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Extremely overpriced MKVII bag

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 2:39 am
by MaryonRavenwood
Don't know if I can actually post the address here (can I?), but I was browsing on eBay, and found a very overpriced MKVII bag. It didn't start out that way--the seller started the bidding at $11.99, but it's up to $122.50!!!!! I emailed the most recent bidder, and told him that I sure hoped someone outbids him, as I can give him the address of a guy in Vegas that'll sell him one for $20, as well as several other sources. Oh boy, some people just don't know...

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:23 am
by Indiana
When I found my bag on ebay (Unissued $30!!!) the same guy offered me $110 for it. He said he really wanted one. I think he is a forum member.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:29 am
by West
You know this actually happened a few years ago, and I'm not surprised it's happening again. They were selling MKVII bags for over $100 on ebay. I personally thought it was crazy back then, especially since I had gotten my bag for at least 1/10 that price.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 9:30 am
by Ihatesnakes
If it was a top quality bag... perfect in every way, I don't think $120 is that unreasonable.


Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 9:52 am
by Brendan
Be careful... even though you did the high bidder a favor, if the seller somehow got wind of your warning he could report you to eBay, and your account there could be threatened. It's against their policies.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 10:10 am
by Swindiana




Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 10:39 am
by Mike
Ihatesnakes wrote:If it was a top quality bag... perfect in every way,
Wow, I guess then even shipped twice, you got a bargain. :wink:


Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 12:16 pm
by Kentucky Blues
actually, I don't think ebay could terminate his account for e-mailing the seller. if that were true, then anyone who suggested on the boards that someone not bid on an item could also have their account terminated. He didn't tell the high bidder to withdraw the bid or anything, just that he hopes the guy gets outbid because the price is outrageous.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 12:21 pm
by IndianaJames
One of the ones I sold last year went for just over $150, to that ddicristi guy that was buying up ALL the indy bags that were on ebay.... I think thats a little to much, unless its a W & G. Which are very rare....

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 2:53 pm
by Paulcrastination
I had one that was a good color green, but had clearly seen a good deal of wear. It had holes in the flap which had been patched, gave it some character. Still, it was far form unissued and went for about $80. I was shocked, I didn't expect to even hit $40.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 3:51 pm
by IndianaJames
Paul!! Whats up dude, hows school?

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 5:29 pm
by Paulcrastination
School is busy. And to top it all off I still need a job. Anyway, I know I had posted about the W&G stamps early i the spring believe, and never finalized any of it. Heres the scoop I've got the art for it, and I am gonna make a stamp for it when my printmaking prof decides to lighten up about using the studio at night. Anyway, I've got some bags and strap pics, two buckles also... I'm gonna post pics when my nevada bag gets here.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:12 pm
by MaryonRavenwood
Well, if the guy's OK with the price he paid (he did end up winning the auction), then so be it. I just felt bad that he didn't realize he was getting ripped off. I guess I have to realize (in more than one situation these days) that not everyone knows about the wonderful resource and community we call Indygear. There are folks who are passionate and know a whole lot about things I have no clue about--I guess on my end of things, Gear is one of those. Sorry, I'm going off topic now...

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 12:37 am
by Indiana Texas-girl
Paulcrastination wrote:School is busy. And to top it all off I still need a job. Anyway, I know I had posted about the W&G stamps early i the spring believe, and never finalized any of it. Heres the scoop I've got the art for it, and I am gonna make a stamp for it when my printmaking prof decides to lighten up about using the studio at night. Anyway, I've got some bags and strap pics, two buckles also... I'm gonna post pics when my nevada bag gets here.
I hope I'm reading this wrong...I'm about to fall asleep typing...but are you saying you're going to do a W&G stamp and use it on bags? I know I would have a problem as a buyer if I later found out it wasn't a real W&G, not to mention that may depreciate the value of the "true" W&G bags for the owners of such bags, like myself.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 9:44 am
by Paulcrastination
I remember when I posted that originally, I started quite the controversy. I have no plans to go stamping other bags, or replica bags... and I do not plan on selling the stamps either. I say this because after all, it would only be a matter of time before one fell into the wrong hands. What am I going to do with it then? Simple, I have a near unissued W&G Mk 7 bag that initially wasn't stamed very well. I only say near unissued, because its slightly broken in by me. Its my favorite. My plans now are to only to restore my bag stamp.

I just received my nevada bag, and while I paid for the best condition possible, I am not entirely happy with it. Ever since I purchased my W&G Mk 7 last year, I have yet to find another bag that surpasses it in quality and construction. I dunno if anyone else has encounted different fabric textures and color variations being used on the same bag, but I find this to be quite common... even my W&G mk 6 has these features. And while it can often give the bags a great texture, look, and feel... I still prefer to have the consistency of one fabric. Also, I find that some bags have a taper to them from top to bottom. Sometimes the bottom is wider than the top and vice versa. I prefer a solid square bag that is parallel as possible.

So what I'm saying is, I'm way attached to my W&G mk 7... I think its perfect, and I want it to look as good as it can be.

My apologies for hijacking the post.


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 5:05 pm
by IndianaJames
LOL! Paul! Making fake W & G bags!?! You awful man...! Just kidding, Paul is one of the good ones no need to worry about fake stamps from him....!


Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 10:52 pm
by Band Director Jones
LNBright wrote:Here's another...... ... =4074&rd=1

It's up to $105 with 15 minutes left.....


Wow, Paul made a HUGE profit on that one. The same person that bought that bag also bought the "Idol/Headpiece" combo Fedora Smith posted about here.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:19 pm
by Paulcrastination
Did you guys see that? The bag stayed at $36, then $51... and all of the sudden... $105 sunday afternoon. I mean, I didn't buy the bag just to turn a profit as I stated before, but I was shocked it went for so much. I didn't expect it to go much higher than $51. Anyway, if I could continue to sell bags like on ebay at these prices i woudln't need a job.

Off the cash goes towards tuition, and I needed every cent too. I added the numbers up... in the past four years ISU tuition has increased 67%. Now thats more outrageous than people overpaying for genuine Mk 7s.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:34 pm
by LNBright

I didn't mean ridiculous for you, of course, LOL!!! :) I mean, you only put it up, and it sells for what it sells. And if some bloke is willin' to spend that much for it, more power to 'em, I suppose.....

Me, I was keeping an eye on it, and would've paid something reasonable for it, but over $50 was over $50....

Anyway, I hope the buyer actually goes through with it and pays you that much... you did VERY well......


Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:12 pm
by MaryonRavenwood
Paulcrastination wrote:Off the cash goes towards tuition, and I needed every cent too. I added the numbers up... in the past four years ISU tuition has increased 67%. Now thats more outrageous than people overpaying for genuine Mk 7s.
I hear that--I'm paying almost $11,000 a year here at the U of A. Of course, that's out-of-state tuition....but still. Ouch. Well, if we here can profit from buyers on eBay, and pay for college tuition, cool! WE know where to get 'em cheap! :wink:

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:46 pm
by Paulcrastination
And when I said I needed every cent, I mean I do. But when I saw $105 I coudln't pass up this ... egory=4720 unissued one I found that ended just a few hours before mine. The good news is, my zero feedback high bidder just sent me the cash.

When I bought from Sam, I was looking to purchase my second Mk7... so the way I look at it is I've got extra cash going to school, and I'm going to have my second bag afterall.

I'm with Maryon, if some guy can afford to spend that much for my bag, and put me through school... I'll take his $$$ in a second.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 10:27 pm
by LNBright
I was watching that one, emailed the fellow, but shipping at the quoted rates were more than the bag and mask itself.... tentatively I was going to get it then sell the mask and keep the bag. Still my plan, if I find the right one for the right price......


Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 6:20 am
by Swindiana
Hang in there, and you will! :wink:


Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 8:57 pm
by Paulcrastination
The guy I won that auction from has another bag... I beleive its a mark VI, and says hes got a buyer who knows me. I'm guessing its one of you guys :wink:. I say go for it, this guy has been very cooperative with my requests.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:22 pm
by LNBright

Look two posts above the one you just made...... :)

Actually, I just emailed him about it.... I'm still mulling it over... it looks to be a great bag in great condition, but it is a MKVI instead of a MKVII, and it is prominently stamped right on the front.... If it's cheap enough, I'd buy it, but, very likely, I'll probably let him send it to you (he said if I didn't buy it it is going to you).

Do you want me to just email him back and tell him to go ahead and send it on with your gasmask, too? I'd be more than glad to.... it's not like it'll be the last bag I ever find! lol....

Tell ya what, I'll go ahead anyway and send that.... :)


Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:27 pm
by LNBright
OK, done. I told Steve that I'd just let him send it to you instead.... That way, you can have a VI for ToD use, and your VII for your Cairo street scenes.... lol!!! :)

