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TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:33 am
by RaidersBash
I just received my new close enough airsoft revolver and thought I'd post it with my Todd's Holster and Todd's Raiders Weapons Belt.

Like all the gear I've got from Todd, it's top notch and top quality. I've conditioned both the holster and belt with Dr.Jackson's Hide Rejuvenator.


Re: TODD's Raiders Hoster & Gear Belt

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 10:28 am
by IndianaBogart
RB, when did you order your Todd's holster? The color is great, IMO. I ordered mine last October and it had a lighter color that I had to darken with shoe polish. Your holster and belt look great. :tup:

Oh, and the revolver is a nice addition to. :tup:


Re: TODD's Raiders Hoster & Gear Belt

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 10:35 am
by RaidersBash
Thanks Bogie :TOH:

I bought the holster last year sometime, and it was a fairly light color. I credit the Dr.Jackson's. I really like that stuff, comparable to pecards but far less expensive for a far greater amount.

Re: TODD's Raiders Hoster & Gear Belt

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:37 am
by IndianaBogart
Hmmm....I don't think I've ever heard of Dr. Jackson's. I just may have to look into that. :-k

Re: TODD's Raiders Hoster & Gear Belt - NEW PIC

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:12 pm
by RaidersBash
I wet molded the holster the other day, and this is what it looks like now. To help it dry faster, I folded up an electric blanket, turned it up to high, and put the hoster with gun in the middle. A couple times I took it out and added more Dr. Jacksons to replace what the water washed out. Because the conditioner has a certain amount of beeswax...the heat kinda cooked it into a nice dark tone...


but of course the colors never look right on the camera...close, but not exact.

i wish i had a picture of it new, but i think it looks better now...


Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PIC

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:49 am
by IndianaBogart
Wow. That looks great! I dunno if you're a fan of artificial distressing, but if you're not opposed to it I think that may be the only thing it's lacking to look perfect. :clap:
Great job! :tup:

-Bogart :TOH:

Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PIC

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:20 pm
by Mitch LaRue
I have to agree... that's a gorgeous color!
GREAT work, RB!

Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PIC

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:11 pm
by RaidersBash
Thanks Guys! :TOH:

Yep, the standard holster is a great way to start. If I did one again, I would straight away wet mold it before I ever put any conditioner on the leather...

all the rest of the gear there is also from Todd, except the whip...moving to the same town as Todd became an expensive thing...

Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PIC

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:17 pm
by RaidersBash
that's true...and i get to do the kid in a toy store thing and play with stuff :D :D :D :rolling: :rolling: =P~

Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PIC

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:33 pm
by DanielJones
Thanks for posting those pics and methods of shaping. The holster looks great. :clap: Now I know I will have to get one from Todd's. Time to make a shopping list.

Cheers! :TOH:


Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PIC

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:31 am
by generalFROSTY
Impressive - I haven't seen many photos of Todd's leather offerings. How do they compare (as far as SA goes) to what is offered by other vendors (the weapons belt, holster)?

Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PIC

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:32 pm
by Indiana Joyce
You should do a search for Todd"s items. He's on here under the moniker Puppetboy. His items are very close to SA, I feel most would say everything he offers is SA but that depends on your level of scrutiny. I love everything he makes, others find that something is off by a shade or a millimeter.

So, free plug for Todd means I get some free stuff? Right Todd? Right? Aw. :oops:

Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PIC

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:04 pm
by generalFROSTY
Gearheads have it pretty easy when it comes to availability of items these days. When you see how much Todd's is such a 'one stop shop' for Indygear, you really start to appreciate where the hobby was ten years ago and where it is today. It's a relief to me that I got into it now and not back then - it is pretty easy to get together a full, SA set of gear readily available. I can't imagine what it was like for fans back in the day before the internet!

Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PIC

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:07 pm
by Indiana Joyce
generalFROSTY wrote:Gearheads have it pretty easy when it comes to availability of items these days. When you see how much Todd's is such a 'one stop shop' for Indygear, you really start to appreciate where the hobby was ten years ago and where it is today. It's a relief to me that I got into it now and not back then - it is pretty easy to get together a full, SA set of gear readily available. I can't imagine what it was like for fans back in the day before the internet!
Even after the internet, imagine before Akubra, and only having Wested and Disney for jackets...the old timers here sure have some stories!

Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PIC

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:25 pm
by RaidersBash
I'm wetblocking another Todd's holster for a member here. It looks like it's going to turn out better than the first one I did. I'll post some pictures of that in another couple of days before I ship it out.

i took the "teaser" post idea from Holt who is notorious for the "coming attractions" posts :rolling:

Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PICs 2/6/10

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:39 pm
by RaidersBash
Like I said, I'm doing one for another member here, and here are some updates.

This is more or less the color I'm aiming for in the end. I haven't heard back if the future owner wants it darker like mine, so time will tell how it ends. If the new owner wants to distress it i'll leave that to them.


This is where we started. Mine was originally the color of the new one. I darkened it with olive oil and sealed it with Dr. Jackson's. And only performed the wetblock after I got the gun...which made it more difficult, but the baking process also cooked the wax making the raised spots even darker.


And where I am currently. I will be "baking" it a little longer (throughout the night), maybe a coat or two of olive oil or maybe only a lanolin based conditioner which tends to darken just a smudge and does a nice job of sealing at the same time, imo.


I'll update again when all is said and done. :TOH:

Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PICs 2/6/10

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:16 am
by RaidersBash
Which is why i don't want to attempt it :)

i think in the film it's really more of an effect of the "dust" that makes it look more beat up than it is. I'm sure getting dragged behind a truck would do something interesting...probably destroy it completely. I have a holster for my camp revolver that i've used for 15 years or so, and aside from some darkening on the raised points of the cylinder and muzzle (it was blocked by the factory for the gun), it still looks in really good looks used, but not abused even though it kinda has been.

Leather is tough stuff as I know you know, ya know...


Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PICs 2/8/10

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:11 pm
by RaidersBash
I think this holster is done, so here's the finished product.

Pay little attention to the very dark one. I had some extra conditioner left over from the new one that i wiped off and rubbed onto the old one, but since it's so well conditioned it hadn't soaked in and i didn't wipe it off, so it looks much darker.

nuff said;




Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PICs 2/8/10

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:27 pm
by rover smith
Looks fantastic.

The holster is one of the things on my to buy list, I'll deffinatly be giving this a go.


Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PICs 2/8/10

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:37 pm
by RaidersBash
yeah...this one really did turn out like i knew (and hoped) it would. I really wish i would have go the gun sooner so i could have done the job to mine before applying the conditioners I did...because it really makes it sooooooooooo much easier to have a a fairly virgin leather to work with...

I might have to buy another one for me so i can keep playing. :whip:

Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PICs 2/8/10

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:58 am
by getoutofthelibrary
Todd's has great service. Ordered and had the Raiders Holster in less than a week. Really like the look of the holster, but it was a little light for what I wanted. Great deal for the price, however. Went to the local saddle shop and picked up some scraps (heavier). Have everything done but the darkening and the button. Pretty sure I could get dragged behind a truck with it. I'll post pictures when done. I have a S&W Victory Model in .38 Special to fill it. My son (8) is using Todd's. :TOH:

Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - NEW PICs 2/8/10

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:04 am
by RaidersBash
getoutofthelibrary wrote:Todd's has great service. Ordered and had the Raiders Holster in less than a week. Really like the look of the holster, but it was a little light for what I wanted. Great deal for the price, however. Went to the local saddle shop and picked up some scraps (heavier). Have everything done but the darkening and the button. Pretty sure I could get dragged behind a truck with it. I'll post pictures when done. I have a S&W Victory Model in .38 Special to fill it. My son (8) is using Todd's. :TOH:
I carry a S&W M13-4 .357 in one of mine :TOH:

I hope your son likes it! If you'd like it wetblocked and distressed "Raiders-esque" just send it to me. I'd be happy to do it for you. (The one's in the pic arent' distressed, just blocked).


Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - PIC HEAVY

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:18 pm
by Hollowpond
Todd's holster is AMAZING for only $30!!! Definitely one of my Ick-free gear pieces. ;) I love it. :TOH:


Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - PIC HEAVY

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:47 pm
by getoutofthelibrary
Hollowpond wrote:Todd's holster is AMAZING for only $30!!! Definitely one of my Ick-free gear pieces. ;) I love it. :TOH:


Re: TODD's Raiders Holster & Gear Belt - PIC HEAVY

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:27 pm
by RaidersBash
Again, if ANYONE has a Todd's holster they would like wetblocked (with or without distressing) I do this FREE OF CHARGE for any COW Member...about the only thing I can do as a way to "give back" to the community...

I took this pic for the Todd's shirt thread, but it's a decent shot of one of the several holsters I've done this too...
