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A Penman Hat Subscription
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:54 am
by DarenHenryW
So, a few weeks ago I jokingly said to John that I felt like I ought to just sign up for a subscription. Seeing as how his wait list is pretty steady, it seems that thing to do is order a new hat every time one arrives. That makes for a nice, steady stream, fairly evenly spaced.
So, here's what's in my "queue":
1) An exact copy of the Raiders hat I JUST got, but in Charcoal. Basically, a seaplane hat, with the turn, the deep center dent. Like I said, an EXACT copy of the hat I just received, but in gray scale. Now that John has my measurements just how I like them, I doubt it should be much of a problem for him.
(and somewhere in here, I'm waiting for John to track down a CS Henry in my size, but that sort of doesn't count!)
2) Either another EXACT copy of the hat I just got, but done as a distressed "Cairo" hat,
3) A green moss "Penman" hat.
4) A Pecan colored, non-Indy hat . . .
5) Something . . . Any suggestions?
What's in your queue, guys and gals?
Jack Henry
Re: A Penman Hat Subscription
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:30 am
by Weston
It's been a long time since I considered getting a new Indy fedora; the two I have now are everything I've wanted. But if I ever do order a new hat, it will be from John. His hats are incredible, and he's a fellow Oregonian to boot! I would order an Abner style fedora, (if that's a recognized style name) sported by the character Indy emulated in LC. Pure beaver felt, in a rich chocolate brown. Man, if I had one of those, made by John, I'd never take it off.
Re: A Penman Hat Subscription
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:37 am
by Ian
Great idea Daren.
I don't actually have a Penman hat yet and I didn't exactly wait until I'd got my first before I ordered my next.
I've got a Penman Raiders in beaver on order - Should be due any time now cos it's been 5 months since I ordered it. I dunno if John has started it yet though. I've been really excited about all your photos cos I assume that's kind of what mine will look like - Awesome!!
Next - I ordered a Penman CS in beaver back in April, so should be due around Sept/October - Depending on Johns workload of course.
So, both orders are in the chamber.
Got plans for a Grey of some kind and at some point, but I'll probably sick to the subscription rules.
Who's next?........
Re: A Penman Hat Subscription
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:19 am
by Indiana Jeff
Weston wrote:I would order an Abner style fedora, (if that's a recognized style name) sported by the character Indy emulated in LC. Pure beaver felt, in a rich chocolate brown. Man, if I had one of those, made by John, I'd never take it off.Weston
What are you talking about?
Anyone here that owns a brown fedora has the Abner style. Indy only had one hat, and that's the one he got as a kid.
Indiana Jeff
Re: A Penman Hat Subscription
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:06 am
by DR Ulloa
Neat idea, Daren. What has my subscription to the Penman Hat Co. already brought me? Well, I'm glad you asked.
1. Penman Raiders in beaver (I got this one in July or August of '08. Can't remember for sure right now)
2. Penman Wedding hat in beaver (Received in March of '09)
3. Charcoal Penman with vintage iron ribbon (Steve supplied the ribbon for this one. Received in October of '09)
4. Steel Grey Penman with two-tone black/silver ribbon (This one was a gift. Received in December of '09)
Now, what is in store?
5. Another fully custom Penman. I've given John complete creative control over this hat even down to the style and color of ribbon and hat body...I trust my hatter...
(Ordered in April '10)
6. Though it hasn't been ordered yet, I have plans for a pecan colored Penman. More of a Raiders influence with this one. Possibly some of that beautiful vintage maroon ribbon John has on hand. We'll see.
And that's all I have lined up for the Penman Hat Co. so far. I usually don't start planning my next hat purchase until I've received the one I have on order. Doing the same with AB. Have one on order but am just beginning to think about the next (probably final) one.
Re: A Penman Hat Subscription
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:12 am
by mcmanm
I guess I had a subsciption all along and didn't really know it. John always seemed to find a way to get me to order another hat once I received one.
Re: A Penman Hat Subscription
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:36 am
by JC1972
Re: A Penman Hat Subscription
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:32 am
by DR Ulloa
Jim, I believe the way John goes about the money business now is that he allows you to put in an order and asks for payment before he begins working on your hat. That gives you roughly five to six months to save up the cash. You can think of that as a layaway plan. You just have to be proactive and put aside $50 every month.
Re: A Penman Hat Subscription
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:55 am
by DarenHenryW
Yes, as far as I am concerned, John already has the subscription method laid out. Dave described John's system perfectly: put in your order, pay when he's about to make the hat. (although I think this may only be for return customers. New customers I think pay up front, which makes sense . . . ).
But since I'm working towards my fourth, John's system works for me!
Re: A Penman Hat Subscription
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:46 pm
by JC1972
DarenHenryW wrote:Yes, as far as I am concerned, John already has the subscription method laid out. Dave described John's system perfectly: put in your order, pay when he's about to make the hat. (although I think this may only be for return customers. New customers I think pay up front, which makes sense . . . ).
But since I'm working towards my fourth, John's system works for me!
Thanks Dave, Daren; John just told me the same thing you two did. Another great way to buy a Penman. John, you da man!
Re: A Penman Hat Subscription
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:27 am
by jnicktem
I suppose it will shock a few to hear that I have a subscription to the Penman Hat Co.!
Yes, it is true... it has since become a sickness... a sickness where I only allow top-quality hats to perch atop of my head. John Penman is the man for the job... and I guess Steve and Marc too (but that's a different story). I have VERY high expectations when it comes to my custom hand-made hats, and John has not once let me down... he has in fact EXCEEDED my expectations each and every time!
So what has my Penman Hat subscription bought me so far? Well:
1) A Grey Raiders Seaplane in Beaver (Received in April I believe of 2009)
2) A Last Crusade in Beaver (Received in October of 2009)
3) A Black custom "Penman" model (Received in November of 2009)
And soon I will receive the hat that I have been waiting for since I first joined COW (and before that really!)... a brown Raiders in Beaver!!! I am very excited for this hat as I know John will knock it out of the park.
Oh by the way... you can bet that there will be more hats from the Penman Hat Co. in my future! Again... quite the shocker!