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Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:31 pm
by BwanaJohn
New to the club and site...Researched the hat, I found Christy's, so-far looked the best for the price. Just starting my Indy Wardrobe Archives, so have to watch the money for now. Just ordered it Saturday, so looking forward to attempting "The Bash". The Dead Sea Scrolls are at our local museum until June, so it looks like a photo op is in the near future for this!
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:49 pm
by jlee562
Welcome and congrats!
Although the Christy's is not the most durable hat, IMHO it makes a fine Indy hat, especially for the LC look.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:49 pm
by jnicktem
Welcome to COW! By the way, if you don't mind me asking... where are you from?
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:51 pm
by theinterchange
I'd shop Tesco for better bargains.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:52 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
If I may recommend; you can zip off an e-mail to the people you bought the Christy from and ask for different brim measurements for a more screen accurate look (if you haven't already). The stock version will have a 2 7/8" front & back, 2 1/2" on the sides. Front and back should be more like 2 3/4. Sides depend on the movie (2 1/2 is more LC or CS, while 2 5/8 would look more Raiders. I don't know my ToD measures, though).
Just a thought. Won't cost you anything. If you want it, the sooner you e-mail them the better.

Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:06 pm
by crismans
I've had my Christy's "seaplane" hat in for a little while. While it's not the finest hat I've ever owned, I think it's gotten a bit of a bad rap actually. The brim is stiff (and really curled) when you first get it but it softens up after use and is shaping nicely. You can tell that it wouldn't hold up to the elements as well as my Penmans, for example, but, treated with a little care, I think it will do just fine. Think of it as a going to town hat rather than an adventuring hat and it should last you for a long time. Certainly worth the money I paid and Hornets (where I got mine) were really great to work with.
But beg whoever you bought your Christys from to have them do a different bow. I'm not a connoisseur of hats by any means, but even I can tell the bow is hideous!

Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:38 pm
by theinterchange
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:26 pm
by BwanaJohn
Thanks to everyone and their info. I did actually request a different bow when I ordered, the girl there said they usually don't customize the bows, but she would see if they could do it (I had seen a "You Tube" Video on this). I do have other hats in my Movie Archives, including a Akubra "Down Under", which I got years ago. It was said to be the style they used in The "Crocodile Dundee" Series, never found a Close Hat Band for this one however. It's cool all these people do their homework when it comes to these films. Hopefully this hat should be a little better quality than the Generic, "Official" Ones I read about (being hard to shape,hard material, etc.). I considered Akubra's "Adventurer", but it appeared darker than the Sable Color. Who knows, maybe after I find a close jacket?
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:46 am
by Chewbacca Jones
Oh, they are MUCH better than the current official offerings. You will be pleased.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:07 pm
by Erri
BwanaJohn wrote:Thanks to everyone and their info. I did actually request a different bow when I ordered, the girl there said they usually don't customize the bows, but she would see if they could do it (I had seen a "You Tube" Video on this).

that must be my video
Weird about the bow, when there was Justin answering the emails there had been no problem about the bow. I noticed that now a girl replies customers email. I wonder if there were any changes in the shop... or maybe Justin is just in holiday.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:25 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
Erri wrote:BwanaJohn wrote:Thanks to everyone and their info. I did actually request a different bow when I ordered, the girl there said they usually don't customize the bows, but she would see if they could do it (I had seen a "You Tube" Video on this).

that must be my video
Weird about the bow, when there was Justin answering the emails there had been no problem about the bow. I noticed that now a girl replies customers email. I wonder if there were any changes in the shop... or maybe Justin is just in holiday.
If we are talking about Hornets, she expressed uncertainty to me, but I got what I asked for - a "Fedora" style bow on an "Adventurer."
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:38 pm
by Erri
Is a "fedora style bow" what we need to ask from now on? Is it indy-lookalike?
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:45 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
Erri wrote:Is a "fedora style bow" what we need to ask from now on? Is it indy-lookalike?
Oh, no. They have a model called the Fedora. It had the least visible stitches, so I went with that one. I wasn't looking for an Indy bow. I figured it would be easiest to ask for something they already know how to do.

Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:13 pm
by BwanaJohn
Hopefully after a few more Hundred are ordered she'll catch on...("Indy Who?")
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:24 pm
by crismans
Oh, they are MUCH better than the current official offerings. You will be pleased.
Definitely! The Christy's is miles ahead of the Dorfman's (certainly the wool version at any rate). I asked for a different bow (I actually said anything better than their normal one), but I got the normal bow which looks, well, words fail me. I was told that a different bow might not be doable (by Sarah at Hornets, who was otherwise very helpful). So maybe Justin has a little more "juice" when it comes to different bow work?
At any rate, I'm thinking that getting a better bow would be a fairly easy fix even for an extremely novice hatter (I'm not talking dead on Raiders flying V, just something less "flat") and the rest of the hat is coming along nicely.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:24 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
Having heard the horror stories about the bow work, one reason I chose the one I did was to minimize evidence of a re-do if I decided to try modifying it. Less holes and all that. I'm still undecided... maybe after I live with it a while I might try to give mine for form.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:14 am
by Flyderf
Maybe they can make one without a ribbon/bow attatched and instruct them to put the ribbon in the box.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:04 am
by Erri
Flyderf wrote:Maybe they can make one without a ribbon/bow attatched and instruct them to put the ribbon in the box.
I'm sure you can ask to NOT INSTALL the bow and ribbon and just leave it in the box.
This Sarah doesn't sound as knowledgeable as Justin when it comes to what Christys can do for you so better keep it simple. If any of you is good with making a bow I suggest give it a try ordering it not installed on the hat and do it yourself.
If one doesn't want to attempt a bow work but needs a perfect screen accurate bow... then you either need to send it to a hatter near you or just leave the Christy's alone altogether and go for a company with screen accurate bows (at that price level, but a bit higher, there is only Akubra)
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:29 am
by crismans
With the totally unnecessary disclaimer that I am not a hatter by any definition, the Christys bow looks like (and I have had a hatter describe it this way to me) as if they stuck the bow on and ironed it flat. If you could just pull the middle of the bow down to make the V it would do a load of good for it, I think. So it would be a simple fix to get it looking better--I think.
But understand that I'm not bashing the Christys. It's not the best hat out there but it's a good hat for the money (based on my experience so far). A little better bow would really improve the appearance.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:31 pm
by Flyderf
I own 2 Christy's, a gray and a light sable. If I were looking for a good inexpensive hat, Christy's fits the bill. I'd recommend it for anyone who just isn't able to justify a higher end fedora.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:36 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
Flyderf wrote:I own 2 Christy's, a gray and a light sable. If I were looking for a good inexpensive hat, Christy's fits the bill. I'd recommend it for anyone who just isn't able to justify a higher end fedora.
To be clear on my feelings... I second that 100%.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:45 pm
by BwanaJohn
I emailed Hornet's tonight, just to see how it's coming along. Not sure if this was an "In Stock" Item or not (with the Bow Issue, doesn't sound like it), but since it's being shipped to me, in The Midwest, probably will be awhile...
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:51 pm
by Erri
They make them on order, they don't have any in stock. I think it takes about 10 days to make them, not sure though.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:54 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
Yep. Even ordering standard hats, they make to order. I know mine took less than a month to reach me. I forget exact dates.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:28 pm
by crismans
Chewbacca Jones wrote:Yep. Even ordering standard hats, they make to order. I know mine took less than a month to reach me. I forget exact dates.
Mine took a little over a month but apparently they had received quite a few more orders than normal around that time.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:17 am
by Kt Templar
BwanaJohn wrote:I emailed Hornet's tonight, just to see how it's coming along. Not sure if this was an "In Stock" Item or not (with the Bow Issue, doesn't sound like it), but since it's being shipped to me, in The Midwest, probably will be awhile...
4 day easter break. No one is home till tuesday.

Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:17 pm
by BwanaJohn
Received the hat last week, and have enjoyed wearing it, mostly Back-Yard Excursions so far!
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:44 pm
by Erri
BwanaJohn wrote:Received the hat last week, and have enjoyed wearing it, mostly Back-Yard Excursions so far!
and toilet mirroring I guess

Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:47 am
by Joeyeah_right
BwanaJohn wrote:Received the hat last week, and have enjoyed wearing it, mostly Back-Yard Excursions so far!
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:37 pm
by BwanaJohn
Joeyeah_right wrote:BwanaJohn wrote:Received the hat last week, and have enjoyed wearing it, mostly Back-Yard Excursions so far!
Working on it, can't find the Flash Powder...

Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:56 pm
by moses
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:58 am
by ajocampo
Chewbacca Jones wrote:Yep. Even ordering standard hats, they make to order. I know mine took less than a month to reach me. I forget exact dates.
hopefully mine will come in next week
today, may 7th, would be the 10th day...then I have to wait for shipment
did anyone get that red christy box? or do all hats come with it?
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 6:28 am
by Erri
No, they come in a quite average cardboard box, the same that is used by many hatters. I think they maybe use that red box for the top hats only.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:26 pm
by ajocampo
Anyone know how long international shipments usually take for Christy's?
I live in Toronto...I ordered my hat April 24...don't have it yet

Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 8:19 pm
by darthbish
quick question...
What colour Christies is generally accepted as the correct Indy colour??
Dark Sable??
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:26 pm
by Texan Scott
I've had the sable, light sable and cork colors and all have their appeal in their own ways, but from my vantagepoint, I think the Light Sable has just a slight edge over the others, ever so slight, jmo.
Christy's has a tall crown at 5 3/4", very high if you want the LC style. If I was ordering for the first time and know what I know now, I'd have them reduce the crown to 5 1/4" for a Raiders type look unbashed, tack the ribbon to the brim break, cut the brim to 2 3/4 front to back and 2 1/2 side to side. Adjust the crown height and brim accordingly for the LC style.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:07 pm
by ajocampo
Anyone know how to flatten the back of a christy's adventurer?
I just got mine...the brim has a significant curl upwards all around...i just want to flatten the back

Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 6:59 pm
by Erri
darthbish wrote:quick question...
What colour Christies is generally accepted as the correct Indy colour??
Dark Sable??
The choice is between light sable and sable. It's really a matter of taste as there is no way of comparing them with the original, unless the member "screenused" would buy Christy's hats of those two colours and compare them for us.
Cork is basically a reddish brown which seems to work quite good for the Young Indiana Jones hat... but I wouldn't suggest it for a Raiders.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:34 pm
by fenris
ajocampo wrote:Anyone know how to flatten the back of a christy's adventurer?
I just got mine...the brim has a significant curl upwards all around...i just want to flatten the back

I never removed the back curl on mine... I kinda like it that way since I wasn't going for a raiders look.
Re: Just ordered a Chrisy's Online...
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:36 am
by ajocampo
I see~
Yeah I'm going towards the raiders look on the hat; nice down curl front brim and the the back brim kinda going flat downards