Anyone know a whipmaker named Michael Brower?

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Anyone know a whipmaker named Michael Brower?

Post by DarenHenryW »

If you do know him, and you know his contact info, (email, phone #, etc.) could you please PM that info to me.


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Re: Anyone know a whipmaker named Michael Brower?

Post by IndianaBravo »

I have a Michael Brower whip. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41003&hilit=+brower He is based out of Michigan. His Ebay moniker ( or the guy who sells them for him) is MrSavings, I believe.

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Re: Anyone know a whipmaker named Michael Brower?

Post by BullWhipBorton »

Daren, Message sent.
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Re: Anyone know a whipmaker named Michael Brower?

Post by DarenHenryW »

Thanks, guys

I've talked to him on the phone a few times, and I placed an order a few months ago and sent him a check. But I never received any email confirmation from him regarding the money I sent, and I've had no luck getting him on the phone over the last few weeks.

The 3-4 times we've talked on the phone have been great, and I always enjoy talking whips, but (like many whip-makers) his estimation for delivery is WAY off. This wouldn't normally concern me, but I feel like I've lost contact entirely, especially because he doesn't have a site.

Most whipmakers take a little (or a lot) longer than they say, and I've come to accept it. This is the first time I've started to worry. Hopefully, the whips will come soon, and I will be able to write a review for all to see.

By the way, I made the order based off of Anthony DeLongis's recommendation. During my last visit, I was able to try a few whips that Mike had made especially for Anthony, and I thought they were very good. The price was right as well. I also know that Anthony is waiting on a few more whips from Mike, so I'm sure I have nothing to worry about, but radio silence is never fun.

Thanks, everyone

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Re: Anyone know a whipmaker named Michael Brower?

Post by louiefoxx »

He hasn't had whips on ebay recently...usually Brower has a whip or two on it.

Oh, on a side note, daren I'm still planning on burning those pics to a disk for you.

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Re: Anyone know a whipmaker named Michael Brower?

Post by Cracker »

I hope it comes through for you Daren. I have a couple of Mike's roo whips and they are both very nicely made.
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Re: Anyone know a whipmaker named Michael Brower?

Post by DarenHenryW »

Hey, for anyone who has been interested in this thread, Mike called me today.

I put a message through to Anthony DeLongis, who had his info, and he spoke to him, and Mike called me up. Apparently Mike was waiting for me to email him, but I didn't have his current email. So, bottom line is: it was all just a communication SNAFU, but it's all cleared up. I have Mike's proper email and current phone number. (if anyone wants it, PM me).

Mike also asked if I knew anything about someone on eBay posing as him. I didn't, but I'm curious if anyone out there has come across someone posing as Mike Brower on eBay.

Bottom line, my whips are finished and I should be receiving them very soon.

I definitely plan on doing a write up with pics soon after I get them.

To anyone who read or responded to this, thanks for the interest.

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Re: Anyone know a whipmaker named Michael Brower?

Post by Cracker »

Glad it turned out good Daren. I'll look forward to seeing the pictures and hearing your thoughts on Mike's whips. I have seen some cowhide whips on Ebay that were supposedly made by Mike, but they didn't look like his quality of whips.
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