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"That Man in the Hat"

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:34 am
by Indiana Jeff
So I'm sitting a work doing what I do (mostly surf COW ;) ) when I get a call from the Buildings Operations Office. The staff assistant asks me if I'm missing my money clip. I say, "I don't think so...wait a minute, I am missing my money clip." :( She says one had been turned in to their office and I should come down to claim it. When I get to Building Ops I describe what it looks like and they hand it over. :D

Apparently when I went to the cafe in our building for lunch, I laid my money clip on the counter next to the register rather than putting it back in my pocket like I normally do. #-o The cashier found it after I had left, but didn't know my name. :-k He took it to Building Ops as a 'lost and found' item and told them "That man that wears the hat everyday left this at the cafe." Well, the Admin in Building Ops thought of me first as "the man in the hat" and gave me a call immediately. :)


Indiana Jeff

Re: "That Man in the Hat"

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:35 am
by tekors
Great story Indiana jeff
:tup: :tup: :)

If I may share "the man with the hat" stories.
In coffee shops here in Beirut, when I order something, the staff would write "man with the hat" so they know for whom the order belongs.... :D


Re: "That Man in the Hat"

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:32 am
by MaXer
Awesome :D Both of the stories.

Re: "That Man in the Hat"

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:34 am
by Michaelson
I can see good points and bad in these examples.

It's great that the hat has become your trademark....the bad is that should someone else do something illegal in your area, and they wear a like hat, you will be the first person the police will look for. :-k


That said, I'm in a worse situation, as I'm known as the 'old guy with the moustache, hat, and drives that antique car.' :M: :Plymouth:

Regards! Michaelson

Re: "That Man in the Hat"

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:09 pm
by Indiana Jeff
Yeah, but where are they going to find 5 other guys to stand with you in the line-up?

;) :) :( 8) :M: :[

Um, Officer, I think he's #5.


Indiana Jeff

Re: "That Man in the Hat"

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:12 pm
by Michaelson
Like I my case a lose/lose/lose situation, I'm afraid. #-o ;)

Regards! Michaelson

Re: "That Man in the Hat"

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:52 pm
by scot2525
Great stories gentleman! Just goes to show some people are paying attention from time to time.

Re: "That Man in the Hat"

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:01 pm
by tekors
Michaelson wrote:I can see good points and bad in these examples.

It's great that the hat has become your trademark....the bad is that should someone else do something illegal in your area, and they wear a like hat, you will be the first person the police will look for. :-k


That said, I'm in a worse situation, as I'm known as the 'old guy with the moustache, hat, and drives that antique car.' :M: :Plymouth:

Regards! Michaelson
Couldn't agree more....
In fact sometimes when I go to certain places and don't want people to remember me the first thing I do is to leave my hat at home.
These days a friend introduced me to a person i my neighbourhood who used to see me almost everyday with my hat on the streets. And it happened that I wasn't wearing my lid. Suddenly he looked to me carefully :-k and said:
"Wait a minute, aren't you that guy with the hat?" :CR:

Re: "That Man in the Hat"

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:11 pm
by tekors
Michaelson wrote:That said, I'm in a worse situation, as I'm known as the 'old guy with the moustache, hat, and drives that antique car.' :M: :Plymouth:

Regards! Michaelson
I try to imagine the scene, the sheriff knocking at your door Michaelson :M: and saying:

"Sorry pal, but with all these trademarks described by the witnesses I will have to indict you for the robbery of the town's Ark"

:rolling: :rolling:

Re: "That Man in the Hat"

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:17 pm
by Michaelson
:CR: "Your Honor! It wasn't ME! It was the one legged CHICKEN!!"


Re: "That Man in the Hat"

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:51 am
by tekors
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: