNA

I thought about that already... hahahaha

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:45 am
by tekors
BendingOak wrote:I'm so happy to read you are got out of that and you arecalright. Be safe my friend.
Thanks John for your message my friend..

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:58 am
by tekors
Michaelson wrote:Goatskin. Absolutely.
(I like the Kevlar lining idea.

Dark brown, as Holt suggests, but goatskin.
Tough, resilient, almost as light weight as your lambskin, though still not bullet proof.
If you had one on in this sitation, you may not have had the holes punched through like you did on your lamb.
Regards! Michaelson
Yes Michaelson,
I was stpid to go to the streets wearing my Wested. BUT.... imagine if i wasn't wearing a leather jacket... my wounds woulda been worse.
I am seduced by the goatskin... and coming from you that it's almost lightweight as the lamb, it's good. Dark brown colour indeed.
I will not get a custom made... but one ready to ship (I am not SA strict). The only thing I would ask Gemma if they can place snap buttons to the Raiders model.
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:02 am
by tekors
nicktheguy wrote:To quote Sallah "Holy Smokes, I'm so pleased you are not dead"
--great distressing story for your jacket - but be sure to be very careful!
Thank you Nick
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:12 am
by Michaelson
tekors wrote:Michaelson wrote:Goatskin. Absolutely.
(I like the Kevlar lining idea.

Dark brown, as Holt suggests, but goatskin.
Tough, resilient, almost as light weight as your lambskin, though still not bullet proof.
If you had one on in this sitation, you may not have had the holes punched through like you did on your lamb.
Regards! Michaelson
Yes Michaelson,
I was stpid to go to the streets wearing my Wested. BUT.... imagine if i wasn't wearing a leather jacket... my wounds woulda been worse.
I am seduced by the goatskin... and coming from you that it's almost lightweight as the lamb, it's good. Dark brown colour indeed.
I will not get a custom made... but one ready to ship (I am not SA strict). The only thing I would ask Gemma if they can place snap buttons to the Raiders model.
Stupid? Not hardly.

As you point out, without it your injuries would have been MUCH worse, so it did what it was designed to do....protect the wearer. We forget jackets like these were designed not as 'costume pieces' or 'window dressing', but for protection against the elements, regardless of WHAT those 'elements' might be. You were absolutely correct in your choice, and should continue to do so if/when such a situation presents itself again.
Ask Peter/Gemma what they may have hanging on the clearance rack too! Sometimes folks return custom jackets that didn't quite 'fit', and you could get a REALLY nice in-house made jacket for a good price. Something to consider as you move forward on a new acquisition.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:18 am
by tekors
Michaelson and Holt...
Checking the Wested offers... "Raiders ROLA Standard soft goat"
They state that unlike the standard raiders, that has slight mod to be more durable and wearable, the soft goatskin is more lightweight.
Is it something to be worried about if I care about durabity? Also, what is the inside leather facing exactly?
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:23 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.

Stay safe, and I'm glad to hear the jacket offered at least some protection! I would second (or third?) the goatskin option. I have a Gibson & Barnes in goatskin, and wouldn't trade it for anything (and I had snaps added, too). You are living through history, and I hope for your safe return.

Best wishes,
Nebraska Schulte
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:37 am
by Joeyeah_right
tekors wrote:Michaelson and Holt...
Checking the Wested offers... "Raiders ROLA Standard soft goat"
They state that unlike the standard raiders, that has slight mod to be more durable and wearable, the soft goatskin is more lightweight.
Is it something to be worried about if I care about durabity? Also, what is the inside leather facing exactly?
The inside leather facing is the strip of leather inside the jacket next to the zipper, to stop the zipper snagging on the lining. The Wested ROLA jackets do not have the facings (to be more like the movie jackets), but the Wested 'Raiders' jackets do have the facings.
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:44 am
by Cassidy
Dear Every Thread Ever Created About How Great Your Wested Is,
It was a good run, but you've lost. Bow to your king and accept it gracefully. There will never be another Wested as legitimately awesome as tekors'.
I'm glad you're ok man, that's a pretty hairy situation and it seems to be worsening by the minute.
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:54 am
by Michaelson
As has been said about lambskin, the same goes for goatskin.
Goatskin is goatskin.
The tensile strength is the same regardless of maker or type. It's the nature of the hide from the animal it was sourced from.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:06 am
by tekors
The clearance rack option is a nice idea, as I want my wested as soon as possible. Will check with them.
Just a last question: should i get the standard raiders goatskin or the soft goatskin?
Is it a trouble to deal with the zipper withou the inside leather facing might be hard to deal woth the zipper...
There would be a lot of difference in durability?
Joe and cassidy...
As for Egypt... right now I am at the terrace of my hotel in front of the central square in Cairo..and guys, they are killing each other....
Watch the events live it at CNN, BBC or Al Jazeera english...
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:14 am
by Michaelson
Uh, the clearance rack suggestion was mine, but what ever.
Ask Peter/Gemma what they may have hanging on the clearance rack too! Sometimes folks return custom jackets that didn't quite 'fit', and you could get a REALLY nice in-house made jacket for a good price. Something to consider as you move forward on a new acquisition.
Regards! Michaelson
Personally I'd go with the soft goatskin myself. Less break in time.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:17 am
by Canyon
Oh my goodness!!!

I really hope that you are okay and I sincerely hope that you saw a doctor.
I'm glad that you were wearing your jacket, as things could have been much worse.

As others have said, you now have an authentic screen accurate jacket, and one of the coolest jackets out there.
Really glad that you're okay, though.

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:23 am
by tekors
Michaelson wrote:Uh, the clearance rack suggestion was mine, but what ever.
Ask Peter/Gemma what they may have hanging on the clearance rack too! Sometimes folks return custom jackets that didn't quite 'fit', and you could get a REALLY nice in-house made jacket for a good price. Something to consider as you move forward on a new acquisition.
Regards! Michaelson
Personally I'd go with the soft goatskin myself. Less break in time.
Regards! Michaelson
Ops, sorry Michaelson...
Do you think a jacket without th inside leather facing would be a problem... does the zipper get often snagged in the lining?
Sorry for so many questions, I jsut want to make the right purchase...

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:34 am
by Michaelson
I can only speak to personal experience....I'VE never had a problem myself with the zipper snagging the lining in either Wested OR G&B jackets, but some folks say they do, so it's a toss up.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:41 am
by tekors
Canyon wrote:Oh my goodness!!!

I really hope that you are okay and I sincerely hope that you saw a doctor.
I'm glad that you were wearing your jacket, as things could have been much worse.

As others have said, you now have an authentic screen accurate jacket, and one of the coolest jackets out there.
Really glad that you're okay, though.

Thanks Canyon,
I actually went back to the hotel and cleaned my wounds. You know, i've got muscle pain and small wounds.. I bled a lot in the beginning. The next day they were healing. My arm and chest hurting less than the first 2 days...
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:44 am
by tekors
Michaelson wrote:I can only speak to personal experience....I'VE never had a problem myself with the zipper snagging the lining in either Wested OR G&B jackets, but some folks say they do, so it's a toss up.
Regards! Michaelson
I understand.... thanks M.
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:51 am
by Weston
Stay safe man! The old Wested now has some honest scars with real experience behind them. That's a keeper!
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:23 pm
Well Tekors, just heard about this.
I think you deserve a replacement at a 'Hero' price.
Contact me through
Peter@Wested.Com to sort it.
Funny I am following the events worried also as I am due vacation at Taba, Egypt Red Sea end of Feb/early March.
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:25 pm
by Michaelson
PETER wrote:Well Tekors, just heard about this.
I think you deserve a replacement at a 'Hero' price.
Contact me through
Peter@Wested.Com to sort it.
Funny I am following the events worried also as I am due vacation at Taba, Egypt Red Sea end of Feb/early March.

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:47 pm
by Adventure Dog
Maybe you can frame the jacket next to a picture of the policeman who shot you!
The Wested Goatskin was defined as "Bullet Proof" by someone on this board I think? Maybe you should go with that.
Keep safe!
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:18 pm
by WhipDude
Michaelson wrote:PETER wrote:Well Tekors, just heard about this.
I think you deserve a replacement at a 'Hero' price.
Contact me through
Peter@Wested.Com to sort it.
Funny I am following the events worried also as I am due vacation at Taba, Egypt Red Sea end of Feb/early March.

Let me double ditto that.
Now THAT'S a great vendor attitude!
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:21 pm
by IndianaChris711
PETER wrote:Well Tekors, just heard about this.
I think you deserve a replacement at a 'Hero' price.
Contact me through
Peter@Wested.Com to sort it.
Funny I am following the events worried also as I am due vacation at Taba, Egypt Red Sea end of Feb/early March.
Wow, how about that Peter giving you a replacement for that jacket, that is very awesome right there.
Tekors, glad you made it through that attack alright, and that is was not worse than it could have been. I would be glad to get out of there myself, many people are leaving the Egypt area. Glad the Wested did its job and made the injury less worse than it could have been. Thanks for sharing your story by the way.
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:41 pm
by tekors
Yes, my Wested is now my lucky jacket. I love this jacket... and I am going for a goatskin.

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:45 pm
by Michaelson
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:51 pm
by binkmeisterRick
So, Peter, if I, um, had a cat... um, a HUGE cat that is, er... sleep on my Wested and, uh, wrinkle it... can I get a new jacket?
Just kidding!
Good on you for offering to help out tekors on this one!

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:03 pm
by tekors
PETER wrote:Well Tekors, just heard about this.
I think you deserve a replacement at a 'Hero' price.
Contact me through
Peter@Wested.Com to sort it.
Funny I am following the events worried also as I am due vacation at Taba, Egypt Red Sea end of Feb/early March.
wowww... i am without words
Thank you so much... I was soooo sad when I saw my Wested in that state.
I will send you an email, but will also call you as soon as I go back to Beirut.
You will not remember, but when I bought my wested I went personnaly to your shop. You gave me a ride to the train station.
The BRazilian guy living in Beirut... anyways!! Thank you so much for the offer.
As for Egypt things are hot here, but I guess until end of Feb they might have reached some sort of agreement.
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:11 pm
by Mike
Beruit as a safe haven?! Boy, am I aging myself if I say I remember that wasn't always considered the case?

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:33 pm
by tekors
btw... i think i will send the bill to the president of Egypt... Hosni Mubarak...
Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:34 pm
by Michaelson
Good luck collecting on that!

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:37 pm
by Mitch LaRue
teko, my friend...
It's been a busy day for me
(although, clearly, NOTHING like the kind of day YOU'VE been having) and this has been my first chance to check in here at COW...
so, please forgive my delay in reacting:
As others here have said, I'm so relieved to know that you're okay...
PLEASE, my friend, continue to be safe and excersize caution at all times... and I hope you can also find the time to keep checking in with us so that we know that you're still okay.
Michaelson is -no surprise- right on the money when he says that the damage to your jacket
marks you in the eyes of those individuals looking to lay their hands on someone they consider guilty of something just because it looks like they've been somewhere or did something.
As unfortunate as it is, that jacket has a permanent "badge" on it that puts you closer to a situation you don't want to find yourself in while you're there.
Pack it up and wear it as your Lucky Jacket
AFTER you're OUT of Egypt.
And stay in touch.
Oh, and Peter:

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:37 pm
by Long John Tinfoil
Holy doodle!

Stay safe over there!

A set of press credentials is no more bulletproof than a leather jacket.
The great thing about real adventures, or living through history, is talking about it afterward. At the time it's uncomfortable, confused and dangerous. We'll all want to hear more later, so make sure you come back with the story, or if that's not possible, come back without it... just make sure you come back.
BTW, Peter

Re: I got shot with rubber bullets with my Wested
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:38 pm
by Michaelson
Mitch LaRue wrote:Pack it up and wear it as your Lucky Jacket AFTER you're OUT of Egypt.
Hear hear!