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Has Anyone Received Their Mk. VII Bag from Nevada Yet?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 9:59 am
by RonC
Just wondered if anyone had received their "new" old Mk. VII bags from our new source yet. Ordered mine about a week ago. Has not arrived yet.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 1:01 pm
by Paulcrastination
I just sent my money order off a few days ago. I did send him an email or two inquiring about the details of the bags... manufacturer, color, etc. I have not heard back from him, which seems unsual conisidering how quickly he replied initially. I'd be interested in purchasing more if I knew some more specifics.

I'm anxious to recieve mine, I just replaced my strap buckle to the JoAnn Fabrics one, which even beat out the one I had on there previously. Go buy one folks they are only a dollar! Anyway, first one to get their bag from this source please post... with pictures.

Until then, the suspense builds.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 1:01 pm
by zohar
Haven't seen mine yet, but I will post when I do.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 1:03 pm
by agent5
Just got my bag a few minutes ago and I'm very pleased overall. I was under the assumption the bag I was to get was unused but it's far from that. It is in great shape but very, very dirty. Sam did tell me over the phone the bags were in a crate for a very long time, were not clean and smelled musty. He gave me washing instructions which I've since forgotten like a moron. :roll: I'm sure I can find some here on COW.

My bag is exactly like the color of the bag in Raiders. An olive green. No hint of tan from what my eyes tell me. There is some white/green corrosion on the bottom water drains and a very small ammount on the snaps and rings which can come off with a fine grade sandpaper.

Hey, for $14 the bag is in great shape. I'm going to try to give the underside a wash where it will touch my pants but I'm keeping the rest of the bag dirty. It looks great. :wink:

Thanks for the effort and the tip, Swindy. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:13 pm
by Gobler
I recived an e-amil from Sam (the Nevada source) and he told me the bag was sent yesterday priority mail. He charged me $20.00 for a grade #1 which is supposed to be the best unissued clean with no markings on it bag. I really hope so since this will be my first real MK VII. I have a WPG.


Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:56 pm
by RonC
I received my bag today, and I am not pleased with it. It is the proper color, and I don't mind the wear on it, but it has two quite large holes (moth-eaten?) in the flap. I just got off the phone with Sam, and he is sending me another one....TALK ABOUT GREAT SERVICE!!!!!!!! I CANNOT RECOMMEND THIS GUY HIGHLY ENOUGH!!!!! If you want to do business with a true stand-up guy, Sam is the one.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 4:55 pm
by Swindiana
I can only agree, Sam is a really cool guy.

agent5: The safest and the best way to get rid of the corrosion is to use steel wool, the kind with soap in it. (Svinto and Putso are two Swedish brands.) It will not leave any scratch marks whatsoever and is really easy to use on all parts. You'll be amazed on how new the metal parts will look! (The green/white stuff comes from the copper in the brass reacting with oxygen, just like rust on iron.)
I think it's great you got a green one, I'm on the search for one myself...

Washing is easy, just throw it in there with some detergent for the smell, let it run full cycle on 40 degrees and presto. My WPG bag shrunk a bit in 60 degrees but I haven't come across a real Mk VII that has suffered from being washed so far. My trick to shape it is taking it out before the centrifuge kicks in and let it dry with wooden blocks inside it. Hey, whatever works. :lol: Conclusion: Try on low temp first if you are not certain.

Nice to hear that this source seems to work out for you guys!



Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 5:20 pm
by Mola Ram
I recived my bag today also. I spend money on a $20 mint bag and wow this is as good as it gets. The color and everything is perfect. Its just a little moldy and yelling at me to wash it. Its a great olive drab green color just like indys and the pockets on the inside look great. The only issue i have is that the metal thing on the right is cracked and i payed for a mint one 20$ instead of a 14$ one. Other then that its great....its my first bag so i am filled with joy :D Im going to stop by jo ann and tandy leather tomorrow and make a strap for my bag. I am very pleased thanks swindy!!! view pictures here

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 6:05 pm
by Indiana Texas-girl
Molo, the picture link isn't working.


Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 6:06 pm
by Mola Ram
sorry fixed it.... :oops:

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 6:51 pm
by Swindiana
Hm... Still not working. Are they posted as public files?


Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 6:58 pm
by Mola Ram
yep your right swindy they were not public files :oops:
how did i miss that? fixed...

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 7:00 pm
by Indiana Texas-girl
It worked for me just now.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 7:04 pm
by Mola Ram
how does it look to you guys? (and gals :wink: )

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 7:10 pm
by Swindiana
Molorom wrote:how does it look to you guys? (and gals :wink: )
Well... Excellent! :wink:


Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 1:53 pm
by IndianaJames
Thanks for sharing the pics!!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 2:53 pm
by zohar
I got my bag today. It's a very nice olive drab, and appears unissued. All of the cloth and stitching is like new. It just looks like it's been sitting for 60 years, and as such is very musty.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 3:18 pm
by Sheffield Jones
:D I love the smell of musty canvas in the morning!!! :D

The Mail man brought my bag today from Nevada,which was a shock :shock: as i only sent the M.O. out Monday!!!!

Not sure which bag i got maybe someone can help I.D. it.
It has one drain hole in the center of the bottom,no disk on the side,a thing that looks like a small spring and a small cord with a knot in it,and inside the flap is printed 1066 and something else i can't make out.
:-k Is this a MK-VI :?:
If i can get my mother's digital camera would anyone be willing to host & post the pics. for me.

This is my first real bag,and all i can say is WOW!!!

Big,Big Thanks =D> go out to Swindy for finding this source :notworthy: !!!!

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 4:13 pm
by Ihatesnakes
Well, I'm no Swindiana :wink: but from the 1941 date and the single drainage hole, it certainly sounds like a Mk VI.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 4:17 pm
by Henry Jones Sr.
I had two arrive this morning. Definitely two completely different lots of Mark VII. One is a bit more green (not quite repro WPG, but definitely greener than my first from Sentimental Journey UK), the other more OD. Since I don't have access to a digital camera, I'll describe them (kind of like life before television...).

The green one is marked faintly inside the flap G & S LTD. 1943 VII. The canvas is lightly scuffed, and of a slightly rougher weave canvas. The press studs (snaps) are a different design, and not quite as substantial as earlier models. The old attachment string on the side is twisted and knotted. Other than mustiness and a bit of oxidation on the press studs and disc, though, it's well put-together.

The other, more OD one is more similar to my original from Sentimental Journey. The inside of the flap is distinctly marked

I.L.M.LTD.I. 1941.
(I never realized Lucasfilm was manufacturing gas mask bags back in WWII; I guess everyone had to do their part.... :wink:

The canvas seems to be of a finer overall weave, not scuffed much, nor showing other signs of use or wear. The press studs are the older, more durable design. The string on the side is an unused loop, solid as the day it was made. A touch of copper oxidation and rust on the metal parts. Probably the slightly better condition one of the pair, though there is some ball point pen markings and writing on the outside of the front flap. I'm debating whether to send it back, and take my chances, or to try some good old-fashioned stain removal techniques. I may start with some rubbing alcohol a cotton swab, and some elbow grease, and see what that gets me.

Gee, never thought I'd be able to (nor want to) ramble on at length about a 60-year old canvas bag. :roll: Ah, well.... I personally like to touch a part of history. My original Mark VII was actually issued to a British soldier (his name and serial number are stenciled inside the flap). I don't know if it ever saw use, but to me, it doesn't matter. Those years were quite a time in our world's recent past.

As for the musty smell: we've discussed it several times before; check the archives. We all have our favorite methods to remove it; some like to leave it as is. De gustibus non disperandum (There is no disputing taste). I have a feeling, though, that Lee Keppler is gonna be getting a whole lot of orders for bag straps soon....


Henry Jones, Sr.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 4:21 pm
by Henry Jones Sr.
Ihatesnakes wrote:Well, I'm no Swindiana :wink: but from the 1941 date and the single drainage hole, it certainly sounds like a Mk VI.
A basic listing is right here at Indygear:

A single drain hole is indeed a Mark VI.


Henry Jones, Sr.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 6:00 pm
by Gobler
Just got mine a few minuts ago :D Whohooo!!! It's in very good condition since I asked for a grade #1. The stamp on the inside flap reads
J.W.&S.(B) Ltd I. 1943 It's a little musty and a tad dirty but after a good hand wash it should be sharp. :D
BTW, my girlfriend wants one to use as her purse. Cool Eh?


PS. Do you change out the metal rings on the side or leave them? I looked on the "Bag" section on Indy Gear to see if my bag was listed (it's not) and noticed the strap where it shows the original web strap removed with the metal rings. Just wondering.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 6:28 pm
by Farnham54
Gobler, where are you guys finding these ladies?

Gator has his telephone in a TV interview...

You have yours wanting some gear as a purse...

Hang on to those ones!


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 9:51 pm
by Swindiana

A whole lot to deal with. Since I'm in a hurry, belive it or not, I'll go with first things first.
Not sure which bag i got maybe someone can help I.D. it.
It has one drain hole in the center of the bottom,no disk on the side,a thing that looks like a small spring and a small cord with a knot in it,and inside the flap is printed 1066 and something else i can't make out.
You've got yourself a Canadian Mk VII, not a Mk VI. (Don't ask me why I know this, but Canada never made the Mk VI as we know it, the specs are quite different.)

Check this link out and I'll think you know what I'm saying:

I'd say your bag is a WOODS one. What does the back of the snaps say? If they read: UNITED CAHH CANADA, you have yourself a Canadian Mk VII, for sure.

A post about different snaps is coming up sooner or later to help identification if stamps are missing.

Though, I could be all wrong.

For now.... :wink:


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 10:43 pm
by Swindiana
Has anyone tried to order from this source but have gotten a negative yet?


Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 10:17 am
by RonC
Swindy, when I talked to Sam the other day, he did say he'd had a lot of hard sell or anything like that, just that the selection was getting a little slim.

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 5:01 pm
by Swindiana
Ok. Let me know if/when he runs out... :D


Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 5:15 pm
by Henry Jones Sr.
Gobler wrote:PS. Do you change out the metal rings on the side or leave them? I looked on the "Bag" section on Indy Gear to see if my bag was listed (it's not) and noticed the strap where it shows the original web strap removed with the metal rings. Just wondering.
My personal thought? So long as the original metal rings are in solid condition (and most are...), leave as much of the original bag intact as possible. After purchasing both a NH and a custom Lee Keppler bag strap, I'm not personally familiar with replacing the rings.

If you have new rings, and you really want to replace the ones the bag came with, knock yourself out. Just be sure to cut the old rings, and not the canvas loops. Even with a little bit of clobber in the bag, the strength of a resewn loop will most likely not match or exceed the original (unless the loops are rotting...).

Good luck!


Henry Jones, Sr.

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 5:55 pm
by Gobler
HJ Sr. Thanks. The ones with the bag are very solid so I will leave them. The stiching on my bag is nice and tight and in very good condition. I just got a e-mail from Sam (the sorce) and he mentioned he is running low. He has MK VI and MKVII without the side disk. But I'm sure there is another source out there :) I wanted one more bag just in case. I only have the one plus a WPG so I think having two is not asking much. :wink:


Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 6:31 pm
by Mulceber
No, but then I only placed my order today. -IJ

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 6:40 pm
by Henry Jones Sr.
Gobler wrote:I just got a e-mail from Sam (the sorce) and he mentioned he is running low. He has MK VI and MKVII without the side disk. But I'm sure there is another source out there :) I wanted one more bag just in case. I only have the one plus a WPG so I think having two is not asking much. :wink:
My pleasure. If you're really looking for one more, at a slightly higher price(!) than Sam, but direct from England, you might want to try

As a matter of fact, just type in for a real vintage time and space travel/militaria experience.... :D Happy travels!


Henry Jones, Sr.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 10:06 am
by Swindiana
Gobler: PM sent.


Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 3:23 pm
by RonC
To all: received my "replacement" Mk. VII from Sam today...and it's a keeper! It's not an olive green color, but is a shade or two darker than the WPG bag I have. All the metal pieces are in good shape, with a little corrosion present (but which should be quite easily removed). It has the requisite 2 ea. ventilated ports on the bottom of the bag, as well as the large metal device on the side. The snaps are in excellent shape, and the stitching is good. There is only one, very minor, hole at the bottom of the bag. Markings inside the flap are:

H&S 1942

All in all, a good Mk. VII for use as an Indy bag!


Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 4:15 pm
by Mola Ram
i cant read the markings on my bag they are to faded...
guess that makes up for every other thing being
in perfect condition.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 5:39 pm
by Swindiana
Have you tried taking shots of it and playing with it in Photoshop with colours and gamma and so on? It might work... I know of someone that did this and managed to read out what bag it was. :wink:


Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 10:17 pm
by Han Jones
How and where can get one of these bags?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 10:26 pm
by Swindiana
indianakenobi wrote:How and where can get one of these bags?
PM sent!


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 11:24 am
by indybill
Dang work has kept me away too long. PM sent to Swindiana. I hope I'm not too late.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 11:27 am
by Swindiana
PM answered! :wink:


Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 9:45 am
by indybill
I just received an email back from Sam. He's out of bags (at least the mint ones). He said he'd have more in late October after a trip to Europe.

...and the quest continues...

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 10:17 am
by RonC
In talking with Sam, he told me where and how he procured these bags. On a trip to England a few years back, Sam got permission to go exploring at one of the many abandoned airfields that dot the English counrtyside. In a small warehouse there were the Mk. VI and Mk. VII bags. He made a deal for them, and brought them back. I'm sure Sam has other good prospects to search on his upcoming trip. We may get an opportunity to get some other interesting gear from him.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 5:41 pm
by Band Director Jones
I got my two bags from him last night and they are not what I wanted. These are the bags that have the eight tiny drain holes on the botom and no metal disc on the side (the same type I got a few months ago that was a POS). They clearly say "MK VII 1942" on the inside. It is a MK VII bag (or at least one of the four standard models used during WWII) but it is not what I asked for. I sent Sam an email last night but haven't gotten a reply yet. But, since he is out of bags I might be stuck with these two. They are in great condition, just not what I expected.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 8:23 pm
by Swindiana
Bill, BDJ: PM's sent guys!


Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:26 pm
by IndianaJames
hey Band Director,
I will buy one of the gas bags you received with the 8 drain holes!! Let me know! I wasnt quick enough, and never ordered one from this guy....


Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 1:34 pm
by Kentucky Blues
I would gladly take one off of your hands too, if you really really didn't want them. Btw, did you ever get your two bags that got lost at work back?

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 5:21 pm
by Band Director Jones
Thanks for the offer guys but I think I'm going to keep them. I sounded upset in my post because these were not what I was expecting to find when I openned up the box, however these will do for my intended purpose. I was looking for some inexpensive bags to replace the ones that were stolen over the summer. I had two MK VII bags for tools and suppiles on band trip and away games. I like them becase they are compact and the seperate compartments keep everything organized. I don't really need them to look like "Indy Bags" since it is not for a costume, I just didn't expect the bags to be of this design. They are in good shape (except for a few stains), and that's really all I require for my needs. Thanks again for the offers.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 11:17 pm
by Paulcrastination
Heres mine! I paid for unissued, but the bag was clearly used... and the enlisted officers name was written on the flap. I just put the bag on ebay because I need cash for school. I would have liked to distress it a bit, and kept it as my stunt bag. Maybe I'll hit this source again in october when/if he's got more.

Anyway, its marked R&S and dated 1942.

<img src="">

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 5:43 pm
by Swindiana
That sure looks like a great bag!
All other H&S (1942) I've seen pictures of seem to have the same colour a lot of beople are looking for. Too bad you have to let it go.


Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 2:41 am
by Trebor
If anyone bought an extra bag and want's to sell me one, I'd appreciate it. I'm not overly picky and would settle for a Mk VI if needed.

Shoot me a PM if interested.


Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 2:56 am
by Trebor
Actually, reading through the thread again it looks like "Sam" is only out of the "unissued bags", correct?

Can someone please PM me with his contact info so I can see if I can order a couple of "issued" bags. Even if he's out, maybe he'll get a bag returned or something.

