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AB & Penman INDY ribbon test results

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:07 pm
by BendingOak
I had the official Indy ribbon of Adventurebilt hats and Penman hats tested by two different ribbon makers. Two of the biggest makers of ribbon in the country. They both came back with the same results. First they said right away that they could tell just by handling the ribbon that it was different than any modern ribbon they have. They both said it was pure rayon and the main reason they couldn't replicate it is because it spun differently from modern ribbon. Ribbon like this hasn't been spun in a long time, more than 30 or 40 years. I also had them look at vintage ribbon I had and they tested that sample and it came back with the same results. The end result is the "indy" ribbon we use is made exactly like ribbon used to be made. This is exactly like vintage ribbon but just still being made today by one company. The companies said they must be using old world machines to have this ribbon spun because modern machine are not set up to do this. both these places did their ribbon like this but not in a long time. I would like to say more but Im keeping the secrets to myself and the two AB guys.

For all those who go out of their way looking for a piece of history of the Raiders hat. Based on the location and how long its been in the biz and how they make ribbon still. it's right here, Marc Kitter found it.

Re: AB & Penman INDY ribbon test results

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:23 pm
by Noah
Thanks to Marc for finding the ribbon :)

By observing the ribbon on the hat I just received from you John I know that it is very good.

Re: AB & Penman INDY ribbon test results

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:20 pm
by Bemo
Fascinating! What a score for you guys. :clap:

Re: AB & Penman INDY ribbon test results

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:00 pm
by Fedora
Great info John! Thanks. Fedora