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"Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:23 pm
by gi_canuck
Hmm.. is that just me or these men she listed in her article doesn't seem to be wearing an actual FEDORA? Looks like a bunch of Trilbies to me... except the one Colin Farrell is wearing... Anywho, A woman's perspective on the look of the fedora... Just one woman's opinion. I don't really agree with her opinions or her antics, but hey it's a free country. ... arely-Sexy

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:26 pm
by Michaelson
Considering the article was written over 2 years ago, I think she's been proven wrong many times over. :lol: ;)

Regards! Michaelson

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:41 pm
by gi_canuck
Michaelson wrote:Considering the article was written over 2 years ago, I think she's been proven wrong many times over. :lol: ;)

Regards! Michaelson

Hope so... She left some real snarky comments about some members from Fedora Lounge leaving comments disagreeing with her view and all... She kept forgetting to mention one important fact... it's just HER opinion... Kept trying to push her point as if it's a proven fact? That would have worked up some of the Fedora wearing people for sure... We have many reasons for wearing Fedoras, but her article pretty much made the whole thing look like Fedora wearing men are thing of the past and fashion faux-pa! No wonder why Fedora lounge members got quite defensive about it. ... ardrobe-3/... now THIS, I like...

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:47 pm
by Michaelson
Yep, all subjective, and her opinion only. :M: :tup:

I'm sure glad I'm not guided by some self appointed 'fashion guru' who thinks the world hangs on their every word, and I never HAVE been.

To me they're just a waste of news column space, but then that's just MY opinion. :lol:

Regards! Michaelson

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:10 pm
by BendingOak
It's funny, I read that a while back and had a good laugh because she is out of date. Fedoras are now the main accessory for mens fashion. She might want to update her viewpoint before she's out of fashion. :lol:

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:19 pm
by Michaelson
:M: :tup:

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:21 pm
by gi_canuck
BendingOak wrote:It's funny, I read that a while back and had a good laugh because she is out of date. Fedoras are now the main accessory for mens fashion. She might want to update her viewpoint before she's out of fashion. :lol:
Haha! Awesome. That'll serve her right!!

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:56 pm
by beaverlid
To be honest, I like being out of fashion, if thats the classification wearing a fedora puts me in. Have you seen what people are wearing these days?!! :lol:

If thats how I have to dress to be fashionably acceptable, I will just continue to be the unfashionable one in the crowd.


Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:12 pm
by Michaelson
There inlies the irony of the article. We ARE the 'crowd'.

So much for the opinion of that 'expert'.

Regards! Michaelson

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:36 am
by afterthedog
First of all, I immediately dismiss anyone who purposely and repeatedly mis-spells words like "Gawd", "hawt" and "cos" in an attempt to seem "hip". And when she decides to refer to me as "whitey"? Well, that's just the icing on the cake, isn't it?

I would argue that any one of those posed, professional pics she refers to as "sexy" would look great if the guys were wearing a fedora in them, as opposed to those candid pics.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:49 am
by Mountaineer
I read this quote long ago, and I forget to whom it could be properly attributed, but I've made it one of my personal go to phrases:

Fashions will come and go, but good style is timeless.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:51 pm
by Indiana MarkVII
Mountaineer wrote:I read this quote long ago, and I forget to whom it could be properly attributed, but I've made it one of my personal go to phrases:

Fashions will come and go, but good style is timeless.

My father taught me that lesson many years ago. I'm very glad that he did.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:01 pm
by Indiana MarkVII
I just read her article. While she's entitled to her opinion, I think she is full of rocks. I'd follow her fasion advice only if the moon was made of green cheese. Does she have a picture of herself to share? I'll tell her if she's sexy to me.

A fedora has never gone out of style. Fasion is like the wind, Let it pass. I'll stick with classic style.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:13 pm
by Indiana Bugs
The woman has all the depth of a kiddie pool. She wouldnt know a proper fedora if it bled to death on her front lawn, this, even though the proper one on Farrell looks pretty durn good.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:34 am
by Serial Hero
My favorite part is that all the ads down the side are for hat shops (with pics of fedoras).


Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 7:35 am
by Fedora
She left out Johnny Depp. Who looks quite stylish in his fedoras. Some of those hats like Timberlake wears, I don't care for myself. I call those "hat caricature" hats.

Never trust a person who doesn't like hats is my motto. It's our heritage, not to be fooled with. It's as American as baseball and apple pie. And I want one shading my head as I eat my piece of pie and watch the Braves.

I wonder if she still goes out wearing jogging suits and those ugly running shoes, as formal attire?

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:29 am
by sithspawn
Fedora wrote:She left out Johnny Depp. Who looks quite stylish in his fedoras. Some of those hats like Timberlake wears, I don't care for myself. I call those "hat caricature" hats.

Never trust a person who doesn't like hats is my motto. It's our heritage, not to be fooled with. It's as American as baseball and apple pie. And I want one shading my head as I eat my piece of pie and watch the Braves.

I wonder if she still goes out wearing jogging suits and those ugly running shoes, as formal attire?

She probably wears those pajama pants I see the girls wearing nowadays. :rolling:

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:17 am
by Michaelson
I've SEEN that!!! :shock:

I just thought they were being lazy and didn't feel like getting dressed. You mean that's a fashion statement now??!!!!!! #-o

Regards! Michaelson

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:02 pm
by Indiana Bugs
Michaelson wrote:I've SEEN that!!! :shock:

I just thought they were being lazy and didn't feel like getting dressed. You mean that's a fashion statement now??!!!!!! #-o

Regards! Michaelson
Not only a fashion statement, but also a profound revealer of some deep personal trait belonging to the wearer, as it is printed across her butt.

"Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:31 pm
by djd
I imagine a sexy guy is still a sexy guy if he wears a fedora and a non sexy one is still non sexy whatever he wears. I'm not sure if that makes me more or less shallow than her??

I suppose on a semi serious note, it takes confidence to wear a fed and confidence is generally an attractive trait

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:32 pm
by Tennessee Smith
Indiana Bugs wrote:
Michaelson wrote:I've SEEN that!!! :shock:

I just thought they were being lazy and didn't feel like getting dressed. You mean that's a fashion statement now??!!!!!! #-o

Regards! Michaelson
Not only a fashion statement, but also a profound revealer of some deep personal trait belonging to the wearer, as it is printed across her butt.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:53 pm
by achi11es
Oscar Wilde wrote, "fashion is what one wears oneself. What is unfashionable is what everyone else wears."

The woman is a muppet.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:06 am
by Adventure Dog
Her fixation on "sexy" is what bothers me the most. Oh well, her loss for not thinking men in hats look good. I've never received an ill comment for my hat. I've received a few funny looks, but mostly smiles and a lot of "I like the hat".

Heck, if wearing a hat doesn't make me sexy, but it makes me look good, then I don't WANT to be sexy!

Well.... Let me think about that one some more...

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:09 am
by Strider
So, much longer are we going to continue to talk about this cultural nonentity? Clearly, she has already won, because she has guys like us over here talking.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:04 pm
by Indiana MarkVII
She's a loser in my book Strider. I would not mind seeing ths shut down, but this is a place for hat lovers to vent. I think she is out of line and not worth my time anymore.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:06 pm
by Darth Indiana
Indiana MarkVII wrote:She's a loser in my book Strider. I would not mind seeing ths shut down, but this is a place for hat lovers to vent. I think she is out of line and not worth my time anymore.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:39 pm
by enigmata_wood
anyone can BUY fashion but it takes a real personality to CARRY OFF one's own style

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:34 pm
by Michaelson

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:33 am
by KingHamlet
This seems to be one of those websites where writers gets revenue from page hits, it would seem the best thing to do is ignore her.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:18 pm
by Wolfie
<-- Woman

Fedoras = Sexy. On men AND women. 90% of the time.

She probably thinks wearing Ugg boots with shorts is 'hawt'

Her link is dead at this point for me anyway, so alas. Its a falsehood regardless. Maybe to 15 year olds they arent sexy, but I wouldnt wanna know anyone who thinks they arent.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:36 am
by Mighty_Draw
I think its a mistake to accept the premise; "Fedoras are sexy or not sexy". Clearly some guys can pull it off while pulling in tons of female friends, but I don't think the fedora was ever intended to be worn for sex appeal. So instead of arguing it would be better to say her premise is wrong to begin with. When I put on a fedora I don't look in the mirror and say, "wow I look hot, going to meet the future ex-Mrs.Draw today!". I put it on because I like it, I like the connection with the past, and if I'm outdoors its serving a purpose. If you are going to wear a true fedora you have to know its going to stand out, and be ok with it sexy or not.

"Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:29 am
by djd
If you're sexy without that hat chances are you can be sexy with it. if you're not sexy without it then the hat is unlikely to help....

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:03 am
by Satipo
Just an observation, but doesn't she state that Indiana Jones is "a rare, sexy exception"? In which case, that's probably one of the few fedora styles she actually likes.


Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:18 am
by Long John Tinfoil
djd wrote:If you're sexy without that hat chances are you can be sexy with it. if you're not sexy without it then the hat is unlikely to help....
How did that song go?

"I'm too sexy for my hat..."


Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:05 pm
by starks_6
All I took from that article was that she prefers guys not wearing a hat.... good for her. Judging by that black and white photo she appears to be caked in make-up... reminds me of Homer's make up gun!. I might have to write a blog about how women look better NOT caked in make up :[

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:43 pm
by indyclone
i find that when i wear my fedora i get a lot more responses from ladies , ecspecially from ladies that work in dept. stores . i have read that when a person at a dept store or even a big box store( not exactly sure if thats the right term) says hello to you , its because they have a attraction to what they see , it was something like 76% of them would say hi to someone that looked appealing than someone that they don't find for instance more males say hello to my wife ( she is petite and blonde) and don't ask me anything , but women tend to say hello to me and ask if i need assistance , which means they are attracted to something about me , and since i wear my hat and leather jacket alot , i say that probably has something to it . :)

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:20 pm
by ThatManFromRio
"In every man sleeps a prophet, and when he wakes there is a little more evil in the world."
— Emil Cioran


Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:22 pm
by Indy35
afterthedog wrote:First of all, I immediately dismiss anyone who purposely and repeatedly mis-spells words like "Gawd", "hawt" and "cos" in an attempt to seem "hip". And when she decides to refer to me as "whitey"? Well, that's just the icing on the cake, isn't it?

I would argue that any one of those posed, professional pics she refers to as "sexy" would look great if the guys were wearing a fedora in them, as opposed to those candid pics.
This is exactly what crossed my mind....I cannot respect someone who writes an opinon that comes off sounding like a bubbly teenage this is just some wannabe blogger. Those candid shots of hats, are just that, candid. Find a well photographed version of someone wearing a fedora (properly fitted to them) and its hard to argue that hats can't look good. That said not all men pull it off, some of us are luckier than others.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:24 pm
by inexpensive_jones
Don't stone me for this, but I kind of agree with her. I don't wear my fedora when I want to appeal to the opposite sex. I don't think it does it for me, and that's not why I wear one. I wear one because I think it looks good, it keeps the sun out of my eyes and the rain off my head. But I don't think I look "sexy" in one. If I want to look sharp for the ladies I don't wear a hat. Think about it, in Raiders when Marion and Indy were on the ship together and the romance began, the first thing she did was take off his fedora. Just my opinion.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:21 pm
by BendingOak
inexpensive_jones wrote:Don't stone me for this, but I kind of agree with her. I don't wear my fedora when I want to appeal to the opposite sex. I don't think it does it for me, and that's not why I wear one. I wear one because I think it looks good, it keeps the sun out of my eyes and the rain off my head. But I don't think I look "sexy" in one. If I want to look sharp for the ladies I don't wear a hat. Think about it, in Raiders when Marion and Indy were on the ship together and the romance began, the first thing she did was take off his fedora. Just my opinion.

I think she took it off because it's hard to kiss with it on. Try and and get hot and heavy with it on.

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:37 am
by Indiana Bugs
Yeah, really. Who makes love with a hat on?

"Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:17 am
by djd
Cowboys?? I forget what they did in Brokeback Mountain....

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:26 am
by inexpensive_jones
Cowboys?? I forget what they did in Brokeback Mountain....
Well I didn't see it, but it kind of proves the point, that maybe, just maybe, fedoras don't impress the ladies as much as they do other guys.
That's my wife's opinion, and I'm starting to believe her.

"Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:31 am
by djd
Lol. Maybe so. I'm inclined to stick with my earlier statement that you're either sexy or not. A hat ain't going to help if you're not (but maybe a mask?? )

Re: "Fedora hats are rarely sexy" by Isabella Snow

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:13 pm
by MichaelR
My wife says my Penman makes me look like an old man, but then she's always said old men are far more appealing to her than young bucks, so it works out pretty good for me. She thought I looked like a dork when I first started wearing it, but since that was pretty much what she thought before I started wearing too I called it a draw and wore it anyway because I like it. It grew on her though and now it seems my first sentence applies, based on um..... behavioral evidence I have observed. ;)