Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by conceited_ape »

...And if so, can you please offer opinions/pics/etc? This, I believe, is the Version B i refer to on the Magnoli Clothiers homepage. I ask because I am of slight build and require a custom jacket (from a vendor that will actually bother to scale down the pockets and yoke panel according to size :roll: ). Originally, I'd had plans to go for a TN, but alas, may he rest in peace.
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by Kevin Anderson »

I'd also like to see one. I love my Temple of Doom jacket from Tony, and though it's nearly perfect, I feel the sleeves/armholes have more of an LC/CS feel. They're slimmer, but not quite TOD in fit. The Wested TOD I owned briefly had wonderful sleeves with great range of movement, probably since they had the original to copy off. I remember Peter saying something about strange 'internal gussets'... I may talk to Magnoli soon and see if I can't get myself a nice TOD in lamb, providing the important details can be replicated.
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by RCSignals »

I'm surprised to hear that Kevin. I just compared my Wested ToD to my TN ToD and the arm holes are the same size. For some reason though on me the Wested is more restrictive, and one of them (I have two Westeds the same size) tight-ish across the back.
The sleeves of the TN are slimmer, more like the movie jacket.

Anyway, I too would like to see a Magnoli ToD
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by crismans »

My plans are to get one, but that's a ways off as of yet. I'd like to see one too. Unfortunately, you don't see much of the ToDs or LCs (at least the new patterns).
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by CM »

Maybe Magnoli could post a few new pictures of his products - in daylight even. I'd like to see them too.
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by theman »

I remember Holt having a Magnoli ToD he liked a lot, hopefully he can help here.
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by Holt »

true. I have.

its awesome. I was very impressed when I got the jacket.

Magnoli was the first vendor who offered an almost spot on SA replica of the Temple jacket. it had everything in place except the correct vent/pleat construction.

that has been fixed now on his new refind temple pattern.
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by RCSignals »

For some reason I was thinking you had a Magnoli LC Holt.

I'd still like to see one of the current ones. Not something from his web site, something from an owner, or as CM suggested maybe Magnoli can post a variety of photos here.
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by Holt »

true. i had one
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

Well, after reading COW member "Holt's" endorsement, it appears that a Magnoli "Temple of Doom" jacket is in my near future. Heck, maybe even a "Last Crusade" jacket.

Time to start downsizing my "Indiana Jones" jacket inventory. :-k
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by conceited_ape »

Holt, what's the word on the hardware as far as accuracy goes? Does Mag have/use the requisite pronged sliders and large zipper?

Also, if you still own the jacket, a pic or two would be highly appreciated. :TOH:
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by Indiana Joosse »

I'd like to see those pictures too.

I am still very much of the opinion that I have one Indy jacket and that should be enough, but I would still like to see the options.

Having said that, I'd probably go for a TOD tux before I go for a TOD jacket.... :-k
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by Holt »

yes, he uses a big chunky silver zipper.

I cant remember what he used for the sliders though. I replaced them the first week I got the jacket with black triglides.
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by Kevin Anderson »

I'm very pleased with my dealings with Magnoli thus far. I purchased a satchel and strap a few months back. He replies to emails very quickly, and the products themselves were fantastic of course. I'm discussing a jacket purchase with him right now, and he's been very helpful. I look forward to owning a Magnoli jacket, then I'll just need a US Wings, and I'll have owned a jacket from each of the major vendors! I have a feeling that Magnoli's might just be my perfect jacket though; but it's going to be a lenghty process!
I love custom work from a guy who really knows his stuff.
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by Kevin Anderson »

Well, that was a massive bust, and a monumental waste of time.
Nearly ten weeks after my order and with no jacket in sight, I've cancelled my order with Magnoli for a Temple of Doom jacket.
Firstly, let me begin by saying that contrary to popular belief, Magnoli does not have a corrected TOD pattern with corrected side vents etc.
This was my primary concern; that I would receive another Temple of Doom jacket sans the correct vent configuration, as was my early Wested example.
So, I sent my Tony Nowak TOD, to copy. It has the correct side vent config, and is awesome in that regard.
Six weeks after the initial order and after much nagging (to Magnoli's credit, he is extremely patient and understanding), I receive some
blurry photographs. 'Teaser' photos. Of a jacket with the wrong lining. With three inside pockets instead of the agreed-upon ONE. And, though I can't tell from
the pics, I'm told the side vents are wrong. The back will have to be remade.
I also question the pocket placement. After several days, I'm told they're placed incorrectly. The whole jacket will have to be remade.
I ask, plead, that the jacket be ready in time for my vactation, some three weeks away. No problem i'm told.
Eight weeks into my order I'm told the buckles aren't correct and may take time to be sourced. Eight weeks to discover this.
Nine weeks in and I'm starting to get nervous. Every question regarding the jacket takes days to recieve an answer.
Today, I gave up and cancelled altogether. Magnoli was kind enough to offer a prompt refund, and for that I'm grateful.
It was, however, still a real waste of time. I could have held out and seen what may have come to pass; but frankly I'd lost all faith (and interest)
in whoever Magnoli has producing these jackets actually providing me with what I'd ordered so long ago.
There's a real inherent problem in dealing with someone who is merely the middle-man for your order; without proper communication, things can go wrong!
With Nowak, and even Wested, they are, at least, right there with your jacket. They can see it and hold it and discuss it with you.
A guy in one country talking about a jacket thats being made in another country is just plain annoying.
I realise I'm in the vast minority here, Magnoli's works have always seemed of the highest quality and with no complaints (that I can recall), but I'm disappointed, and wanted to offer my viewpoint.
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by Kevin Anderson »

As a bit of a follow up, I received the Nowak TOD back from Magnoli today, along with a lovely replica Holy Grail prop.
That was a nice gesture from a very nice guy. It's a shame my experience was not a positive one, but again, I know I'm in the minority,
and look forward to seeing more of Magnoli's work here on COW.
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Re: Anyone here own a Magnoli ToD?

Post by conceited_ape »

All's well that ends well, I suppose. :-k Could've gone down an ugly road with other vendors but thankfully not the case here. :tup:
Right then, what say we pony up with some Nowak ToD pictures then, eh, or at least a link to some if you already have? :twisted:
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