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Anyone here ever RENT a whip?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:59 pm
by TonyRush
Odd request maybe but here's the scoop: I've got a costume event coming up in less than 12 days and I've
been busy buying up all the pieces that I need for a great screen-accurate costume. I already have a KotCS Nowak
jacket and an AB Deluxe....but I've never needed to actually put everything together for a whole wardrobe.

So, the pants are on the way...I'll order the shirt tomorrow...I've got the bag, the holster, the gunbelt,
the bag strap is on the way and ordered the 8 ft' whip holder tonight from Wade Egan....

...but I'm missing a whip. And, from the public's eye, it doesn't matter what else you've got going right,
if you don't have the whip, your costume isn't complete.

So, tonight, I'm looking at the cost of picking up a whip for this event and like the looks of the new Joe Strain
SA Raiders whip.

But, do I really want to spend $500 on a whip that I will literally never crack and will probably only wear
once a year at Halloween (other than this year, I'd wear it twice).

To me the question is, "How much is it worth to have the RIGHT costume" and of course I'd prefer
to spend $500 than to have everyone looking at my costume as though it's "almost right". But, at the same
time, I really don't need a $500 whip. At least with the shirt, pants, jacket and hat I can wear them independently
of each other as everyday items that I'd get a lot of enjoyment out of.

Anyway, I said all of that to say this: it occurs to me that a potential solution might be to simply
see if someone here has a great screen-accurate whip that they'd be willing to rent me for the event. It'll solve
my problem and give someone else an opportunity to make some $$$ as well. Heck, I might even be financing
someone's next gear purchase. :)

If anyone has any thoughts or considerations to offer on this, shoot me a PM.


Moderator: I think this is an appropriate place to put this but if it needs moving, please accept my
apologies in advance. Thanks!

Re: Anyone here ever RENT a whip?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:51 pm
by winrichwhips
Hi Tony,

I think the tough part about renting an SA whip from anyone is the risk of damage to the whip in a party situation. I'm sure most of the people on COW who have bought SA whips really like the way their whip looks now and and even a few new scuffs would spoil the whip. (Okay, it wouldn't totally spoil the whip, but if it were one of my Morgan whips I wouldn't be too happy).

My recommendation is to throw down some money on a souvenir whip on our favorite auction site. I've sent you a PM with a link to a whip that might work for you. And if you can sell the whip after Halloween, it might end up costing you as much money as it would've to rent a whip.


Re: Anyone here ever RENT a whip?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:29 am
by Max Chance
Do what I did once many years ago.

Find a farm supply store, buy a bull whip, then return it... un-damaged of course.


Re: Anyone here ever RENT a whip?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:11 pm
by TheChimp
How close is close enough? Todd's costumes' 8ft. prop whip seems to fit, at least from a functionality standpoint, what you're looking for. You can't crack it, but it's a perfectly good hip ornament. Based on the pics I've seen, it looks "close but not quite" to a SA whip. Anyway, I'd check it out if you haven't already.

Re: Anyone here ever RENT a whip?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:32 pm
by jedidentist
Heck, I spent $1000 on a whip I never use...but that's how this hobby goes. You can't rationalize the cost of this stuff...just doesn't work that way. If you want a SA whip, and have the extra funds, then do it. Anything less will always bother you until you finally get one...especially given all the gear you've already purchased. My first whip was a used one I picked up here for like $80...kept it for 5 years and resold it for $75. It was a nice 12-plait 10fter, but it always bugged I finally bit the bullet and forked over the cash for what I wanted.

Re: Anyone here ever RENT a whip?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:47 pm
by thefish
If you don't plan on cracking it, and it's JUST for looks, but you want the closest you're gonna get visually, Todd's Costumes...

Simple as that.