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My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:45 pm
by Indyzane
The posted information below was approved by Riley Barrie and is being released accordingly: 5/18/10
After the sudden change to Tony Nowak Orignial, I telephoned his shop to see if I could reach someone regarding my two Indy Jackets. Much to my surprise Riley, Tony’s son, answered my call.

He told me he was going to have my jackets made, but he needed my measurements.

Both of them arrived two weeks ago and I am extremely happy as to how they turned out. Well the jackets are

It's unbelievable how sharp they look. Riley is doing an outstanding job in following Tony's foot steps.
Here are my Jackets:
Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull 472/777 Dark Crystal Skull Cowhide Lightly Distressed
Last Crusade 274/333 Dark Crystal Skull Cowhide Heavy Distressed
As you can see the jackets are absolutely the work of superior craftsmanship, with great attention to meticulous detail. Riley is very professional and kind, just like Tony. His communication throughout the whole process was prompt and he was extremely courteous. It's business as usual at Tony Nowak Original!!!
Thanks Riley for my wonderful jackets!!!!

Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:53 pm
by RCSignals
Very nice Zane! Wear them constantly for a while and really make them yours.
Wear them zipped up while driving. They will just continuously improve.
Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 8:18 pm
by Swiftfoot
Congratulations and welcome to the club Indyzane! Both are excellent looking jackets. Now you have the difficult decision of which one to wear.
I've been wearing mine just about every day since I got it back in mid February and can't bear to think about what I'm going to do now that it's getting to warm for it.

Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:13 pm
by crismans
Outstanding story and equally outstanding jackets. I'm very glad that Riley is not only holding up the legacy but running with it!
Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:18 pm
by Noah
Both jackets look great! I really like the distressing on them! Enjoy wearing them both

Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:41 pm
by JC1972
Indyzane, I love the look of both of them; wear them well. Great work by Riley!

Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:56 pm
by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr
Great jackets, COW Member "IndyZane" And thank you for sharing the pictures with the members of COW.
The late Mr. Nowak (Rest in Peace) would be extremely proud of his son, Mr. Barrie and all the dedicated hard working individuals at his company. As COW member "HanJones" recent title of a post stated....
I look forward towards the opportunity to purchase an "Indiana Jones" style jacket if and/or when it becomes possible.
Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 12:17 am
by Dunross76
Amazing jackets! Enjoy them and beat the ....out of them!
Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 9:56 am
by Texan Scott
I have a soft spot for these LC's. S'pose I better get me one.
Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:24 pm
by SpeedRcrX
Those are beautiful TN's jackets, enjoy them!!!
Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:38 pm
by gwyddion
wow, just wow

Wear them in good health!
Regards, Geert
Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 4:11 pm
by Baldwyn
What a nice pair of jackets! Congratulations and wear them well!
Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:36 pm
by Yojimbo Jones
Wow. The Last Crusade distressing was always going to be the biggest test for Riley and the team - good to see they're clearly putting stuff out Tony would be proud to have his name on.
Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 7:13 pm
by Baldwyn
Yojimbo Jones wrote:Wow. The Last Crusade distressing was always going to be the biggest test for Riley and the team - good to see they're clearly putting stuff out Tony would be proud to have his name on.
I didn't even think of that!!! Good point, Riley and team did great!
Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:15 pm
by Clutters
Awesome jackets, wear them with pride.
I have spoken to Riley too and can confirm that he has picked up the reigns and will continue Tony's legacy of legendary customer service and the best Indy jackets available.
Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 7:19 pm
by Mitch LaRue
They're BOTH just
gorgeous, Indyzane!
Gotta echo what Michael said back up the page a little ways, though:
You can't beat a photo of jackets like these being
Would very sincerely love to see some shots of that.
Congratulations on these amazing jackets.
(And job WELL DONE, Riley!)

Re: My New Tony Nowak Original Indy Jackets 5/18/10
Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 11:33 am
by DetectiveJones
Looking Good! Looks like mine! (TN CS 005/777). You will love it more and more everyday, especially now.