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Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 5:48 pm
by Jonesy
I just receieved word that Wested is going to do a limited run
of the awesome jacket from "The Rocketeer."

I'm sure I speak for some other board members when
I say what an awesome, and very under rated, movie
this really is!!!

Here's all the info:


I recieved this information from a Rocketeer newsletter:

Wested Leather, the makers of the Indiana Jones jackets
and tons of other film worn leather has offered to make us
(the fans of the Rocketeer) a replica jacket from
the patterns I own, taken from a screen used jacket.
Pictured here is the prototype jacket. As you can see
it is identical to Cliff Secords jacket in the film. The leather
type and color used on the prototype jacket is not the
leather that will be used in the final run. The final jackets
will be the same shade and finish as the film jacket.

In order to insure a good color match for the leather, all
the leather needs to be ordered and dyed at the same time.
This is the reason for this email. If you are interested in
getting this jacket NOW is the time. Depending on how
many jackets are made the cost will be 450.00 to 550.00
per jacket. The jacket will be made to your measurements.

I know there are several other promising jacket replicas
being talked about and planned. I am helping with all of
them. Wested is the only company in the last four years
to successfully make one of these jackets. I will continue
to work with the other companies in the hopes of another
replica, but Wested is ready to go and they definitely know
how to make a jacket!


Now I talked to Peter, and I got this letter back from him:

Many thanks for your enquiry about the Rocketeer Jacket
soon to be in production here at Wested Leather.

At the moment there are a number of sourcing issues that
need to be solved before we are able to create the perfect
replica. We are addressing these problems as we speak
and once we have resolved all the issues and have agreed
the final design with Bob, we will be able to proceed.
Unfortunately, we are unable to estimate a final price for
the jackets at this time due to these issues, and the time
taken in manufacture means that only one or two will be
possible before Christmas. It will be far more likely that the
bulk of the jackets will be available by Spring 2004.

I am sorry to disappoint you at the moment but, rest assured,
we are proud of our products and would rather delay the
launch and have everything perfect than rush and spoil
everyones anticipation of the ultimate jacket.

Cheers Peter


Anyways, I will most definetly be ordering a jacket from Peter!
This is one jacket I must have in my closet! Here is the picture
of the Wested Rocketeer!! Enjoy!


Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 6:31 pm
by SWTroopers
Great googly-moogly :shock: That's killer news. Time to start saving up!


Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 7:16 pm
by SAB
Can I get a rocketpack as well ? :)

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 8:19 pm
by IndianaCollins
cool jacket, dude. never seen the rocketeer though.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 9:16 pm
by IndianaJames
:shock: Pretty cool, you would be the ONLY one wearing one around your block, or city for that matter!!



Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 9:55 pm
by Fedora
That would make a great biker jacket. I like the thing. Fedora

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 10:45 pm
by indy_den
Rocketeer was a really good movie set in the 1930s with an all-star cast such as Timothy Dalton and Jennifer Connelly, though it never got the recognition it deserves. Anyhow, that's a great-looking jacket and I have not seen one person wear a jacket like that to date. So yea, you'll definitely be the only one in the city with that. :D

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 12:56 am
by Lindiana
The jacket's is awesome but I want the helmet!!

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 1:11 am
by agent5
If you want a helmet they are available right now for $250 and they are cast off an original. :D
You can also get really nice kits of the rocket pack. I'm not sure on the price though.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 1:35 am
by Sztybel
I'm going to scream. I am going to scream long and hard and I will probably rupture my vocal chords! I have been plotting how the heck I would be able to design this jacket from scratch. I've been calling leather shops here in the U.S. and the bottom line on the jacket STARTED at $435.00. Might I mention none of these shops nears the quality of a Wested?

This would be an absolute dream come true for me. Lately I've been digging through my Rocketeer DVD, even looking into the ultra expensive (and detailed) Medicom figure just so I could come close to reproducing the jacket from this fine movie. :D

I hope that this post can take on a life of its own elsewhere, so the moderators don't shut it down. Please, Jonesy, contact me via e-mail or PM to allow me into the loop on this project. I am a huge fan of the Rocketeer and still maintain my position that it's one of the finer films of the past 50 years. I remember staring endlessly at the costume when it was on display at MGM Studios in Florida.


Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 2:24 am
by skywlkr
While browsing the internet I found Motor Cowboy a site that offers the Rocketeer's boots for just about the same price as Aldens.
They also offer replicas of boots from various other movies. I have never ordered anything from them, so use discretion.


Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:22 am
by Sztybel
I have seen the Rocketeer style boots at the Motor Cowboy site as well. He appears to have the design nailed to the T, but I'd have to investigate further.

One particular Rocketeer costume worth taking a look at would be by David Silva. Search for his name using He made the majority of his particular costume from scratch using Foamcore and other interesting methods. I have tried e-mailing him in the past, but have never received a response. You would think he'd be interested in talking shop.

Is there a place we can move this thread as to avoid conflict with Indy-related gear? Just trying to be cautious with the posting.


Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 11:47 am
by Michaelson
Where it's Wested related, I don't see a big conflict, but I'm just one voice in the group. I'm not going to touch the thread as long as it stays on track. Regards. Michaelson


Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 12:04 pm
by Sztybel
From the language used in the posting from Jonesy, I wonder if a pre-order is required to have a spot on the limited Spring 2004 run of the jacket.

"In order to insure a good color match for the leather, all
the leather needs to be ordered and dyed at the same time.
This is the reason for this email. If you are interested in
getting this jacket NOW is the time. Depending on how
many jackets are made the cost will be 450.00 to 550.00
per jacket. The jacket will be made to your measurements." seems that in order to get in on the run we would have to get measurements and payment to Wested long before Spring 2004 arrives. If we must act now, then how should we go about doing so? I just want to make sure I don't miss the boat on such a rare find.

I would imagine the details on the Wested Rocketeer would be quite close to the screen used jacket. Such things would include the titled airman's chest pockets which can be seen when the buttoned flap is partially open. I really not worried since we have two positive forces in our favor. 1) The original patterns being used and 2.) Wested Leather is the company using those patterns


Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:05 pm
by Sztybel
I hope this thread remains active. If it happens to drop off the face of the board, I'd like to sign up for the mailing list Jonesy is on. I've waited a long time to hear ANYTHING new about The Rocketeer, so needless to say when this thread went up I got very excited.

Anyone interested in keeping in touch with one another about this subject or anything else Rocketeer related, please PM me. Thanks!


Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 4:17 pm
by Sztybel
Anyone other there I can get in touch with about this jacket? I'd like to know more. I've tried PMing members, but no response in close to a month. Thanks!


RE: Shopping with MotorCowboy on Boots

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 9:16 pm
by JerseyJones
Jim Evans runs the site and sold my custom made Obi Wan Ep II boots which are artwork and fit me new like 10 year old boots. His response time was great with me and if you do good tracings and measurements, you'll have great custom boots an an absurdly low price.

I recently hinted that a reasonably priced replica of a certain adventurer's boot, might be well recieved here. :D

My experience was great with MotorCowboy. I suggest you e-mail Jim Evans first and talk to him.

Cheers !

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 9:26 pm
by Shtick
This is another costume I would love to have. I passed (wisely) on a replica helmet for $700 right after the films came out. Fit like a glove, though.

The movie had a great look to it, but the story was a bit lacking. It's a shame, too. I was really hoping for better things from it.

Great to hear it's being kept alive with this new jacket. Looks perfect.

Now if only I could've gotten my hands on the Disney costume my friend in Character Dept. wore. ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 9:37 pm
by Sztybel
I disagree that the story lacked. It was a good old fashioned action film. The characters were developed enough to get the movie coming across the right way. One of my all time faves.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 7:34 am
by Sztybel
I'm going to respectfully guide this thread back on track as it relates to the Wested version of the Rocketeer jacket coming out in Spring/Summer 2004. Any information we can share each other would be great.

If anyone knows where Jonesy has gone, please advise. I've tried PMing Jonesy for more information on how he is obtaining information about the jacket. If he has disappeared I will resort to e-mailing Peter at Wested. I just wanted to avoid unecessary e-mailing between myself and Peter. He's super busy this time of year.


Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 2:20 am
by reservoirdog
I have looked everywhere for one of these.

I've been considering purchasing a leather sewing machine for over a year now, just so I could have one.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 1:27 pm
by Sztybel
I know how you feel, reservoirdog. It's kind of upsetting that so many people know and love the Rocketeer, but there is such a lack of collectibles out there for it. I am SOOOOOOO glad Wested realized there is a fan base within the film to tap into. I for one will be on Wested's list when the time comes to purchase this jacket.

I urge Jonesy to make a triumphant return to this post. He got us all revved up, but then disappeared. I've tried PMing him but to no avail.


Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 9:45 pm
by reservoirdog
So, can anybody refer me to some Rocketeer fansites or forums? Peter emailed saying to keep checking

Unfortunately, rocketbobs doesn't appear to be fully operational.

Thanks in advance.


Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 12:39 pm
by reservoirdog
Any more news on this?

Hello? ::echo echo echo::

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:35 pm
by Sztybel
Has anyone heard anything about the Rocketeer jacket lately? Peter said back in October to start looking for it in the new year.


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 3:59 pm
by Ihatesnakes
I don't know how relevant it is, but there's currently a 'Rocketeer Style Leather Jacket' on ebay (
ebay wrote: Hand made Leather Jacket based closely on the original design featured in the feature film "Rocketeer". Worn once only. The colour is light tan, the same as in the film, and the only slight differences are that this jacket does not have the straps and buckles on the sleeves and sides of the jacket, although the makers have said that if the buyer wants those they can supply them. The lining is black, and sewn throughout the whole interior of the jacket. The jacket features the traditional western style bib secured by 16 brass buttons. The shoulders also feature epaullets fastened with brass buttons. The size is classed as small to medium. Sleeve length is 23 and a half inches. Overall length of jacket 24 and a half inches. Chest size 38 inches
Now, I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but seeing as this is coming from the UK, could it possibly be from the pre-Christmas Wested Rocketeer batch?

There are no pictures, unfortunately.

Wested prototype?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 4:09 pm
by Sztybel
This could possibly be the prototype for the Wested Leather Co. Rocketeer jacket pictured up top in this post. I'd be interested in bidding on it, can you provide a link to my personal e-mail address? It is:

I know there are rules on the board about posting eBay auctions, so I don't want to accidentally break the law. Thanks!


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 4:35 pm
by Ihatesnakes
I've emailed you the link, Sztybel - but remember, Wested aren't mentioned anywhere in the description.
That was just me wildly theorizing. Talk to the seller if you want the facts :wink:.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:58 pm
by Indiana Neri
agent5 wrote:If you want a helmet they are available right now for $250 and they are cast off an original. :D
You can also get really nice kits of the rocket pack. I'm not sure on the price though.
Where can you find those?? Is there anything on Peter's Wested website that confirms this?

Indy N. :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 8:06 am
by Ihatesnakes
Just thought I'd bump this thread - I'm still very interested in ordering one of these jackets, and now that Peter seems to be making appearances on the board, I wonder if he could update us on how it's all going.

Looking forard to hearing any news :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 3:10 pm
by Sztybel
It is now March 2004. I thought by now we'd have new information about the Rocketeer jackets. Peter told me to be on the lookout early 2004. Hopefully things are going well with design and production. Anybody have any news?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 4:00 pm
by binkmeisterRick
OHMYGOODNESS!!!! I've loved the Rocketeer ever since it was a comic (BEFORE the movie came out) and I've always wanted one of those jackets.... And to keep it Indy related, they were both around during the same time period, so how cool would it be to see them together? A fedora, a whip, a broomhandle mauser, and a rocket pack. What more could a kid want? :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:31 pm
by reservoirdog
Bump. Any word on this? rocketbobs still isn't up.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 4:43 am
by Jonesy
I just emailed Peter asking for any news...

Sorry I've been gone for a while working. But I'm back now and want a Rocketeer jacket. :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 10:40 am
by Got Maul
If anyone is interested in helmets, I know the people who make them. I could set up a bulk order if people are interested.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 10:18 am
Rocketeer. Rocketeer. This is the news.
We have sourced the skin.
We have sourced similar buttons in pewter color that will plated to the brass look.
We have the pattern
We do not have the time as I write as we are tied up with Harry Potter 4
and M.I.3. But I hope to be on line with this by the end of the month.
Weird stuff for HP4. Pics later.

Note: I have today taken an order for Grease the Show. This is a repeat order for the black and silver T'bird biker jackets that we made for the stage show. Anyone interested I can add to the order. I have pics I think.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:12 pm
by reservoirdog
Got Maul wrote:If anyone is interested in helmets, I know the people who make them. I could set up a bulk order if people are interested.
Yeah. I might be interested in that.

It's my understanding that we would have to paint the helmet and shape the lenses ourselves. How insanely difficult is that?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 10:23 pm
by Ghos7a55assin
Can't wait for Harry POtter 4!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:07 am
by Got Maul
*** Good Deal Below****

Alright, for you Rocketeer babies, I was able to find an accurate helmet kit that was pulled from an original. Basically, its as close as you could get. to owning the real thing. This is a kit, not a completed helmet, so don't be deluded. It comes with a Polyurethane rotocasted helmet and lenses.
Anyhow, I was able to convince the maker to pull a small run for JUST COW guys, making it a COW exclusive ! Now depending on the number of people who PM me with TRUE (true as in having real money to spend) interest, I believe we could get this kit easily under 200 perhaps even under 175 depending on number of people. So if you all are interested, NOW is the time to to get this helmet because the more people, the better the cost for everyone.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:02 pm
by Michaelson
You may want to post this in the classified, as a lot of folks won't see this if they don't read the jacket section. Regards.Michaelson

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 6:35 pm
by WConly
Now that you have the about the boots? Found this website and thought you might be interested...they have Rocketeer boots (and other super hero boots, etc.)! Regards: W>

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 9:50 pm
by Rob
They make some nice boots, those folks...

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 12:48 pm
by reservoirdog
Still interested.....just curious about how much work the kit would actually be.

As I recall, the lenses have to be melted and shaped. Doesn't exactly sound like an easy job.

And then painting it is another failure point for me as well.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 3:02 pm
by LuckyLighter
Have there been any updates to the Rocketeer jacket; i.e. availabilty, pricing, that sort of thing? I'd be interested in that as a Christmas gift along with a Raiders jacket, if I knew the Rocketeer were available already. I don't even see it on the Wested website.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:47 pm
by Ken
LuckyLighter wrote:Have there been any updates to the Rocketeer jacket; i.e. availabilty, pricing, that sort of thing? I'd be interested in that as a Christmas gift along with a Raiders jacket, if I knew the Rocketeer were available already. I don't even see it on the Wested website.
I wouldn't worry about that - at the UK summit Peter said he has plans to update the website in the near future as there are shedloads of offerings they can make that they dont currently advertise. Hopefully the new site will show all of these.


Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:22 am
by Swindiana
Indeed. And he also told us there will be a shopping cart function added so that you can buy all your jackets in bulk. ;)


Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:12 pm
by IndianaKrueger
Hi everyone.

Well, you all seem to love the Rocketeer as much as I do, and that being the case, I want you all to take a deeeeep breath, make sure you are sitting down, and go to this link. You will NOT :shock: believe what you are about to see. I am saving for two years for these little beauties. They are completely authentic do to reasons I shant post publically.



P.S., Yes, Motorcowboy has the authentic replica boots nailed. :wink:

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:32 am
by RelicHunter
Bump up.

Has anybody heard anything about this jacket?

By the way, anyone interested in "RocketGear" should check out these links: ... cc7ae53fb2 ... in_Kit.htm

Still waiting on the jacket. A year of patience.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:06 pm
by Sztybel
Well, here it is, almost a year and a half since the jacket was announced. Still waiting on it. Anyone tempted to try and make their own?

I'm still trying to orchestrate the most efficient way to build my own Rocketeer outfit.


Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:40 pm
by TFrosst
Any updates on this Rocketeer jacket? Also, what else will Wested be offering? item from other movies? Oh and one more question. Are any items from the mummy or the mummy returns going to be available?