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AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics - revised bash

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:52 am
by djd
My AB Rabbit Raiders arrived from Steve yesterday. I'll post some pictures later but this is just to say thanks Steve- I love it! Great colour, great fit and a super Raiders shape complete with turn. Has the Staff of Ra liner too! Couldn't be happier with it :notworthy:

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders

    Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:59 am
    by Doctor_Jones
    Looking forward seeing the pictures.
    Wear it in good health!

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders

    Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:26 am
    by Indiana Bugs
    Yep, always interested in seeing an AB! Looking forward to some pics.

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders

    Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:38 am
    by Texan Scott
    Steve makes a heck of a good Raiders! Post 'em if ya' got 'em! :tup:

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders

    Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:14 am
    by djd

    Sorry about the crappy arms length picture... will try and get a decent one later

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:27 am
    by tekors
    Congrats on your new hat djd
    beautiful lid from Steve as usual....


    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:31 am
    by theinterchange

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:14 pm
    by Noah
    Great looking lid! Congratulations. :)

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:33 am
    by djd
    Thanks guys :)

    I'm waiting on a SoC from Schubert Hats in Aus and then a grey Fed IV for Xmas (I hope) and that's me sorted. That's what I'm telling myself anyhow. My bank balance has been telling me the same for a while...

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders

    Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:02 am
    by tapon
    djd wrote:Image

    Sorry about the crappy arms length picture... will try and get a decent one later
    It is a precious hat

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:41 am
    by Restless Dreamer
    strange crease anyway. the hat seem to be a crossover between Raiders and Last Crusade. the front pinch is too much relaxed for my taste to be a Raiders :-k

    if I may give you some advices, I would suggest to:

    - Lower the back crease: it's too high and it causes back taper
    - Sharpen the front pinch
    - Adjust the side creases: they extend too far in the back. look at these photos to see where the side creases should end (check the second row).
    - Redefine the side curves to make them more visible

    sorry for being such picky, but I could not resist :lol: anyway, the important thing is YOU are satisfied with your hat :tup:

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders

    Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:05 pm
    by Digger4Glory
    djd wrote:Image

    Sorry about the crappy arms length picture... will try and get a decent one later
    Hey djd!! That's a great looking hat and it looks great on you!! Wear it in good health brother!

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:10 pm
    by whipcracker
    I don't doesn't look right on you...I think you better send it over to me so you don't have to take anymore pictures...

    It looks great on you. I am excited to see it with your gear.

    AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:18 pm
    by djd
    Restless dreamer- yes I decided to tighten the front pinch just after I took those pics. I'll have a look at the other issues too. Thanks all

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:57 pm
    by Restless Dreamer
    whipcracker wrote:I don't doesn't look right on you...I think you better send it over to me so you don't have to take anymore pictures...

    @djd: :tup: it's part of the fun of having an Indy hat: crease it, recrease it, adjust it, start over again, then change the style, and so on. you will see that with time, the hat will look like just like you want it ;)

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:08 pm
    by Fedora
    Wow, the creases got knocked out and moved as well. Yeah, tighten up the front pinch, check to see it is 4 3/4 tall, on the front, crease the back down to 4 inches tall, and put wedge looking creaeses in the front, intead of the CS crease. That's how I styled it anyways the day I shipped it out. I thought it was a CS hat there for a moment. Regards, Fedora

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:48 pm
    by theinterchange

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:37 pm
    by Pitfall Harry
    OOh, so Steve's finally selling the new Rabbit AB's??? :-k :o Sorry, I haven't been around much lately so this is news to me even if it's old news for everyone else. LOL :lol:

    Hat looks great by the way. :tup: :TOH:

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 3:45 pm
    by Texan Scott
    ...pays to check in ever once and awhile, PH! :P

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 3:55 pm
    by theinterchange

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 12:25 am
    by Pitfall Harry
    Hahhaa....Scott, you're right. :TOH:

    I *knew* that Steve was going to bring them back but the last I read he'd still been looking for the best rabbit felt to use or something. :? So, yeah I was a little stunned to see they were already being sold. :lol:

    As you all know I'm a big fan of Steve's Rabbit AB's....I just LOVE the way mine has aged and turned out. :) :tup:

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:09 pm
    by Texan Scott
    That's great! Post up some pics if you have a chance. :tup:

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders

    Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:04 pm
    by Travelsonic
    djd wrote: Image
    The bash looks like it extends too far back. The dent looks like it travels almost 3/4 of the way back on the crown - 1/3 - 3/8ths of the way back looks more right.

    This is my rabbit AB after some fixing up, also going for a Raiders look:



    AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:19 pm
    by djd
    Gosh! To me those dents don't go far enough back compared to what's on screen in raiders . Admittedly mine go too far but I don't think yours are far enough. Maybe it's just me though! I'll post some updated pics of mine soon I hope now it's been tweaked a little more

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:27 pm
    by Travelsonic
    I think maybe it is just the angle of the shot I took, then again I dunno

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:36 pm
    by Indiana Bugs
    travelsonic, that looks pretty good to me.

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:40 pm
    by Travelsonic
    I hope it helps in fixing the bash on that hat - if he is going for a Raiders look.

    AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:19 am
    by djd
    The raiders side dents extend almost half way back in many of scenes. Particularly the SOC hat. I've tightened up the front pinch, lowered the back slightly and taken the dents out to about half way. I'll post some updated pics soon :)

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics

    Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:56 pm
    by Fedora
    djd wrote:The raiders side dents extend almost half way back in many of scenes. Particularly the SOC hat. I've tightened up the front pinch, lowered the back slightly and taken the dents out to about half way. I'll post some updated pics soon :)

    I like this pic here, to use to do the creases on the sides.


    Notice, while the very top of the crease does go back halfway on the crown, the bottom of that crease is a good 45 degree angle. Very important, I think.

    On the left side of the SOC hat the creases on the front/sides does not extend as far back as the first pic above.


    Here is another little variation on the crease.


    The exterior temple hat seems to have shallow and short creases.


    And some more for giggles.


    AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics - revised

    Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:59 pm
    by djd
    Thanks Steve that's helpful :) . One of the difficulties I seem to have with this hat is that because the felt is so soft it's hard to get that 45 degree definition in the side dents. Under most lighting conditions the angle just doesn't look that defined compared to my old uptowner which is far stiffer but with consequently much more angular dents. Does that make sense?

    Anyhow, some revised bash pictures:


    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics - revised bash

    Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:28 pm
    by djd
    New pics :anxious:

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics - revised bash

    Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:17 am
    by whipcracker
    It looks good. I bet it will come around as you fiddle with it. Just wear it and tweak it as you go.

    Nice Cpt Blood tee shirt. Long live the Flynn!

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics - revised bash

    Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:25 am
    by Indiana Bugs
    I dont know. I think I would just wet it down and go at it a little more vigorously - just mash some dents into it. If its a Raiders, especially a SoC, look youre going for, then youll need to 'beat it up' a little bit, imho. The SoC has has severity.

    AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics - revised bash

    Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:38 am
    by djd
    Yes you're probably right bugs. The front crease is actually very sharp now but doesnt show up in that lighting as such. The SoC hat really has an almost square looking top front the front- very angular. Has anyone seen what the top bash looks like on that one? I probably need to sit on it!

    AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics - revised bash

    Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:40 am
    by djd
    whipcracker wrote:It looks good. I bet it will come around as you fiddle with it. Just wear it and tweak it as you go.

    Nice Cpt Blood tee shirt. Long live the Flynn!
    Yes Flynn was the man. Cary grant, bogart and Flynn. They really don't make them like that any more...

    Flynn didn't wear a fedora often on film but he looked good in one when he did

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics - revised bash

    Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:59 pm
    by whipcracker
    It probably is a good thing they don't make 'em like Flynn anymore. I don't think Hollywood could take it. ;)

    AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics - revised bash

    Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:12 pm
    by djd
    True enough :)

    Oliver Reed was probably the last proper #### raiser to pass away. The modern guys like Crowe and Colin Farell are mainly hot air. Crowe seems to get himself in a lot of fights are always comes off worse... Flynn and John Huston once had a punch up that apparently lasted over an hour. They became quite friendly afterwards. Real men! Lol

    Re: AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics - revised bash

    Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:23 pm
    by Johnny Fedora
    ahem...Peter O'Toole still lives. :TOH:


    AB Rabbit Raiders- Now with pics - revised bash

    Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:27 pm
    by djd
    How could I forget!

    Reed was always my favourite out of that bunch though. A real character as they say.... TOH