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The Hawaiian Stomper from LSH

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 4:17 am
by SpeedRcrX
I wear my Alden mostly at work and they do wonders for my back and my feet but in spring and summer it's a little hot to wear them.

So I was thinking about buying the Hawaiian Stomper from Leather Soul Hawaii.

Does anyone have them ? If so, could you post some photos and your thoughts on them ?

Thanks !

Re: The Hawaiian Stomper from LSH

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:54 am
by PSBIndy
I've been on the waiting list like forever for those. Tom has mentioned that there is a possibility that he may never get those back in stock again because demand is so low.

Re: The Hawaiian Stomper from LSH

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:56 pm
by SpeedRcrX
Thanks for your answer, well I emailed Tom and ask him a few questions about those shoes.

if I have some luck he will have a pair in my size in stock.

Re: The Hawaiian Stomper from LSH

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:04 pm
by Indiana MarkVII
I have a confirmed order for the Hawaiian Stomper from May, which now has a November delivery date scheduled per Tom's email to me today. I'll be glad to post my review of them when they come in, if I can find this thread again at that time. It's too hot in Phoenix still to wear the Alden boots, so I'm looking forward to this arrival. I didn't find the Stomper any where in the current online catalog, though, so I don't know if they have any in stock. If they did, it only comes in a D width, unless you special order it, and then it's made on a different last than the 405 Indy boots, so sizing for the Stomper is different than what you would normally order in the 405.

Indiana MarkVII

Re: The Hawaiian Stomper from LSH

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:23 am
by SpeedRcrX
I exchanged mail with Tom over the last days and he has my size in stock. But before ordering I have to see if my financials will allow this order :D
Tom told me about the Leyton Last and that it's sizing 1/2 size smaller than the Trubalance Last.

Re: The Hawaiian Stomper from LSH

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 4:35 am
by Indiana MarkVII
I was more concerned about the width sizing when I ordered mine, as I have a very narrow foot and it's hard to find shoe or boots to fit properly. I only hope that I got the right size ordered back in May. From what I remember, the Leyton last is also narrower than the Trubalance last

Re: The Hawaiian Stomper from LSH

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:27 am
by SpeedRcrX
Well since the dollar is low again I make the jump and order a pair.

I'll tell you what I think when I get them !

Re: The Hawaiian Stomper from LSH

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:35 am
by SpeedRcrX
I just got my Hawaiian Stomper from Tom, these are a great pair of shoes.

They break immediately, the leather is very supple compare to my 405 and the color is really nice.
The leyton last is indeed narrower than the trubalance but it's not a problem for me, the fit is perfect.
The only thing is that the leyton have less grip than the trubalance. But as you wear them and use the outsole, the grip becomes better.

If I have a few time over the week I'll post some photos.

Re: The Hawaiian Stomper from LSH

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:07 pm
by sneakertinker
SpeedRcrX wrote:I just got my Hawaiian Stomper from Tom, these are a great pair of shoes.

They break immediately, the leather is very supple compare to my 405 and the color is really nice.
The leyton last is indeed narrower than the trubalance but it's not a problem for me, the fit is perfect.
The only thing is that the leyton have less grip than the trubalance. But as you wear them and use the outsole, the grip becomes better.

If I have a few time over the week I'll post some photos.
It's actually the Leydon Last not "Leyton"...

Also concerning the grip issue it's really not due to the different last (As compared to the Trubalance Last of 405's) but it's because your Hawaiian Stomper shoes have a nice double leather soul (As compared to the Neoprene Sole of the 405's). Your 100% right that they will gain more grip the more they are worn and that's because the leather will stretch and tear giving them a traction much like that of a standard pair of Indy's...

Enjoy them as that Kudu leather should only become more supple and mold to your foot with wear. Also where the heck are the pics already? I've been itching to see a true to life picture of these shoes...

Re: The Hawaiian Stomper from LSH

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:25 am
by SpeedRcrX
Sorry about the Leydon Last, I've been playing to the new Professor Layton game on DS and I guess evrything mixed up in my head :oops:

I really like those shoes they're really confortable. Perfect for warm days, the 405 are too hot to wear right now.

Here some photos :





The rest is here :

Re: The Hawaiian Stomper from LSH

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:41 am
by PSBIndy
Looks great, Speed! Did the leather come out-of-the-box that dark? I sure wish LSH would stock these in my size. (Tom seems to have problems stocking his shoes in sizes bigger than 10 for some reason).

Re: The Hawaiian Stomper from LSH

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:45 am
by SpeedRcrX
Yes, the leather is that dark out of the box, a really nice leather !!