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Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:18 pm
by theinterchange
Today while I was out and about, I took my hat off for a minute while on the phone.. and discovered two small mystery marks on the brim of my Keppler, just at the edge.
I take good care of my hat while it's not on my head. It's stored in a box, and I haven't the slightest clue how they got there. Meaning, it's not like don't take proper care of my hat and could expect something like this.
It's more a thing that'll bug me vs. something that will mar the hat cosmetically since it's on the under side of the brim.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:53 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
It could be one of two things (I can't be sure from the photo).
1. If they look to you like just depressions in the felt, they could be leftover marks from when the brim was cut by Keppler. They might have realized they marked it uneven in that spot, so the marks did not get cut off, which would normally be the case. I'd say, brush the area well, maybe a light sanding to the spot with very fine sandpaper. Or call Keppler for advice.
2. Could be moth nibbles. If the marks seem more like mini-trenches, that's what you've got. Moths and moth worms are snacking on your hat. Buy yourself some cedar balls or discs and put a few in your hat boxes with all your hats. That will repel the moths. Change the cedar every year.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:09 pm
by theinterchange
I've had the hat over a year now, [wow, it's been that long?!] so I'd have noticed them before now if they were there from day one.
I took that photo in a hurry and didn't get the best lighting I could, so forgive the quality.
They seem like little trenches or places where the nap [is that the proper word?] of the felt has been taken off.. much like how those old felt covered Christmas ornaments or cheap toys would do with time and use.
MOTHS!! that's a scary thought. I haven't seen any.. or wait, I did kill one the other day.
I got my father's jeweler's loupe out and inspected the spot.. it appears to be two really severe indentations in the felt. I'm puzzled as to where they could have come from.

I rubbed the area with my thumb, and it revived the felt some, going to get my brush and have a whack at it.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:53 pm
by jasonalun
Zoinks! is right! Those almost look like human teeth marks to me.

Have you been munching on your brim without realizing it?

Sorry - couldn't resist.
Seriously, they do look like indentations. Something may have just pinched it briefly. I hate to think it was moths. Don't those eat more rounded holes? I've had a sweater damaged by moths and they were little roundish holes...
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:54 pm
by theinterchange
Like I keep saying, I'm stumped as to what DID make such severe indentations in the felt. All total, they're roughly 3/4" long. I don't have any animals which could have done something, and it's either been on my head, resting on its brim or crown on the bed, or in a box.
No, I didn't bite the brim of my hat.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:12 pm
by Dangerman009
jasonalun wrote:Those almost look like human teeth marks to me.
That was my first thought too. If it's on your head or in it's box, not much would happen to it that you didn't know about. Unless there was an unauthorized user.

Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:28 pm
by Oklahoma Jones
I'm gonna have to go with moth tracks................seen too many hats ruined by the little beasts..............get thee some cedar balls.............................
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:43 am
by Castor Dioscuri
Might be fingernail marks, maybe?
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:47 am
by mcmanm
If memory serves me correct, you and I were in the same batch when Lee came out w/ the improved Keppler. I had the same issue w/ mine. My spot was where the Raiders pinch meets the top of the crown. Did really notice it until I had the hat for a few months. I was also not happy with the cut of the brim. Just was sloppy. Tried to follow up with Lee, but he never called back. Congrats on getting a Penman. John does not disappoint. I have spent too much money on his hats already.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:56 am
by theinterchange
Matt, I went over my hat with a tooth comb when I got it, so I'd have noticed this. Do you think it appeared on yours after a little time?
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:04 pm
by mcmanm
I think you are right. Took really good care of it when I owned it.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:09 pm
by bigrex
My first thought was moths, are the marks the size of human teeth? It's a little tough to estimate from the photo.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:00 pm
by theinterchange
They would be some big 'ol teeth if they were teeth marks Rex! I had the camera on macro when I shot that to capture detail. I've brushed them, and going to check and see what they look like today.
They're still there, I had thought brushing took care of them.. some.. but it seems like they're the same. If these are moth damage, I need to look my other hats over!

Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:44 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
I'm pretty sure they are in fact moth marks. Usually, they are small and round, but I've seen them eat in a longer pattern like that. Get the cedar. In fact, get lots of it for your closets, chests, and drawers. They even have cedar scented spray and cedar sheets now (to line drawers).
If you find any other evidence of moths elsewhere in your home, I would recommend calling an exterminator, like Ehrlich, just to be safe.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:42 am
by binkmeisterRick
You could also get some of these from your local Container Store: ... d=10001214
Or these: ... d=10010677
I've used the first one linked to when I've see signs of moth nibbles in woolens and have had great luck with it. I also keep one or two of these in my bedroom walk-in closet where the majority of my nice hats reside: ... d=10000185
Leave some of these around and you'll also ward off unwelcome gearheads who want to steal your hats: ... prouts.jpg
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:54 am
by gwyddion
Last time I had a moth problem I went full out and used a mixture of camphor, lavender and cedar. It did the trick. There's lavender bushes in the garden here, so every year I harvest the flowers to keep those critters away and it works!
If you don't have lavender bushes nearby, get some lavender oil at a new age shop and put a few drops in the bottom of your closet every few weeks (preferably on a piece of wood, no need to stain the carpet, right

) Lavender also has a relaxing effect, so it might even help you get to sleep at night.
Regards, Geert
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:25 am
by theinterchange
Thanks for the advice guys! I've been checking around and haven't found any other signs of moths, but I'm still going to take precautions against the critters. Like I said, I killed one, which may have been the culprit.
Oddly enough gwyddion, I have a camphor tree in my front yard.. though, lavender bushes would be much more pleasant.. instead of the camphor berries that drop all over the driveway and get ground in [as they're doing now] you can't keep ahead of them!
Thanks again!
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:33 am
by gwyddion
theinterchange wrote:
Oddly enough gwyddion, I have a camphor tree in my front yard.. though, lavender bushes would be much more pleasant.. instead of the camphor berries that drop all over the driveway and get ground in [as they're doing now] you can't keep ahead of them!
Well, you can put it to good use then, in stead of it being a nuisance with the berries an all. Just punch a small hole in the bark and collect some resin. You can keep it from closing up for a while to get the amount you think you need, but it's better not to let the hole be open too long. you can better punch yourself a few new holes over some period than risk getting the tree ill.
Regards, Geert
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:49 pm
by swa737
Will moths go after any felt...beaver or rabbit?
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:13 pm
by gwyddion
Yes they will. They prefer things made from hairs, like fur or wool. What kind of animal the hairs come from isn't that important to them
Regards, Geert
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:45 pm
by Fedora
Yeah, looks just like moth damage. Quite coincidental they appeared in hats from the same run as well. I use moth balls. But only because that is what we used back when I was growing up. I don't trust cedar well enough, but you probably could. But when you got hundreds of bodies in a storage building, you better take severe precautions.

So, my storage building reeks of moth balls. But, this will air out in the hatmaking process. But to date, no moths! Plus, I always liked the smell of moth balls, in small amounts. Reminds me of my grandparents closets.

Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 3:01 pm
by theinterchange
Fedora, thanks for popping in! Your voice always adds weight to already sound opinions! Wait, that didn't come out right, I meant to say when you confirm a view, it really says something.. same with when you come out with the opinion first... there got outta that one!
I've inspected my other hats, no damage! Here in Florida, we also have to be careful of silverfish, at least with paper and cardboard. I have no clue if they eat fabics/furs/felts.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 3:35 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Immature and adult stages are fond of flour and starch and are sometimes found in cereal; they can also feed on muslin, starched collars and cuffs, lace, carpets, fur, and leather. They are also cannibalistic, feeding on molted skins and dead and injured individuals.
Kinda makes you hungry, doesn't it?

Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:23 pm
by theinterchange
Stop that! Sometimes I know too much to want to eat.. ANYTHING!!
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:46 pm
by inexpensive_jones
Definitely moth in the larvae stage, sometimes called weevils.
Now you'll notice that 2 marks means you have at least 2 of these critters. The mark on the left is deeper than the right one, which means it was greater in size. Now if you're going to eliminate the problem, you should actually find the smaller fellow and terminate him first! Why? you may ask do you go for the smaller one first? Because whenever you have to make a choice you should always pick the lesser of two weevils.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:23 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:40 pm
by IndianaChris711
theinterchange wrote:I've inspected my other hats, no damage! Here in Florida, we also have to be careful of silverfish, at least with paper and cardboard. I have no clue if they eat fabics/furs/felts.
That is great no moth damage to the other hats.

It seem like in Florida is where all the nasty insects dwell, they are much larger and do things to annoy you. Mosquitos can be a real nuisance down there. Never heard of silverfish, and good thing I am not looking at the link, I don't think I would get hungry from learning more about them. Anyway glad that the hat mark mystery is moth bites. Moth Balls are a great idea keeping those critters away. I heard a nasty true story in entomology class in college about moths, don't need any more. Find the moth and kill it. At least it has not eaten your other hats.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 4:37 pm
by enigmata_wood
if it's just a dent in the felt, soaking just that section in water then ironing it dry on a gentle heat between clean, dry, lint-free cloth may swell the fibres back to shape.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:21 am
by Fedora
I tried unsuccessfully to pounce out moth damage way back when I first started buying vintage hats. Each time, the action of the sanding would bring up a dark area where the moth damage was located. Turned out to be waste elimination by the larvae. In other words, its larvae do do.

And it only shows up when you pouce the moth damaged area. It looked worse than the moth damage! Fedora
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:53 pm
by theinterchange
For those interested... an update on the moth pillaged fedora situation.
After my last post, I took the box apart and located a little worm in there which I promptly dispatched. I think I killed the culprit.. and now have a nice cedar smelling closet and hat boxes!
So, mods, you can close this down if you wish.
Re: Zoinks! Mystery Marks!
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:18 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Glad you figured out the problem!