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What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:59 pm
by Texan Scott
What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies the spirit of adventure?
...inquiring minds want to know!

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:22 pm
by Indyzane
My Tony Nowak Last Crusade by Riley Barrie.

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:24 pm
by BendingOak
My Tony Nowak CS made by Big Tony.
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:24 pm
by Holt
my wested goat that is build like a tank (with the stronger sewing thread).. and I'm sure my new upcomming wested LC will be just as tuff..

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:11 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
For me, it's my Gibson & Barnes goat (which is my one and only Indiana Jones-style jacket):
My dad's attire here (fur felt cowboy hat and leather jacket) is what interested me in matching hats and jackets as a child even before I first saw any of the Indy films.
As I mentioned in another thread:
This strong jacket has really become a part of me over this past quite difficult year. I wore it and slept in it on plane, bus, and car, for a difficult and dangerous journey deep into Mexico to bury my brother-in-law, and wore it with a tie for his funeral. I also wore it on my last horse ride with him last Christmas. I've worn it for so many date nights with my wife over the past year, and I wore it when saying goodbye to my grandfather a couple of months ago. I've worn it for going out with the guys for a few beers, and I've worn it for heading out with colleagues to explore New Orlean's nightlife during a conference. I even brought it along to Israel for excavating this summer (but unlike the previous two excavations, it was too hot and humid even at night to wear a jacket). This jacket been through way more adventures than I had ever thought I'd have this year, and it's offered great protection, looks, and comfort through it all.

Best wishes,
Nebraska Schulte
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:32 pm
by binkmeisterRick
I'd have to say my Eastman Rough Wear A-2 jacket, as those original jackets really DID see adventure!
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:38 pm
by Long John Tinfoil
Interesting question.
I've already said that my LLBean A2 is my "go-to", but as for embodying the spirit of adventure?? I think on this one I'll go with my Australian oilskin "duster".
It's been with me sailing, riding, canoe-tripping, standing up the mountain at the side of race-courses... It's what I throw on over any of my other coats or jackets when conditions get nasty, the one to add when things get really serious, and it's the only outer garment that I think I could just lay down in and pass a not too horrific outdoor night in pretty severe weather (not stupid severe, but more than just unpleasant and uncomfortable). I take it when I'm out for more than just a day and may need "insurance" for that range of circumstances between misery and survival.
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:18 pm
by kwad
My old biker style leather jacket from highschool.
I wore that jacket until it started to come apart at the seams, then I riveted them back together!
It has seen dirt, snow, rain, and a little blood.
It has been in fights (and also the exact opposite, but, this is a family forum).
It has been used as a blanket/pillow/cusion/pot holder.....etc
I even had a tweaker try to mug me for it.
That jacket has been to Heck and back and has every scuff and scratch to show for it (every one of them well earned).
I would still be wearing it to this day, but, sadly I no longer fit.
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:30 pm
by Indyzane
Tundrarider wrote:Hmmmm....that would have to be my
latest it Dec 22nd....working up the thread now....

Hey Michael nice to see you around! Can't wait to see your new jacket!

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:24 am
by Tibor
Michael, can't wait to see what your new thread has 'cause your avatar pic Nowak is about the best I've ever seen. For me, it's my Nowak/Riley goat Raiders.
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:06 am
by Long John Tinfoil
_ wrote:Bates Terminator. Never wore a jacket before that actually - well - made people afraid of me.
When Kelly saw a pic of the jacket she said it "wasn't me" and I thought she might be right. Some people can't wear it and I was afraid I was one. When it arrived, I did the hot water and tumble dry thing and then wore it to pick ip Kelly at the Nordstroms in Carmel. She was there for an event. I hadn't shaved and wore a grey t-shirt, jeans and harness boots with it. I was just being comfortable. People were literally avoiding me and were afraid of me. I thought it might be my imagination, but then Kelly flat-out jumped when she turned around and saw me. She said outloud " it's ok - he's my husband and he's a CPA for goodness sake." There was a nervous chuckle.
She's concerned because apparently I really CAN pull it off. I get treated completely differently when I wear it. Maybe I'll wear it to church and see what happens.
Got pix?
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:38 am
by SpeedRcrX
I'm curious to see pictures myself, I want to see THE terminator

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:40 am
by binkmeisterRick
Aw, c'mon, _, we know you're cuddly on the inside.

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:54 am
by Texan Scott
Great smattering of responses here, and a few surprises! Literally all over the boards with these choices, and that's a good thing!
Lately, my choice has been the USW Legend import jacket in antique cow. This one caught me off guard, as I really did not expect what I received. At $195, it could possibly be the best deal in the forum at present. Right out of the box, the leather looks worn and weathered, marked, beaten and slightly sueded, appearance-wise it is as if someone threw rust all over it as they put it together. With this jacket, the smell gets there before YOU do, and that's not so bad!
Getcha another snort and pass the whip, would ya'?
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:56 am
by maboot38
My old high school letterman's jacket

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:42 pm
by Michaelson
NOW I see why folks avoid you.
They're probably afraid they'll get snagged on one of those pocket zippers!!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:59 pm
by Michaelson
Both film accurate and anything that gets caught in them!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:06 pm
by singsingjohnny
Whoa, beautiful jacket _! Looks great and seems to fit you like a glove...absolutely phenomenal!

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:22 pm
by binkmeisterRick
He's a CPA! A Certified Public Assassin!

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:08 pm
by Michaelson
_ wrote:.... but Tony knew how to fit a bodybuilder.
Heck, he knew how to fit a fellow with a middle age spread in Tennessee too, among others!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:18 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Todd, an excellent jacket--you pull it off quite well!
Indyzane, that's a great looking LC you have there!

Best wishes,
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:35 pm
by SpeedRcrX
Stunning jacket and some serious T-800 that I wouldn't like to meet if my name was Sarah Connor
For me that jacket would be my Surrogates one (I'm looking for something similar from Aero, I'm waiting to hear from them.)

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:17 pm
by Holt
You really pull of the look.

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:03 pm
by Long John Tinfoil
WOW! That's scary - and with a black T ...
Maybe in my next life I'll stay fit, eat properly, work out and...
Nah! Maybe next time I'll have my surrogate do all that for me.
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:17 pm
by Mitch LaRue
Tundrarider wrote:Hmmmm....that would have to be my
latest it Dec 22nd....working up the thread now....

No pressure or anything, Michael... but the anticipation to see this newest jacket of yours is
killing me!
I'm really looking forward to learning more.

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:53 pm
by Michaelson
Jessica Rabbit wrote:Dang it!!!! That's supposed to be a PM!!! I must be blonde today.

Kelly, we need to make you a mod. WE do stuff like that all the time around this joint!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:51 pm
by binkmeisterRick
So do we!

(Just kiddin' Todd!

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:22 pm
by Tibor
Tundrarider wrote:Tibor wrote:Michael, can't wait to see what your new thread has 'cause your avatar pic Nowak is about the best I've ever seen. For me, it's my Nowak/Riley goat Raiders.
Thanks, Tibor!!!

And as for
your favorite, can you throw up a pic or two? Couldn't find one in my search...

(Or direct me to the thread.


Here are the Nowak twins: ... C_0331.jpg

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:42 pm
by Tibor
Well, I don't know much. It was old stock shrunken lamb Tony had laying around. He said he had enough to make 3 jackets and that was the last of it. When I received it, I thought it was really cool, but it wasn't "Raiders" to me. I wanted the dark look of the original shrunken lamb he started with. I think at the time he was between the original shrunken lamb that some folks found too grainy, and the new shrunken lamb that he used subsequently, so he tried this out.
This led to the story of him making me a free replacement out of the new shrunken lamb which was really overwhelmingly generous. By then I was hooked on the original so I sort of sold that one (well, I sent it to a COW member who made a donation to Doctors Without Borders - didn't think I should profit from it). Anyway, long story short, I still wanted a dark jacket, thus the Nowak/Riley goat on the left.
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:45 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Tibor wrote:
By then I was hooked on the original so I sort of sold that one (well, I sent it to a COW member who made a donation to Doctors Without Borders - didn't think I should profit from it).

Nice to see some folks look beyond opportunities to profit from the generosity of others.
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:23 am
by cyrano
For me that jacket would be my Surrogates one (I'm looking for something similar from Aero, I'm waiting to hear from them.)
Speed, I am on the same track.
My 2011 jacket will be a 30's halfbelt from aero. probably around April (trip in scotland) i'll let you know how it will sort out.
Meilleurs voeux
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:11 am
by Ian
Just seen this......Todd...that jacket is just......
I'd never be able to pull that off...
It suits you down to the ground though....I guess though with your experience in the leather jacket milieu, you know exactly what is and what isn't you...
SpeedRcrX.......Love that Surrogates!!
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:46 am
by Michaelson
Jessica Rabbit wrote:That's sweet but I have enough on my hands with Todd. Swak!

Understood....BELIEVE me!
HIGH regards! Michaelson
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:11 am
by Michaelson
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:27 am
by HWaltonJonesJr.Phd
You should be in a padded white room _. Do the voices ever stop?

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:28 am
by Texan Scott
Tundrarider wrote:Tibor wrote:Michael, can't wait to see what your new thread has 'cause your avatar pic Nowak is about the best I've ever seen. For me, it's my Nowak/Riley goat Raiders.
Thanks, Tibor!!!

And as for
your favorite, can you throw up a pic or two? Couldn't find one in my search...

(Or direct me to the thread.


Quit teasing and.....
Post 'em UP!!!
...git 'em up here on these boards, feller!

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:40 am
by Michaelson
Ok, gentlemen, let's please get this back on the rails.
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:41 am
by Texan Scott
Not rackets, but jackets!

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:42 am
by Michaelson
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:57 am
by Texan Scott
Question is....will you be back?
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:00 am
by Indydawg
If I have to stick with jackets just IN my possession, at the moment, it would be a dead tie between the goatskin Expedition jacket and the bison Legend jacket, photos of which I STILL have to get posted here.
Although my Aero Real Deal A-2 runs a CLOSE second...
Scott...that post just started AC/DC's Back in Black tearing through my head, man...NICE!!!

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:23 am
by Tibor
_ wrote:After a couple requests by guys with good eyes.
Yes, that is brown, not black. I had the following mods made:
Chocholate vs black
The gunmetal zips vs standard black
One-piece back vs two (no seam up middle)
And I removed the belt - a matter of taste
Cost was $1,150. Wait time was 4 months. It weighs ten pounds - about twice what an Indy jacket weighs. Most of that is because of the multiple pockets which are all comletely made from the same hide as the jacket shell. So at one point in the belly there are at least 6 layers of leather.
Yikes, 10 pounds! That's armor, not a jacket - you gotta stay away from open water in that... But what a beautiful jacket. I noticed the chocolate color and it has some life, looks comfy and broken-in. Outstanding!
I'm kinda nosing around the notion of a shearling Irvin - maybe Eastman. I kinda like the Gary Cooper, "For Whom the Bell Tolls" look.
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:26 pm
by Tibor
Was it soft and drapey, or soft to touch but kinda stiff? I'm hoping for something that would drape well with less of a Mae West look, if you know what I mean.
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:05 pm
by Indiana Jeff
Indydawg wrote:If I have to stick with jackets just IN my possession, at the moment, it would be a dead tie between the goatskin Expedition jacket and the bison Legend jacket, photos of which I STILL have to get posted here.
Let's see that Bison Legend! If Sarge had had them in stock when I stopped by US Wings in December I'd have one on my back right now. Unfortunately he wasn't getting them in for a few days and I didn't have time in my trip to go back. Perhaps this summer....
Indiana Jeff
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:23 pm
by Indydawg
By week-end, I promise....
In the meantime..." onclick=";return false;
Scroll down to the bison version...Sarge is on the right, and that's me on the left...with Zippo!

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:30 pm
by Holt

Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:42 pm
by Indydawg
I imagine so, _..there is NO way one of those could work where I live...
I actually like the look of Wested's B-3, too..didn't they make the jackets for Memphis Belle?
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:45 pm
by Michaelson
Though I love the look of _'s Terminator jacket, it would only look 'cool' on me while I was sitting down.
10 POUNDS??!!!!
I'd never be able to get out of a chair while wearing one!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:48 pm
by Indydawg
Re: What jacket in your possession BEST exemplifies...
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:49 pm
by Holt
oh, that reminds me. I would love to take a B3 jacket and modify it like the John Connor jacket from the new T-movie.. I LOVE that look. with the red band around the sleeve and all..