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How do I get that finish off the leather jacket?

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:34 am
by Mark Brody
I got a new jacket a little while ago. It has a finish that almost looks like it's been painted on rather than simply staining the leather. Under the finish is a great brown with a reddish tint. I've tried removing the finish with alcohol and a scrub brush. Knowing this would dry out the leather, I had a bottle of Lexol standing by. I've been having two problems with this method: it takes forever, and although the Lexol conditions the leather, it makes the jacket squeaky. Does anyone have any suggestions that might work faster, or know of any leather conditioners that will result in a quieter jacket?


Re: How do I get that finish off the leather jacket?

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:30 am
by RaidersBash
Yeah...i agree with _ on that one...just try some soap and water (something like Dawn is great for breaking down dyes) and a green backed dish sponge...

start with the most gentle thing you can before you pull out the orbital sander.

Re: How do I get that finish off the leather jacket?

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:35 am
by Mark Brody
I just want to be clear on this: you're suggesting putting a leather jacket with wool knit cuffs (it's an A2) in the washing machine with Dawn? It sounds a little crazy, but if that's what you mean, I believe you. Do I still use alcohol and a scrub brush after that, or are you suggesting I follow up the washer with a scrub pad and more Dawn? Either way, that still leaves me with squeaky leather after I use the lexol conditioner, though...

Re: How do I get that finish off the leather jacket?

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:51 pm
by Hunter57
Would any of this also help with getting rid of the plasticky shine on a G&B Expo in goat? Love the jacket, don't care for the shine.

Re: How do I get that finish off the leather jacket?

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:48 pm
by Mark Brody
_ wrote:Ah, you did not mention the jersey cuffs. Now, do you know they are wool? What's the make of the jacket?
It's a DSCP: Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (USAF Standard Issue A-2). 100% leather shell, 50/50 poly/cotton liner, but unfortunately, it does not say what the cuffs are. What difference would it make with wool cuffs if I'm airdrying the jacket anyway?

Re: How do I get that finish off the leather jacket?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:39 pm
by Mark Brody
Well, I've washed it in woolite - that definitely softened the jacket. The mild soap and srub brush is moving way too slow, and it hardly strips the finish evenly. I picked up some saddle soap - that seems to be doing the job VERY well, but it is still a little slow. All the same, I hope to have some new pictures here in a few days once it's all striped, dried, and restored.

Re: How do I get that finish off the leather jacket?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:57 pm
by RaidersBash
Mark Brody wrote:Well, I've washed it in woolite - that definitely softened the jacket. The mild soap and srub brush is moving way too slow, and it hardly strips the finish evenly. I picked up some saddle soap - that seems to be doing the job VERY well, but it is still a little slow. All the same, I hope to have some new pictures here in a few days once it's all striped, dried, and restored.
well, it might be time to pull out the stronger ingredients...

gasoline. :Plymouth:

Re: How do I get that finish off the leather jacket?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:52 pm
by Mark Brody
Thanks for the suggestion ;) but the Saddle Soap is actually working quite well. I'm about 40% done with the stripping, and I think I'll leave the other 60% for tomorrow. I can't wait to see it when it's done - it's really looking every bit as good as I'd hoped.

Re: How do I get that finish off the leather jacket?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:21 pm
by Mark Brody
I dropped off an old pair of Corcoran jump boots to be resoled, and the cobbler gave me some advice for leather care. His advice combined with yours gave me the best looking finish I'm gonna get. I was hoping for something a little better than what I have, but it was a long project trying to strip the finish and left me disheartened with a very unevenly colored jacket. I'd almost given up hope a couple times, but was thrilled when it came out like it is now.

The jacket is every bit as distressed as it looks in the pictures - no more, no less. I wasn't trying to made it look like it'd been taken on a million adventures or get it ridiculously scuffed up (after all, I wouldn't be able to wear it anymore if I had), but that "painted" finish just looked awful. Some spots are clearly stripped to the bare leather, while other spots were almost impossible to strip anything. I'd say about 90% of the jacket is pretty evenly stripped, however. Only the trouble spots around seams are uneven. You can see the bare leather is much redder than the red, while the painted finish is an ugly greenish greyish brown.
