Hat tape quick fix

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Hat tape quick fix

Post by generalFROSTY »

My Henry was not fitting as snug on the sides as I would have liked - the problem with a factory hat and people who are inbetween sizes - so I temporarily stuffed the sides with tissue.
I went online to learn a little about hatters tape and discovered that this stuff is just repackaged and renamed foam tape that you can buy at Home Depot, Wal-Mart or any art store. It's the same stuff used to wall mount frames.
I remembered that I had a large 10ft roll of it (scotch brand) and doubled up the strips on each side, with one strip running around the back (total thickness w/two strips is 1/8")
Now the hat fits absolutely perfect, nice and snug. And since I am using double sided foam tape, it sticks the sweat band down nicely and does not bulge out like when I had it stuffed with folded tissue.
It's funny how some genius decided to resell this stuff for hats.
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