Question about strap from Wade...

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Question about strap from Wade...

Post by IndianaBogart »

I just got my third MKVII in the mail today (thanks to Riothamus :TOH: ) so I'm going to soon be in the market for a strap for it. I already have two of Todd's but I'm wanting one of Wade's straps now. I want a Raiders strap, so my question is: do I just order the one called "The Raider Standard"?

Is that basically THE Raiders strap? (Aside from the amazing predistressed one of course.) Do I need to specify a color or anything like that? Or just that one?

Thanks for any help, and any more pictures you guys have would be greatly appreciated.

-Bogart :TOH:
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Re: Question about strap from Wade...

Post by Indyzane »

I just ordered a SOC strap from Wade last week when he had his strap sale. I shoul bere here in 3 weeks or so. I'll post pics.
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Re: Question about strap from Wade...

Post by IndianaBogart »

TR, I just meant, do I need to request a certain color, etc. or does Wade already make the standard undistressed strap as SA as possible? Sorry if that was confusing. :oops:

And I saw your strap. :o It looks amazing! I think I'm probably just going with the undistressed strap and then work on it some on my own.

Good luck with your strap endeavor with Wade. I'm sure it will turn out great. :whip: I look forward to seeing it.


Also, does anyone happen to know how long delivery time is for the non-distressed strap?
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Re: Question about strap from Wade...

Post by knibs7 »

Send him screen caps and tell him what you want it to look like and that's what he does. He did an awesome job on mine :)

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Re: Question about strap from Wade...

Post by IndianaChris711 »

Well looks like Wade has been really working on his site lately. Either that or I just have not visited it in a while. Basically you have no distressing, slight distressing, and the SOC option. I got mine, probably the deluxe. I believe they are all SA, just different distressing levels, it looks to me, plus the SOC looks a bit darker. I have mine at home on my MKVII and I could take a few photos. I don't if mine looks like the SOC or not. He had just announced these when I got mine so I was one of the early adopters as they would say with technology. Wade is the way to go though as far as leather strap items are concerned.

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Re: Question about strap from Wade...

Post by IndianaBogart »

Thanks for all the input guys! I actually just e-mailed Mr Wade just before posting here. :D

-Bogart :TOH:
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