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Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:36 pm
by bigrex
So, just curious who is dressing up as Indiana Jones for Halloween. :whip: :clap:

You may select up to 2 options.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for any Halloween Parties

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:40 pm
by PSBIndy
Who's Indy? :-k ;)

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for any Halloween

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:46 pm
by bigrex

I changed it to Indiana :)

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:08 pm
by McFly
First, you wrote:Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?
Then, as a suggested answer, you wrote:No, been there done that.
And I agreed with you!

I've done it before, yes. That's one reason. Also I'd like to try and wear some of my other outfits that I've been working on. This year I'm going to wear my WW2 Class A uniform!

Next year... Ghøstbusters! Image


Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:34 pm
by Solent MKIII
Dress up as Indy? :-k Uh, YEAH! :D I've gotta break in the new hat & gunbelt this year anyhow. I'm also slowly putting together the gear for a WWII 101st paratrooper ( although it's gonna be a while before I'm done with that one ). Image

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:03 am
by theinterchange
I don't go in for such tomfoolery! Dressing up like a movie character to parade around at parties or steal candy from kids.. we're a group of levelheaded adults, why should we make fools of ourselves by trying to "be" someone?! :-k


:lol: :rolling:

I don't plan to go as Indy to any Halloween functions.. or anyone for that matter. :P ;)


P.S I did overkill on the smilies to show the nature in which I said what I did, all in fun.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:15 am
by Imahomer
I doubt that I'll go to a party, but if I did.... Yep, that's what I'd wear.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:16 am
by TheExit148
In the words of my girlfriend "You will go as Indy for the rest of your life considering how much money you've spent!" :lol: You don't need an excuse to get into full gear do you? :-k Halloween is the best time to wear it all, and here in Ontario, its a nice and warm outfit to wear on that cold Halloween night. So of course I will.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:39 am
by Indyzane
Its the only time I can wear my Indy gear! I can't wait! :D

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:57 am
by Strider
I wear my hat and jacket from fall through spring. The only times I don't wear those things is in the dead of Oklahoma summer, because there are better hats to be wearing out in the sun than felt hats with no air holes ... like my Tilley hat.

Anyhoo, I picked "been there, done that." Why? Well, shucks. I love my Indy Gear. However, I've been doing the Indy Gear at Halloween thing for probably 5 years now. I have other costumes, and I am putting other ones together, so I want to branch out this year. I am going to debut my Frank Miller style Spirit costume this year. Were I to be going to more than one party this year, which is altogether possible, then I would most likely make the switch from The Spirit to Indy after coming home from the first one.

However, Indy will ALWAYS remain in my cast of regularly rotated ensembles. If I was flying out to Comic Con in 2010, and I could only take ... let's say 3 ... costumes with me, Indy would be the first one in the suitcase, and the hat would be going with me on the Pan Am Clipper ... I mean 747.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:43 am
by Indiana Jake
I have been dressing up as close-enough Indy since the Halloween after Temple of Doom. I have been a fan of this look for some time, and I always felt that the costume just fit me like a glove. ... 273d1f.jpg

This link will send you to a picture of me dressed as Indy about 3-4 years ago. This was taken before I knew of COW. 95% of this gear has been replaced with SA stuff since I fell into the lair known as Club Obi-Wan. When this photo was taken I can only think what was going through this guy's mind. Much like girls with the same dresses. "Darn - He's wearing the same outfit as me!"

Last year I dressed up as LC Indy complete with tie and a grail in pocket. Someone at a party came up to me and said " You were terrible in that last Crystal Skull movie!" I told him that " I phoned it in this time". He laughed.

This year I have a plan to wear a completely different costume. Indy will be a fallback if needed. It just looks a little too perfectly polished for a night of drinking and fun. Besides the holster and a $600.00 whip aren't the smartest things to wear unless you know where you're going. Whips don't hang well on the belt, and cops really don't like holsters and guns. I think If I dress as Indy again this year my secret is out. My girlfriend may want me to wear something different this time. Perhaps she dosn't want to reveal that I am really obsessed with this stuff.

I'm a closeted Indy gear fan. Outside of COW, I only reveal my love for this gear to a few select individuals.

Indiana Jake

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:21 am
by Hollowpond
Indy to one party, Clint Eastwood's "Man with no name" to others.


Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:34 am
by enigmata_wood
for Hallowe'en it's got to be Mola Ram. I'm working on the costume and will post pictures.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:51 am
by Satipo
Should any parties arise, I'll go in my Axel Foley, BHC outfit. Very comfortable and casual, plus it took me ages identifying those Adidas Country 0 trainers.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:40 am
by Indiana Green
Friday Oct. 30th, I'll be in my Ghostbusters gear because my other GB friends and I are hosting a midnight screening of Ghostbusters at a local theater. If I get a chance to dress up again that weekend, it'll most likely be indy.

(BTW, if you live near Columbus, OH, come on over to Studio35 that night! Ok, that's my shameless plug... :- )

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:12 am
by binkmeisterRick
You guys should dress as gearheads for Halloween. Now THAT would be scary! :lol:

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:26 am
by agent5
I'm about 25 lbs. overweight to be Indy right about now, so that would be a no from me. I was thinking about going as the Zodiak killer but I'm not sure of the response I'd get.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:41 am
by Max Chance
I generally break out the full, 100% Indy outfit for two events. Halloween and the Dia de los Muertos parade in Tucson.


Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:15 am
by Strider
agent5 wrote:I'm about 25 lbs. overweight to be Indy right about now, so that would be a no from me. I was thinking about going as the Zodiak killer but I'm not sure of the response I'd get.
I've always been overweight whilst dressing as Indy. I've had friends call me Hamburglar Jones, or one time, a guy on YouTube posted: "Since when was Indiana Jones fat?" Of course, I just lost 20 pounds in a month. You could get it done just in time for Halloween, you know. :wink:

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:18 pm
by Michaelson
I'm not sure.

Once when taking my daughters trick-or-treating (YEARS ago!), I was wearing my customary fedora and leather jacket, and one little old lady gave the girls some candy, then handed me some, saying 'that's the nicest Clyde Beatty outfit I've seen in a LONG time!' :shock:


Regards! Michaelson

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:38 pm
by enigmata_wood
some people associate a fedora and leather jacket with Freddy Krueger so you could wear your indy gear and just party so hard you end up looking like Freddy!

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:47 pm
by theinterchange
Michaelson wrote:I'm not sure.

Once when taking my daughters trick-or-treating (YEARS ago!), I was wearing my customary fedora and leather jacket, and one little old lady gave the girls some candy, then handed me some, saying 'that's the nicest Clyde Beatty outfit I've seen in a LONG time!' :shock:


Regards! Michaelson
It's interesting to see what different people associate with fedoras.


Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:06 pm
by TonyRush
This'll be my first time having all the gear during Halloween. I'll make some rounds with the kids in costume and then I'll come back and hand out candy with the Indy theme playing everytime I open the door. :)

Looking forward to the fun. But, I expect the parents of kids to like the costume more than the kids. :)


Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:14 pm
by sallah4
This is the first year I have had all of the gear. The only thing I am worried about is getting made fun of for dressing up. The kids at school make fun of me for liking Indy. So should I dress as Indy? The answer to that question.............YES!

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:53 pm
by bigrex
I'll be Indy for one party, and most likely be sporting a military outfit for another one during the month of October.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:29 am
by Long John Tinfoil
Unless I shave, wear a wig, lose about 100 pounds, have some pretty radical surgery and learn how to drink really big guys under the table I'll look really silly as Marion, and I haven't been able to find Sallah's tie at the local Value Village, so...

LJ ;)

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:29 am
by RCSignals
Tundrarider wrote:...............

P.S. As for the argument against it, that is, "Naw, I did it last year," look at it this way: Santa wears the same costume every year and nobody seems to mind... ;)
but his 'costume' is job related.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:32 am
by RCSignals
Michaelson wrote:I'm not sure.

Once when taking my daughters trick-or-treating (YEARS ago!), I was wearing my customary fedora and leather jacket, and one little old lady gave the girls some candy, then handed me some, saying 'that's the nicest Clyde Beatty outfit I've seen in a LONG time!' :shock:


Regards! Michaelson
She was just flirting with you :lol:

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:12 am
by enigmata_wood
sallah4 wrote:This is the first year I have had all of the gear. The only thing I am worried about is getting made fun of for dressing up. The kids at school make fun of me for liking Indy. So should I dress as Indy? The answer to that question.............YES!
People make [what they believe to be witty] comments just when I have my fedora on. In my experience it's actually a form of swaggering jealousy - at your confidence to do what you darn well please.
If it's something like whistling the Raiders March or saying, 'play it again Sam' I just smile and tip my hat. Anything negative or derogatory I just ignore. Unless it's a really rude, "look, that stupid #$%£ thinks he's Indiana Jones" - to which my reply is to point and say loudly, "Look, that stupid #$%£ thinks his opinions matter!".

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:51 am
by MadKidJedi
enigmata_wood wrote:
sallah4 wrote:This is the first year I have had all of the gear. The only thing I am worried about is getting made fun of for dressing up. The kids at school make fun of me for liking Indy. So should I dress as Indy? The answer to that question.............YES!
People make [what they believe to be witty] comments just when I have my fedora on. In my experience it's actually a form of swaggering jealousy - at your confidence to do what you darn well please.
If it's something like whistling the Raiders March or saying, 'play it again Sam' I just smile and tip my hat. Anything negative or derogatory I just ignore. Unless it's a really rude, "look, that stupid #$%£ thinks he's Indiana Jones" - to which my reply is to point and say loudly, "Look, that stupid #$%£ thinks his opinions matter!".
@ enigmata: I concur. Or you could say, "Look at the stupid #$%* who doesn't appreciate a fine hat."

I too, will be dressing as Indy this year, for the first time in the closest I've ever had to SA gear ever, what with all of this years upgrades to the outfit... I absolutely have to! Besides, one can only do Ob-Wan Kenobi in the same city for so long before they start to say, "yeah... we've seen that one before". Especially with all the non-Halloween events I do with my local Rebel Legion and 501st groups... Kenobi: been there, done that... and I'll probably be doing it again next weekend... somewhere.

Yeah, I've done Indy before, but never this accurately, and after Dragon-Con (and seeing the female reactions to the outfit [POSITIVE], I expect this to be a Halloween to remember! Just too bad it's a working Halloween; I've got to DJ at the bar I work at in my gear. But hey, at least I'll get to intro myself with the "Raiders March"!

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:32 pm
by enigmata_wood
MadKidJedi wrote:Besides, one can only do Ob-Wan Kenobi in the same city for so long before they start to say, "yeah... we've seen that one before
next year then, how about going as Indy Wan Kenobi? !

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:46 pm
by theinterchange
enigmata_wood wrote:
MadKidJedi wrote:Besides, one can only do Ob-Wan Kenobi in the same city for so long before they start to say, "yeah... we've seen that one before
next year then, how about going as Indy Wan Kenobi? !
Or put a sheet over your head and go as Obi Wan's Ghost. ;)


Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:48 pm
by Wade Egan
I'm going to shave my head and do the German Mechanic at the Summit this year. Should make for some fun photo ops. Alas, on Halloween I will be sporting all my new SA Indy gear.



Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:26 pm
by raider 57
I'll fight you at Fort Mac, Wade!
I may cheat though!! ... C02159.jpg

Indy's my ONLY costume......

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:40 pm
by Lightning
I've done Indy a few years in a row, so I decided to go back to a new costume every year. Last year I was a Star Trek science officer, this year my friend and I are going to be Jake and Elwood Blues. My girlfriend says she'll go as a nun, to keep the theme going. I'm learning to play the harmonica for the occasion.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:06 pm
by Strider
MadKidJedi wrote:Besides, one can only do Ob-Wan Kenobi in the same city for so long before they start to say, "yeah... we've seen that one before
enigmata_wood wrote:Next year then, how about going as Indy Wan Kenobi? !
MKJ, I know what you mean. Enigmata, the next time I don the full gear, I really think I'm going to do "Zombie Indiana Jones." Something to spice it up.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:23 pm
by twilekjedi
MadKidJedi wrote:Just too bad it's a working Halloween; I've got to DJ at the bar I work at in my gear. But hey, at least I'll get to intro myself with the "Raiders March"!
:lol: Theme music accompaniment -- that's great!

Well, my husband dressed as Indy and I wore my Marion SOC outfit last year for Halloween, and sadly not many people recognized our costumes as that. :( Maybe if we played the "Raiders March".... :-k

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:03 pm
by theinterchange
Twilekjedi, what did folks think you were dressed up as?


Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:48 am
by twilekjedi
I don't think half of them had a clue unless we told them, at which point a glimmer of recognition would spark in their eyes. Also, I was surprised by how many people hadn't seen an Indiana Jones movie.

Of course, Brian's Indy gear was much more recognizable than my Marion SOC gear. If he wasn't right by my side, people would have no idea who I was portraying. Even if they got the Marion character right, oftentimes folks would go, "Oh yeah, that's the outfit she wore in the bar!" ](*,) The sad thing is that I got that a lot even at Dragon*Con.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:04 am
by Indiana Jeff
I definitely be doing Indy this year. :TOH: I did last year as well with my not-really-all-that close enough gear, but given the time (and money) I've put into my costume since last Halloween I have to pull out the new duds. I'm also working out 5 days a week so I don't look like the guy that ate Indiana Jones. =P~ (Closest I could come to a sweating smilie.)

We're going to a costume party with a competition and when I told my wife, "I'm taking home first place unless some hottie shows up dressed as Eve." [-X She tried to temper my enthusiam with, "Oh, honey, it takes a connoisseur to appreciate your outfit." I recognized her point, but am banking on the immediate recognition of the character and that the guests will be mainly mid-30 to mid-50 adults and no kids.

I'm also putting together a surprise Marion SOC outfit for my wife :-$ so hopefully we'll have a better response than twilekjedi and Brian got. #-o


Indiana Jeff

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:15 am
by enigmata_wood
Strider wrote:
MadKidJedi wrote:Besides, one can only do Ob-Wan Kenobi in the same city for so long before they start to say, "yeah... we've seen that one before
enigmata_wood wrote:Next year then, how about going as Indy Wan Kenobi? !
MKJ, I know what you mean. Enigmata, the next time I don the full gear, I really think I'm going to do "Zombie Indiana Jones." Something to spice it up.
here's some quick and easy zombee make up:
mix extra firm hair gel into a thick paste with white flour, apply to hair AND skin - careful round your eyes. allow to dry.
grind up red blackboard chalk [ a nutmeg grater works great] and mix that with more hair gel. smear it on to make 'wounds'.
mix brown chalk the same way and dab it round your eyes to make them look sunken.
Do the same with green chalk for necrotic flesh.
It flakes off disgustingly throughout the evening and washes off in the shower easily afterward.
[But dont go out in the rain or you'll turn into the zombee pilsbury doughboy!]
For extra sensory effect rub fresh earth into your clothes for that fresh-from-the-grave smell!

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:57 am
by MadKidJedi
twilekjedi wrote:
MadKidJedi wrote:Just too bad it's a working Halloween; I've got to DJ at the bar I work at in my gear. But hey, at least I'll get to intro myself with the "Raiders March"!
:lol: Theme music accompaniment -- that's great!

Well, my husband dressed as Indy and I wore my Marion SOC outfit last year for Halloween, and sadly not many people recognized our costumes as that. :( Maybe if we played the "Raiders March".... :-k
Well, now that you mention it, I've had musical accompaniment before. In fact I started doing this at NYC ComicCon in '08, but perfected it this year when I got my Todd's jacket. I take a tiny .mp3 player, and battery power speakers and play the "Raiders March' from it on a loop from out of my front pocket on my jacket. It's quite loud! On the Skywalk at Dragon-Con between the Hotels it was #### near deafening. People would always look around for the source, then realize that there's an Indiana Jones guy standing there and exclaim, "He's got his own theme music! That's awesome!" I've inspired many others who now use a similar tactic... and a Superman costumer as well, who now has that particular John Williams theme coming from beneath his cape!

THIS YEAR, I've taken my Jones up another notch, differently. Here's the pix. I gotta go off and perform in a matinee of the play production I'm in, so I'll explain in text later... though I'm sure you can all figure this one out from the photos.


Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:24 pm
by Long John Tinfoil
Hmmm. :-k

That would work on the jacket too... Now, where to get some tarantulas...


Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:25 am
by Indiana Jake
Covering your gear with cobwebs will compliment the tarantulas quite well.
Indiana Jake


Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:02 am
by Indiana Jake
Here's a pic from Halloween years ago before I had my gear really dialed in. I'm on the left.

Indiana Jake


Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:49 am
by Strider
Some great pics here, folks!
MadKidJedi wrote:Yeah, I've done Indy before, but never this accurately, and after Dragon-Con (and seeing the female reactions to the outfit [POSITIVE], I expect this to be a Halloween to remember! Just too bad it's a working Halloween; I've got to DJ at the bar I work at in my gear. But hey, at least I'll get to intro myself with the "Raiders March"!
It depends upon where you go in your gear.

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:59 pm
by MadKidJedi

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:01 pm
by MadKidJedi
Indiana Jake wrote:Covering your gear with cobwebs will compliment the tarantulas quite well.
Indiana Jake

Been there, done that. In fact, after having a difficult time getting the artificial cobwebbing to cling to the felt of my hat, I went into a shadowy corner of the warehouse I work in, and dragged my lid through a tangle of real spiderwebs. They clung wonderfully (and continued to do so) for many months and through many wearings, and their authenticity was bolstered by the fact that the webbing contained some very real spider carcasses!! (of the common daddy-long-legs variety... but cool, nonetheless).
Strider wrote:
MadKidJedi wrote:Yeah, I've done Indy before, but never this accurately, and after Dragon-Con (and seeing the female reactions to the outfit [POSITIVE], I expect this to be a Halloween to remember! Just too bad it's a working Halloween; I've got to DJ at the bar I work at in my gear. But hey, at least I'll get to intro myself with the "Raiders March"!
It depends upon where you go in your gear.
Yeah, I'm hoping to find some other event that weekend, where I can really go out and show off my gear, given all I've invested in it this year. And maybe even turn it into something "prize-winning"... The Rebel Legion and 501st groups have rules against such things... not so with the Indy folks. "Fortune and Glory, Kid(s)....".... that's what I'm a-seeking....

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:18 pm
by twilekjedi
MadKidJedi wrote:Well, now that you mention it, I've had musical accompaniment before. ... People would always look around for the source, then realize that there's an Indiana Jones guy standing there and exclaim, "He's got his own theme music! That's awesome!"
:lol: That's awesome! Doggone it, I wish I'd seen you that Sunday. :clap:

Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:27 pm
by Strider
Finally! Got some photos taken of THIS year's Halloween getup.




