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Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:59 pm
by Kazz
Hello all,I am new to the forums so be gentle :D
First off if this is old news sorry in advance but I was scouring the web for the Webley revolver as it seems it is a popular choice and it seems there isn't much in the way of replicas out there,well I found this site and in the WWII section they have a Smith & Wesson Mk II and coming in Dec 2010 a Webley MK IV ,it also appears they are currently working on a whole Indiana Jones page.
Just thought you guys would like to know :)

Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:30 pm
by knibs7
Thanks for the info! BUT... Indy didn't use a MK IV, he used a WG and the S&W hero gun didn't have wooden grips



Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:41 pm
by Kazz
Rookie mistake :D,I guess they could be good for a "close enough" prop

Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:56 pm
by Rook
The all metal MKIV looks pretty nice, even though it's considerably smaller in
size than the WG Indy uses. I wonder if this means that the Denix plant in Italy
got up and running again?

Be nice if it's true. Thanks for sharing the link!

Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 4:28 pm
by Middlesex Smith
Not sure if this is the same one, but I recieved notification that this is now available to order: ... dium=email

If I didn't already have a deactivated mk IV, I'd be in for one!


Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:42 pm
by Rook
Just pulled my MKIV out to compare it to the pics of the replica.

The replica is... perhaps 90% accurate to the originals. What it has going for it is
the fact it's metal. There are some differences to be sure. The barele release lever Isn't spring loaded, the stirrup latches appear to be cast as part of the barrel section. The model stamping is really rough, no Webley trades on the grips, front sight Isn't as pronounced...

You're getting a metal non-gun of course. It will do in a pinch, and has a moveable trigger/hammer/cylinder, but there are some inaccuracies.

Worth $100? Maybe. I couldn't do a resin version for much less than that amount. :)


Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:36 pm
by Elk Grover
It is available here now." onclick=";return false; ... 8-200.html

I got this Denix MkIV about a month ago. The model is nice, but it has a few idiosyncrasies that you might want to know about. I am quoting myself (more or less) from a different thread.

It is the .38 caliber MkIV, not the earlier .455. It does look a little small compared to the Mk VI but it looks pretty good. It does break open for loading, but if you don't hold onto cylinder it will go flying (along with a lone ball bearing) as it is NOT attached. The cylinder turns when you pull the trigger (at least 5 times out of 6) but there is no mechanical stop like a real gun- the cylinder clicks and lines up with the barrel because of the ball bearing and spring catching on the front cylinder openings. There is no spring on the latch, so it is held in place (or not held in place) by the 2 mounting screws. This model is double action only, and there is no shell ejecting mechanism. It may be somewhat illegal, as mine came with NO orange plug.

I have the leather Webley holster- the .38 is a little small for it- the butt does not stick out from under the flap- but it fits reasonably well. The paint job is not perfect, but to be honest, as metal replicas go, from Japan or Spain, it is about par for the course.

I recently found out the dummy shells for the 22 series Denix Peacemakers fit in my model.

Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:50 pm
by Wade Egan
I have similar all metal Enfield .38 model. At least I think it's metal. It has all working parts, dummy shells, and is lots of fun but the finish is a lot less than desirable. Sort of funky looking actually. Fits the Raider holster perfectly though. I'm told it's the Torchwood gun. I'm not much of a Dr. Who fan though.


Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:17 pm
by Rook
Yep, the .38 MKIV is used by the character Captain Jack Harkness in Torchwood/Doctor Who.


Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:40 pm
by Indiana Jerry
I wonder if that's the same one IMA is now carrying...IMA's looks better, same price range ($99), and is 'functional' but a non-gun. cannot be chambered and fired. but the trigger works, chamber turns, and it breaks open for chambering (if you could).

it's also the mk IV 38/200...the timing can't be coincidence. same gun, just w/ better pics and writeup?

shoot...inert non-gun is already missing from IMA pages. hmm?

Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:02 pm
by nevadasmith
Hmmmm.....nice replica. Found one for $59 plus shipping. I guess I will order this one, until I can get a larger weapon [yes, I am still patiently waiting] for the best replica [metal or resin] ever made. Yeah, you know who I am talking about.... :TOH:

Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:37 am
by Elk Grover

Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:07 am
by Indiana Jeff
Albeit a good looking replica, that's a Mark IV and is significantly smaller than the Mark VI or WG. It's more on par with a S&W.


Indiana Jeff

Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:30 am
by IndianaSean
knibs7 wrote:Thanks for the info! BUT... Indy didn't use a MK IV, he used a WG and the S&W hero gun didn't have wooden grips


However Indy does use the Mk VI in the novels. I suppose it's all about what media (books, movies) you want to base your impression on. :-k

Sean :TOH:

Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:16 pm
by Elk Grover

Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:40 pm
by binkmeisterRick
The Mark IV is also a .38 as opposed to the .455 of the Mark VI. ;)

Re: Webley Mark IV replica coming soon...

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:27 am
by aog bliss
I have seen the IV in several places, I always keep my eye out for you guys even though I am not an avid collector. Some day I shall be.