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Hat block for a beginner

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:33 pm
by Indiana Sloan
I want to make a hat.

I'm well aware of the pitfalls and fully anticipate my first attempt to look something like a brown sham-wow thats stiffined up a bit. I will do my best to avoid this but let be realistic.

There are some wonderful tutorials on here that I'm sure to be referencing quite a bit but here at the beginning I find myself with a bit of hatter's block.

I promise I didn't plan that pun.

Seriously, though. Having owned nothing but a dorfman pacific and at least a month or two from getting a handmade hat in the mail, I want to make my own to keep my mind occupied in the mean time and i have almost no idea how to shape the block. Is it just...roundish on top? Should I look at a picture of an unbashed fed IV and "eyeball" it? How tall should it be? Is the height dependant on the circumference? Any commonly forgotten supplies that I'll need? Am I asking stupid questions that could easily be answered with a little more research?

Really, any block-related advice would be appreciated. I'd love to have one made by Monday morning.

Re: Hat block for a beginner

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:36 pm
by Kentucky Blues

That link there might be of some help :)


Re: Hat block for a beginner

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:49 pm
by Indiana Sloan
That is an immensely helpful guide but it does stop short of giving specifics about some of the questions I mentioned earlier in regards to the finished shape and whatnot.