Best Options for a Harry Steele / Secret of the Incas Hat ?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Best Options for a Harry Steele / Secret of the Incas Hat ?

Post by davidd »

Through the "search" function I found a "Secret of the Incas" jacket discussion, and several other topics which addressed "Incas" gear in varying detail, and even a mention of a member who had an "Incas" / "King Solomon's Mines" hat custom made, but I did not find a discussion specific to the "Incas" hat. My question is: is there a readily available "off the shelf" hat out there that would make a passable Harry Steele / "Secret of the Incas" hat?


Sorry, not the greatest screen capture. There are some better "Incas" photos in this topic.

Information already provided by Curator Rick in other topics suggests that the hat in this film is an Australian military hat with a double brim. I'm not sure what "double brim" means. Is it literally a double-thickness brim? It's certainly an extremely wide brim. The hat also appears to have a rather tall crown.

I'm interested in suggestions (and links are always good, too!) for a hat reasonably similar to the "Incas" hat.
Yojimbo Jones
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Re: Best Options for a Harry Steele / Secret of the Incas Hat ?

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

It's pretty much standard army issue here. Akubra outfit them.
I'm guessing you should be able to pick them up from an Australian disposal store as I'm sure I've seen them when I've gone to buy army pants or whatever.
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