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Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:22 pm
by fenris
I was wondering how people here would rate the hats which are priced below $250 on a scale of 1 to 10... 10 being the highest.
The criteria for rating should be:
- look and feel of the hat
- construction quality
- durability
Oh, and please do not compare it with the high-end hats. I'm sure we all know how they compare to ABs and Penmans.
Here is the list of hats I know that fit into this category:
- Fed IV (I'm pretty sure this would be the winner, though)
- Christy's
- Todds Uptowner
- Todds Downtowner
- DP fur felt
add other hats that fit in this price range, please.

Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:45 pm
by RaidersBash
Todd's Uptowner should go above the christy's. It's a much nicer hat/felt quality, IMO.
The Downtowner is hard to classify, because although it's a great hat and I like it a lot, it's kinda meant to be a costume piece. It's stiff like a felt cowboy hat, and I did just by one for my Dad for Christmas (he's always been my hero, I thought he should have the hat to go with the title).
I think I remember Todd writing somewhere that it's not really the hat to wear with a suit. It's a Raider's "character" hat.
The Uptowner however is top shelf in the price range, probably even better than what it's priced at. But that's JMO and I'm hardly an expert.

Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:28 pm
by jlee562
IMHO, the jury is out on Todd's Uptowner as far as durability. I'm not trying to knock Todd's products, in fact, I'm a happy customer of Todd's, but they haven't been around even a year yet, so I don't really think one can comment on it's ultimate durability.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:40 pm
by RaidersBash
Well...the felt's good quality
Some others are saying they prefer it over their Henry's. That's not knocking the Henry, just stating personal preference for some people
...whats' gonna happen, the liner come out? Oh wait, didn't HF rip the liner out of his HJ? It's good felt, the sweat is really nice...the stitching is solid...everything is really nice...
I was just saying it should go above the Christy's because it's better felt, IMO (and I think others will probably chime in in agreement).
The Uptowner has more than once been rated side by side with the Henry, soooooooo....i'd reckon the guys that are comparing them side by side know what they're looking at.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:43 pm
by BaptisteTheFool
Would there be any reason for grabbing the Uptowner instead of the Downtowner? The Uptowner is more expensive-- but is it a better hat? Will it hold up in the rain and the elements as well as the Downtowner? Is the Downtowner less suited for everyday wear, more like a costume piece?
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:47 pm
by BendingOak
fenris wrote:I was wondering how people here would rate the hats which are priced below $250 on a scale of 1 to 10... 10 being the highest.
The criteria for rating should be:
- look and feel of the hat
- construction quality
- durability
Oh, and please do not compare it with the high-end hats. I'm sure we all know how they compare to ABs and Penmans.
Here is the list of hats I know that fit into this category:
- Fed IV (I'm pretty sure this would be the winner, though)
- Christy's
- Todds Uptowner
- Todds Downtowner
- DP fur felt
add other hats that fit in this price range, please.

boy, I would love to play this game. I will say this. That I agree with your order you posted.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:56 pm
by RaidersBash
BaptisteTheFool wrote:Would there be any reason for grabbing the Uptowner instead of the Downtowner? The Uptowner is more expensive-- but is it a better hat? Will it hold up in the rain and the elements as well as the Downtowner? Is the Downtowner less suited for everyday wear, more like a costume piece?
The Uptowner and Downtowner are like comparing apples to oranges. The Uptowner is a very nice, soft felt and just looks and feels super classy.
The Downtowner is a stiff hat, like a cowboy hat, that's shaped like a generalized Raiders hat. It's still a a really kewl hat and I wear it sometimes when I'm working horses because it holds it's place.
My Downtowner and My (ex)girlfriends horse during halloween (that's the arab I wanted to do some raiders shots on.
It's a hat that looks good with jeans or something a little more rugged or dressed down, or when you're going for the full Raider's caricature look (caricature: a portrait that exaggerates or distorts the essence of a person or thing to create an easily identifiable visual likeness).
Plus, I like my Uptowner too much to let some horse mess it up or knock it in the dirt (but if i could afford to have 2, I'd love to abuse the heck outta one like DN says she did to HF's for Raiders)
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:06 pm
by BaptisteTheFool
RaidersBash wrote:BaptisteTheFool wrote:Would there be any reason for grabbing the Uptowner instead of the Downtowner? The Uptowner is more expensive-- but is it a better hat? Will it hold up in the rain and the elements as well as the Downtowner? Is the Downtowner less suited for everyday wear, more like a costume piece?
The Uptowner and Downtowner are like comparing apples to oranges. The Uptowner is a very nice, soft felt and just looks and feels super classy.
The Downtowner is a stiff hat, like a cowboy hat, that's shaped like a generalized Raiders hat. It's still a a really kewl hat and I wear it sometimes when I'm working horses because it holds it's place.
It's a hat that looks good with jeans or when you're going for the full Raider's caricature look (caricature: a portrait that exaggerates or distorts the essence of a person or thing to create an easily identifiable visual likeness).
Plus, I like my Uptowner too much to let some horse mess it up or knock it in the dirt (but if i could afford to have 2, I'd love to abuse the heck outta one like DN says she did to HF's for Raiders)
Does the Uptowner hold up ok in the rain?
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:17 pm
by RaidersBash
It has so much stiffener in it, it would take getting caught in serious terenchal rain for an extended period of time to affect it. I light rain is fine. I've had mine in the rain and snow and it's done fine. It will take some steam and can be reshaped, but if you do it too much you can weaken the stiffener. I would recommend do it once, get it how you like it and leave it alone.
But as far as ranking goes...I think I'd put it somewhere mid point on the list because it's such a fun caricature hat.

Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:33 pm
by fenris
Wait! The order I posted wasn't related to any rating... I just posted them as I remembered them.
How about something like this (example only as I have no basis of comparison):
Fed IV - 10
Christy's - 7
Todds Uptowner - ?
...and so on.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:32 pm
by RaidersBash
I think I'd rate them like this
Uptowner - 10
Henry (but i think it's outside this price range) -10
Akubra - 10
Christy's - 8.5
Downtowner - 8
Dorfman Fur - 8 (?)
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:36 pm
by BendingOak
is the scale 0-10?????? If so you are way off.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:38 pm
by jnicktem
I don't think I can put a dorfman at 8. I would give it a 1... maybe 2.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:40 pm
by RaidersBash
The Dorfman Fur felts are bad, but not that bad....
but i may have been a little generous

Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:41 pm
by BendingOak
RaidersBash wrote:The Dorfman Fur felts are bad, but not that bad....
but i may have been a little generous

Oh yes they are.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:43 pm
by RaidersBash
BendingOak wrote:is the scale 0-10?????? If so you are way off.
sorry john, those are just my opinions given the hats in that price range, and which do i think are the best of those originally posted...
but i could be wrong. not a hill i'm willing to die on by any means
fenris wrote:I was wondering how people here would rate the hats which are priced below $250 on a scale of 1 to 10... 10 being the highest.
The criteria for rating should be:
- look and feel of the hat
- construction quality
- durability
Oh, and please do not compare it with the high-end hats. I'm sure we all know how they compare to ABs and Penmans.
Here is the list of hats I know that fit into this category:
- Fed IV (I'm pretty sure this would be the winner, though)
- Christy's
- Todds Uptowner
- Todds Downtowner
- DP fur felt
add other hats that fit in this price range, please.

Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:45 pm
by BendingOak
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:49 pm
by jnicktem
Here is how I would rate them- using all of the information I have collected both first hand and posts on here (I've read like every post made in the fedora section for about the past year):
Henry- 10
Akubra- 9
Downtowner- 5
Christy's- 5
In some areas I am being a little generous because I am not 100% sure on all durability and craftmanship.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:50 pm
by RaidersBash
I like that ranking...can't argue with that.
Are the Henry's priced too high to be on the list?
I would think the dorfman wools deserve a 1, but i still think the fur felt one should rank a little higher, IM very humble O.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:55 pm
by jnicktem
I have a fur felt dorfman (unfortunately) and when I got my Akubra I was stunned on just how bad the dorfman really was! And now that I have some very high quality hats (Penmans and AB's) I am understanding what it takes to make a quality hat. There are so many details that most people would never notice. I know I didn't before I started collecting hats.
As for the wool dorfmans... I don't really consider those hats even. So I would give them a 0. I guess it kind of makes me a snob but oh well.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:58 pm
by RaidersBash
fenris wrote:
Oh, and please do not compare it with the high-end hats. I'm sure we all know how they compare to ABs and Penmans.
also in that price range would be some of the Scala's and Stacy Adams and the likes...and I would think for sure they would rank lower than the DP Fur Felts...
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:00 am
by jnicktem
I'm not comparing anything to Penmans or AB's. Just stating that since I got them I started noticing things that makes up a quality hat. Not once in my post did I compare a Penman or AB to any of the hats being rated in this thread.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:11 am
by RaidersBash
jnicktem wrote:I'm not comparing anything to Penmans or AB's. Just stating that since I got them I started noticing things that makes up a quality hat. Not once in my post did I compare a Penman or AB to any of the hats being rated in this thread.
okay, i'm seriously not trying to start any kind of argument, and I know how easily things can't be misconstrued so please know this is just discussion and i would like to think of everyone around here as pals sitting around a table, BS'ing while drinking some beers...
that being said, didn't you just write:
jnicktem wrote:And now that I have some very high quality hats (Penmans and AB's) I am understanding what it takes to make a quality hat.
As for the wool dorfmans... I don't really consider those hats even. So I would give them a 0. I guess it kind of makes me a snob but oh well.
and isn't that a type of comparison, if we're saying that a comparison is a point of mental reference that we use to judge something else by?
to not compare would be to pretend you've never seen any other hat than those listed in the price range...
or at least that's my understanding.
but again Nick, I'm not trying to argue or have a beef with you, and I totally agree with how you had them ranked (aside from the DP's, but that's just my opinion and nothing said we all had to see the world the same

Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:16 am
by jnicktem
I say having knowledge on what makes a quality hat is not the same as comparing a quality hat to any other hat. I understand not all hats can be like a Penman or an AB and I'm fine with that and I kept that in mind when ranking the hats Fenris mentioned.
And don't worry- I didn't take any of your posts as you having a beef with me. I rarely take posts like that. And I hope none of my posts seemed like I was trying to argue with you... just merely expressing my honest opinion.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:34 am
by RaidersBash
c00l beans

Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:43 am
by Bartram
Don't forget that Lee Keppler does an Indy fedora out a rabbit/beaver blend for about $175.
I've seen some pics on the board and it looks pretty solid.
Might be worth throwing on the list for consideration.
Oh and for the record, I've loved my Fed IV for a long time. Great hat for the $.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:51 am
by RaidersBash
I would think the Keppler is a nice hat too...although I've never seen one.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:54 am
by jnicktem
I haven't seen or heard much about the Keppler fedora in quite some time.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:00 am
by RaidersBash
yeah, me either. and nothing's been done with his site in a couple looked like he was on to something, but IDK...
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:40 am
by fenris
Isn't the henry $270 already? That takes it out from the list...
So that means the Fed IV is the highest rating hat for that budget.
I want an Akubra!!! Why don't they ship to the Philippines???!!!
Do they think that the mail system in the Philippines is full of thieves??? Well, they're right!
Seriously, I've heard of a lot of packages shipped here getting "lost" for some reason. Most of the time I think it has to do with the price declared on the package... the thieves see the declared price and start to drool no matter what is inside. No wonder we're a 3rd world country...
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:08 am
by BendingOak
fenris wrote:Isn't the henry $270 already? That takes it out from the list...
So that means the Fed IV is the highest rating hat for that budget.
I want an Akubra!!! Why don't they ship to the Philippines???!!!
Do they think that the mail system in the Philippines is full of thieves??? Well, they're right!
Seriously, I've heard of a lot of packages shipped here getting "lost" for some reason. Most of the time I think it has to do with the price declared on the package... the thieves see the declared price and start to drool no matter what is inside. No wonder we're a 3rd world country...
I agree, the Henry should not be on the list. The thing you have to do is state is the best of the bunch a 10 because it's the best of the bunch or do you rate it a 10 because it's a 10 by itself. Are we setting a price limit. I think you should. 100 -200 dollars (US).
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:13 am
by RaidersBash
I thought it was best of the bunch when I was doing my rankings...
I still like your hats best John, and the first $275 I can spare is heading your way, so I hope you don't judge me too poorly for my ratings... LOL

Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:16 am
by jnicktem
I also think we need to make a more comprehensive list of hats in that price range.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:18 am
by fenris
Well, the ratings should be based on the agreed price range. So if you're rating a 10 on a hat... it should be a 10 compared to the other hats in that price range.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:56 am
by darthbish
Should we be differentiating between the Fed IV standard and the deluxe??
If so I think the deluxe is wayyyyyy ahead of the standard.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:40 am
by mcmanm
Just to chime in. My first hat was a Keppler. It is a great hat for the money ($175). I would definitely put it up their with the rest. I had it for a year or so before I sold it and it held up well. The only knock is getting a hold of Lee. I first found him on this site a few years ago. But, I haven't seen him around this site in a long time. I hope he is ok. I wonder if Michaelson or one of the other moderators have heard from him.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:11 am
by BendingOak
I like the idea of making a list like this but should be based on price rang and quality and look. The keepler should be on the list as a few other. Since I don't make any of the low end stuff. I'll put in some input. Someone else will have to take the lead. I got to sew right now.
I thought it was best of the bunch when I was doing my rankings...
I still like your hats best John, and the first $275 I can spare is heading your way, so I hope you don't judge me too poorly for my ratings... LOL
Thank very much but I didn't pop in for this. Judging you, didn't even cross my mind. I'm still a indy gear head fan and would like to play from time to time. I don't want people taking me as trying to sell a hat but would like help but I guess that won't happen. Hard to shake the vendor title. oh well. I'l keep reading . I hope this thread continues.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:22 am
by djd
It's soooo hard to compare them as there as sooo many factors that make you like a hat and it can be a personal thing.... I love my Uptowner as it came with exactly the look I wanted. It seems well made but is quite stiff. The Henry is lovely soft felt compared to the Uptowner and has a sweatband to die for (it's so soft). It doesn't quite have the right look for me (so far) but I'm still tweaking it (it's also a very big size 60 - maybe bigger than my Uptowner which is a 61). I used to have a Magnoli HJ which looked good but was a little small for a 60 which put me off wearing it that much. Quality of materials I'd vote Henry. Look, I'd vote Uptowner. The only other hat I really want at the moment is one of Jason's SoC but that's well outside this price bracket
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:23 am
by mcmanm
I sure hope you are sewing in the parts to my Grey Hero CS reblock

. I sure miss that hat and can't wait to see the results. Please pm when you are done and have tried it on. I really want your opinion on the crown height, etc

Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:27 am
by RaidersBash
mcmanm wrote:Oak,
I sure hope you are sewing in the parts to my Grey Hero CS reblock

. I sure miss that hat and can't wait to see the results. Please pm when you are done and have tried it on. I really want your opinion on the crown height, etc

That must be a happy and exciting time. I really can't hardly wait to order a hat from John. Congratulations

Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:50 am
by Bartram
mcmanm wrote:Just to chime in. My first hat was a Keppler. It is a great hat for the money ($175). I would definitely put it up their with the rest. I had it for a year or so before I sold it and it held up well. The only knock is getting a hold of Lee. I first found him on this site a few years ago. But, I haven't seen him around this site in a long time. I hope he is ok. I wonder if Michaelson or one of the other moderators have heard from him.
I've actually got a non-Indy fedora coming from Lee this week.
I've talked to him recently and he's doing well indeed.
However, contacting him is a bear. He preferred I call him instead of email and his website is unfinished.
He needs a young, tech saavy partner to assist him is getting his offerings out there on the web. Until then, I think he just runs it old-school, doing conventions and trade shows. Any takers?
Here's a link with some of his <$200 offerings
And if you really want to get riled up, check out these links where board members compare one of his 100% beaver Indy fedora's to the AB. The fur flies ... er#p517655 ... er#p512904
These latter are priced out of the range of we're talking in this thread but you can see the shape and craft of the hat.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:11 pm
by fenris
Bartram wrote:He needs a young, tech saavy partner to assist him is getting his offerings out there on the web. Until then, I think he just runs it old-school, doing conventions and trade shows. Any takers?
Hmmmmmmmmmm... that is my forte. I'm actually a web designer / graphic artist. I've seen his unfinished site. It seems to be n one of those common open-source shopping sites.
But, to get back on topic. Can someone prepare a list of hats ranging from $100 - $200?

Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:36 pm
by HarryStreet
I'd like to chime in as the past owner of an Akubra. While it was not a Fed IV (they didn't make them back then) it was (I think) a Snowy River. I purchased it down-under on a business trip to Sydney about seventeen years ago. That hat was the nicest hat I ever owned (until my Henry shows up next week.

It cost me about $80 US at the time. I wore it all the time, took it adventuring on horseback in the hills of Tennessee and Virginia, hiking in Colorado & Arizona, you name it. I tore the lining out when it got loose, didn't affect it. I had it re-furbished in Prescott, AZ. I filled it with water from streams and watered the horses with it.
The color stayed even despite all the sun exposure, the sweatband never bled, the hat did not shrink, it resisted water and wind. If it tapered I did not notice it.
I really loved that hat, doubly sentimental because I acquired it in Australia while riding in the Victoria Alps.
It was eventually lost to a girlfriend who shall not be named. She's long gone, wish I still had that hat...
I'd give it an easy 8 out of 10. If the Fed IV is even half as well made, I think it's going to be tough to deny it a very high rating on this list.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:28 pm
by jnicktem
Okay so for hats that should be apart of this list we have:
Akubra Federation IV
Akubra Federation IV Deluxe
Todd's Uptowner
Todd's Downtowner
Lee Keppler's Fedora
Anything else someone thinks should be on the list? There's probably more but I'm just not remembering them right now.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:08 pm
by RaidersBash
jnicktem wrote:Okay so for hats that should be apart of this list we have:
Akubra Federation IV
Akubra Federation IV Deluxe
Todd's Uptowner
Todd's Downtowner
Lee Keppler's Fedora
Anything else someone thinks should be on the list? There's probably more but I'm just not remembering them right now.
Peters Brothers Custom
Stetson Temple
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:18 pm
by fenris
Ok, so for the list we have:
Akubra Federation IV
Akubra Federation IV Deluxe
Todd's Uptowner
Todd's Downtowner
Christy's Adventurer
Lee Keppler's Fedora
Peters Brothers Custom
Stetson Temple
Now how about the ratings? I cannot rate 'em since I only have one of those hats, a Christy's. So I have no basis of comparison.
You guys could always send me your hats for me to rate?

Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:12 am
by BendingOak
You can add miller and camptown.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:23 am
by jlee562
The Temple can be problematic because Stetson's quality has varied over the years. I have a modern temple, I believe mine is powder dyed, because I got some brown marks when handling it with sweaty hands. It's my understanding that Stetson has recently changed this practice though.
On top of that, I don't think the Temple really has the qualities that a gearhead looks for in an Indy, it doesn't really look like an Indy hat.
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:36 am
by fenris
Hasn't Camptown stopped operating?
Re: Hat ratings
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:36 am
by BendingOak
jlee562 wrote:The Temple can be problematic because Stetson's quality has varied over the years. I have a modern temple, I believe mine is powder dyed, because I got some brown marks when handling it with sweaty hands. It's my understanding that Stetson has recently changed this practice though.
On top of that, I don't think the Temple really has the qualities that a gearhead looks for in an Indy, it doesn't really look like an Indy hat.
If you add the DP, then the Stetson Temple should be in.