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Whip Cracking at the UK Whip convention
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:04 am
by winrichwhips
I didn't see any posts about this, so I thought I'd post something:
The UK Whip Cracking Convention will be Saturday, July 3rd, in Wolverhampton, UK,
There should be a pretty good turn out of whip crackers. There'll be some targeting competitions, some beginner's workshops, and I'll be doing a two-handed whip cracking workshop and a multiple cracking demo.
I've been in the UK the past week and a half, performing at the Glastonbury Festival for Contemporary Performing Arts, and then took a trip to London and Swanley to have a look at the Wested store. I bought two jackets and placed an order for a third
-Adam Winrich
Re: Whip Cracking at the UK Whip convention
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:03 am
by IndianaBravo
Wow Adam, that is great. I caught wind of this on Facebook. I´d love to go ( I am also located in the "old country" )but I can´t get the time off. Post some video links when you can!
Re: Whip Cracking at the UK Whip convention
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:49 pm
by kwad
Very cool Adam!
Have fun and try to get some pictures/videos if you get the chance.
I wish there was an event like this in SoCal.
I keep checking the net for whip events in California, but never find any.

Re: Whip Cracking at the UK Whip convention
Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:37 am
by BullWhipBorton
Thanks for posting the announcement Adam, Major Horton and Pete Gamble do a nice job of hosting these events. Have a great time and make us proud!
Kwad, there is usually a Whip Enthusiast get together & practice every month in the San Diego area. The next one is scheduled for the Saturday (7/10), it runs from 12 noon to 2pm and is held at one of the local public parks. It's open to anyone, so if you’d like more information let me know. Also the Indy Gear summit in Long Beach/San Pedro this November will be hosting a number of whip cracking related events/activities.
Re: Whip Cracking at the UK Whip convention
Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:19 pm
by kooniu
Re: Whip Cracking at the UK Whip convention
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:21 pm
by kwad
Thanks for the info.
San Diego is a bit too far of a drive for me but I do plan on attending one of your whip seminars at the summit (can't wait to meet y'all in person). I just have to figure out if I need to be in the beginner or advanced class (or both....). I'll shoot you a PM for more info.
Re: Whip Cracking at the UK Whip convention
Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:05 am
by BullWhipBorton
No worries! I'm look forward to seeing you out at the Summit though, We have a good bunch and it’s going to be a great time with alot of whip cracking! Just seen your PM too so I'll be sending a reply shortly.
I'm surprised though that with all of the whip crackers in Southern California (there are a lot of them) there aren’t more group events. There is a Wild West gathering at Will Rodgers state park out in the Santa Monica mountains in late October I think. They usually have a lot of whip crackers show up. I know there also used to be a group in L.A. Area too, but I don’t think they do group practices any more.