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Whip practice with an 8' Todd's
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:07 am
by Zoltar
Hi I need a bit of advice to get me cracking
I bought a Todd's 8 footer from another member as a costume whip to complete my gear with no intentions to use it for cracking. I now fancy learning a few basic cracks and intend to eventually get a really nice whip. I have no idea of the best way into this. I don't want to spend a load of cash on a good whip and wreck it learning the basics. Can I learn anything from the Todd's, or is it worth getting a nylon whip to get me started ? I really have no idea

any advice is much apprieciated.
Re: Whip practice with an 8' Todd's
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:20 am
by Kentucky Blues
Re: Whip practice with an 8' Todd's
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:27 pm
by kwad
The Todd's 8' is not the best whip out there, but it is more than useable.
I don't think you'll wreck it learning the basics unless you are really abusing it (cracking on gravel, hitting brick walls, trying to swing from it.....)
Do yourself a favor and check out Adam Winrich's videos on youtube.
Re: Whip practice with an 8' Todd's
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:34 am
by Zoltar
Thanks guys
I got the Todd's for a good price so I don't mind sacrificeing it to get some practice in. Just don't want it to disintergrate on the first go! It was well looked after when I recieved it a couple of monts ago, not dry at all but I gave it a good slather in Pecards so it's probably good to go.
I'll definatly check out some videos before I start, I had a couple of cracks with an 8 footer once. First crack hit my shoulder (thank god for my Wolvie jacket) the second my calf
I'll let you know of it goes !
Re: Whip practice with an 8' Todd's
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:46 pm
by hollywood1340
If your looking for a good whip to use and practice on, go with nylon.
Re: Whip practice with an 8' Todd's
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:50 pm
by Kentucky Blues
Hollywood's offering a good idea, but make sure you do your research and get a good one if you go nylon. Granted, the Todd's should work to get you started, but if you want to improve beyond what you think the Todd's can handle, but want to save money, nylon will probably help you. Again, that's provided you get a good one. I got the tan/natural/lighter colored braided nylon bullwhip from Western Stage Props, which was good for learning the circus crack and the overhead crack. But I've found that it doesn't quite cut it when I try to do the overhead flick, as it just doesn't seem to have enough weight. It''ll do what it's supposed to for the most part, but it just won't crack.. usually gets a slight "snap" sound. I also have a slightly shorter nylon whip that a friend made for me using a tutorial, which cracks much better, but is more of a limp noodle. I can do all the cracks I know how with it, but my arm gets much more tired, as it seems I have to work harder to bring it's limpness to life. Neither of my whips are truly Indy style, and I'm betting if you were to get one of the real indy style nylon whips, it would be a much better made whip. And for the record, the whip my friend made me was only the second whip she had ever made. I honestly think it was her lack of skill/practice that caused it to turn out limp, but I'm sure if she had had more practice, it would've been a top notch whip, and superior to the Western Stage Props whip.

Re: Whip practice with an 8' Todd's
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:45 pm
by BullWhipBorton
If you have one of Todd’s newer whips, it should be ok to get you started. While they are not the best whips available they are usable and perform adequately enough. Just make sure to condition it before you start working it heavily, which it sounds like you’ve already taken care of. If it’s one of his older costume whips though, don’t expect too much. These where basically made just to look the part and have been known to break down with repeated use.
As long as you follow some of the basic whip care & maintenance guidelines, you won’t ruin a good whip just by using it to learn with. If you decide to go with a nylon whip though, it’s especially important to order one from a reputable and experienced whip maker. That way you can be sure your getting a good solid whip that performs the way a performance whip should. There are a lot of amateur whip makers working with nylon these days. Their prices are usually a bit cheaper which makes their whips appealing, but because of a general lack of experience or a working knowledge of high performance whips, the over all quality is often lacking.
Adam’s videos are great learning resource, another you tube video that will help you with basic cracks is}
Re: Whip practice with an 8' Todd's
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:38 pm
by hollywood1340
Re: Whip practice with an 8' Todd's
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:55 am
by Zoltar
Thanks I'll check them out later (no Youtube at work

Is there a way to tell which version of Todd's whips I have? I asked the previous owner when I bought it because I'd been reading someones review which mentioned Todd had made different versions but he didn't know.
Re: Whip practice with an 8' Todd's
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:05 am
by louiefoxx
I think the old one had a more "orange" color to it and a fairly can shaped heel knot. The current one is a lot more SA with rounder heel knot and is actually a natural tan like color.
I could be wrong, but that's my guess how to tell based on pictures others have posted.
Re: Whip practice with an 8' Todd's
Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:37 pm
by indyclone
hiya zoltar,
my review shows the 8ft toods whip i got in april of this year , i have conditioned it and it hold shope really well with cracking , it cracks loud ! it will be a good whip to begin your cracking career, lol but just make sure to keep it oiled up and not to let it dry out and you'll be good.
Re: Whip practice with an 8' Todd's
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:26 am
by Zoltar
Here's me having a play, with a look of extreme concentration!
I've loosened up a bit since then