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Question about Todd's Up and Down-Towners:

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:45 am
by Captain D
Hi all,

I was thinking about going w/ an inexpensive, yet, decent fedora. And, from what I've read on the searches, I'm kinda/maybe/sorta leaning towards Todd's.

Based on the pics and what I've been reading...I like the downtowner height, style, etc. But I like the uptowner color brown and hat ribbon. However, when I wrote to Todd's Costumes simply asking if these two can somehow be merged together, lol, a long-shot I know, someone by the name of Cissy wrote me back but she doesn't really answer my questions. For instance, when I asked about this possibility, she simply replied, "O yeah, I forgot, Thank you."

It's absolutely nothing to do w/ Todd's items at all whatsoever, and I'm sure Cissy is very nice, but it just seemed as if I had to keep resending my questions to get answered because a lot of the replies didn't make sense and had nothing to do w/ my original question, lol. So, that's why I thought that I would post here to see if it is possible to get a downtowner style hat w/ the uptowner color brown and darker ribbon by chance?

Thank you for any info,

Re: Question about Todd's Up and Down-Towners:

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:43 am
by Indiana Jeff
Try a PM to Todd. He's Puppetboy here.


Indiana Jeff

Re: Question about Todd's Up and Down-Towners:

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:40 am
by TenuredProfessor
I have a downtowner, and I do know Todd sells replacement ribbons. You probably have to order it separately, then put it on yourself. That's worst case scenario...But I wouldn't be surprised if Todd would be kind enough to swap it out for you. I've experienced nothing but great service from him...Cissy too!

Re: Question about Todd's Up and Down-Towners:

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:44 am
by indyclone
i have bought the ribbons from todd ,( real inexspensive) and took it to a local hatmaker in chicago and they put the ribbon on my old dorfman, i bought two more ribbons for both my up and downtowners hats, and will take them to the hatter again to replace the ribbons on them too, todd rewally helps his customers , cissy , eh? i have dealt with cissy and really havent been pleased with her help but todd is very nice and can awnswer any questions, you can't go wrong with either hat, i have both , like i said and wear them everyday.

Re: Question about Todd's Up and Down-Towners:

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 2:18 pm
by Captain D
Thank you for your replies gents, that's a good idea, I'll go ahead and simply write Todd a PM here to see if this could be done...
Best Regards!