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Cabelas close enough KotCS color

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:28 am
by lantzn
Would you guys say the tan is the closer color to the CS shirt? I know others have chosen stone for raiders. I have a Cabelas near me and they offer free shipping to the store. ... Ntt=safari


Re: Cabelas close enough KotCS color

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:14 am
by Dr. Nebraska S.
I've got both the stone and tan colors of the Cabela's safari shirts. I'll try and get a photo for you soon that has them next to each other and to my AB and G&B (to give you some idea of the color). Actually, I think a British tan would work really well, but that's only in the Serengeti Safari shirts.

:TOH: Best wishes,

Re: Cabelas close enough KotCS color

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:05 pm
by lantzn
Nebraska Schulte wrote:I've got both the stone and tan colors of the Cabela's safari shirts. I'll try and get a photo for you soon that has them next to each other and to my AB and G&B (to give you some idea of the color). Actually, I think a British tan would work really well, but that's only in the Serengeti Safari shirts.

:TOH: Best wishes,
Those look like pretty heavy shirts and not 100% cotton. They are nice looking though.

Re: Cabelas close enough KotCS color

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:01 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
I have the tan. It i MUCH darker than it looks on the website! So is the Grasslands, if anyone is wondering.

Re: Cabelas close enough KotCS color

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 5:51 pm
by Ronski
I'd go with the stone, personally.

Re: Cabelas close enough KotCS color

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:21 am
by IndyRiv

I owned a poly/cotton blend stone shirt of Cabelas (the same one you're referring to) and loved to color. It's a little lighter than what "seems" to be shown on screen and loved the shirt. However, it was not entirely screen accurate in the fact that the pleats are not on them. Yet, for the price, they are one of a few that I've found out there that actually have the pointed epaulettes. Granted, I'm sure there are more places that make them, but I've only found Azuma, Cabelas, and Magnoli. And Azuma, last I heard, only is going with a LC and are not interested at this time in making the CS style. So for the LC/CS fan out there, the choices are much less than for the Raiders fan.

When I bought my shirt, I wanted to put pleats on them. So I either had to: (1) Buy another shirt to get the exact same fabric/color to cut up, or (2) shop around and try to find the same fabric. The latter choice was VERY HARD to come by in a poly/cotton blend and I've been told that these particular companies make the fabric specially so that it's very hard to find the same kind in the same consistency/color in fabric stores. However, I did find the fabric in a very close match to the shirt.

Now, cost. I had a seamstress duplicate the pleats using the fabric, but it cost me around $45-50 to have that done. If you're good at making your own, the cost would be much less. But overall, if you went the "close-enough" fabric route or if you bought another shirt to use for the fabric, you'll most likely end up running around $100 for a nice close-enough.

I'd personally recommend, if you're planning to work on your shirt, to just save up a little more and buy from Magnoli. There, you get THE closest fabric, closest color (if not exact), and all the details are spot-on including the pleats. And the cost, $100, includes shipping to you so really, it's a great deal!

But if you're still interested in the Cabelas, I'd recommend going with their 100% cotton version. It'll feel softer, cooler, and is entirely screen-accurate for pure cotton.

And if you're interested in the actual color before ordering, let me know and I'll send you a free swatch of the "close enough" fabric I mentioned in poly/cotton blend. It's very close to the color of stone they advertise. And I've got A LOT of it left (in case you're interested ;) )