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Fedoraiders Secrecy Part 2

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:34 pm
by fedoraiders
Hello evyone!

Before starting, I would like to request a service from Adminitrator. I need to put many pictures to explain the process, i would like to know if is correct for you, thank for your comprehension.

This is the process of the building of my hat.

First: I make the hat same as Richard Swale without modifications like a hat new.

Second: I shape my hat same as Deborah Nadoolman with a little trick. It's a secret.

Third: With the SOC pictures, i make the modification and also, I look my 9 chronological pictures to see the evolution in the true order that the movie has be turned. Also, I watched often the Raiders movie in slow motion. It take approximately 8 hours to watch the movies with this methode but it's the very good methode to observe the importants details.

This is my 9 chronological pictures to see the evolution of the hat. I try to reproduce my own best replica of this hat.

NOTE:The date with these pictures are approximately.

June 30 to July 9 1980 - Peruvian Temple

July 10 to July 25 1980 - Well of Souls

July 28 to 11 August 1980 - Raven Bar

September 1 to September 12 1980 - Flying Wing

September 13 to September 24 1980 - Truck Chase

September 13 to September 24 1980 - Exterior Arab Bar

September 13 to September 24 1980 - Interior Arab Bar

September 19 to September 21 1980 - Litlle Cairo

September 24 1980 - Last Scene in Tunisie

Thanks for Looking!


Re: Fedoraiders Secrecy Part 2

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:45 pm
by djd
Thanks. That's a very interesting picture sequence :TOH:

Re: Fedoraiders Secrecy Part 2

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:11 pm
by binkmeisterRick
fedoraiders, it would make the most sense if you were to have one thread instead of two to discuss this. That way, people can keep all their comments and questions in one thread instead of scattered across two. As for picture count, it's best to PM a Moderator or Administrator BEFORE you post that many pictures. That way you either get the approval to do so and we can help you set up such threads ahead of time. Also keep in mind that you can combine multiple images into one, thus keeping the picture count to a minimum. Just make sure to keep the final size to 640x480 pixels, as per the rules. I will allow you to post as many links to images to make your points, however. In the meantime, I will close this one down so you can add this information to your first thread. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to PM me. Thanks. :TOH: