Fedoraiders Secrecy Part 1
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:10 pm
Hello Everyone!
Before starting, I would like to request a service from Adminitrator. I need to put many pictures to explain my méthode, i would like to know if is correct for you, thank for your comprehension.
Just to clarify some things, i would like to show you my 9 favorites and importants pictures that i watch since 2 years to create my Hat blocks. To create my hat block, i didn't use the SOC pictures because on SOC scene, the hat is too damaging. I use the SOC pictures when my hat is finish and when i'm ready to make the SOC modification, never before. The sequence more important for me in Raiders is when Marion mounts on the back of Indy in Well of Souls, this scene is awesome for me.
Look these pictures and you understand that i create my block with the Peruvian Temple pictures, Well of Souls pictures and Raven Bar Pictures because the hat was almost a new condition in these scenes. Also, it's for this reason that my block has the best shape for the Temple version and this block is my own creation.
NOTE IMPORTANT: I'm 100% sure that the hat is the same in the 6 principal scenes, The interior of Peruvian Temple, Well of Souls, Raven Bar, Flying Wing, Truck Chase and for the Cairo. For the famous hat in the exterior of the Peruvian Temple, I'm sure that Richard Swale use the same block to built this hat, it's just Deborah who shape the hat differently and i'm realy sure of this detail.
Look the part 2 but is locked. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=44477
Before starting, I would like to request a service from Adminitrator. I need to put many pictures to explain my méthode, i would like to know if is correct for you, thank for your comprehension.
Just to clarify some things, i would like to show you my 9 favorites and importants pictures that i watch since 2 years to create my Hat blocks. To create my hat block, i didn't use the SOC pictures because on SOC scene, the hat is too damaging. I use the SOC pictures when my hat is finish and when i'm ready to make the SOC modification, never before. The sequence more important for me in Raiders is when Marion mounts on the back of Indy in Well of Souls, this scene is awesome for me.
Look these pictures and you understand that i create my block with the Peruvian Temple pictures, Well of Souls pictures and Raven Bar Pictures because the hat was almost a new condition in these scenes. Also, it's for this reason that my block has the best shape for the Temple version and this block is my own creation.
NOTE IMPORTANT: I'm 100% sure that the hat is the same in the 6 principal scenes, The interior of Peruvian Temple, Well of Souls, Raven Bar, Flying Wing, Truck Chase and for the Cairo. For the famous hat in the exterior of the Peruvian Temple, I'm sure that Richard Swale use the same block to built this hat, it's just Deborah who shape the hat differently and i'm realy sure of this detail.
Look the part 2 but is locked. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=44477