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Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:29 am
by Dangerman009
There are threads for Adventurebilt's, Penman's, Keppler's and others. So let's see those Officially Licensed hats. I'd post my last Dorfman, but the last one didn't survive the "makeover" process too well.
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:39 am
by binkmeisterRick
This is a great thread idea!

Now folks, I know some will want to go there, but let's leave the DP "trash talk" out of this thread and just concentrate on having fun and showing off those DP pics!
While not mine, Minnesota Jones' original "close-enough" gear from the '80s fit me! This is his first Dorfman I'm wearing.
(For the sake of argument, it's really a pre-DP wool Stetson, but it's the "licensed hat," so I think it counts.)

Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:04 am
by Dangerman009
binkmeisterRick wrote: let's leave the DP "trash talk" out of this thread...
Absolutely! We're all aware of the shortcomings of the Dorfmans and other "Official" hats. Let's just see them.
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:14 pm
by MustangLoverMex
binkmeisterRick wrote:

That one looks pretty good... At least from that angle
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:50 pm
by binkmeisterRick
It was far from SA, but as a regular hat, it actually looked pretty good.
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:56 pm
by MustangLoverMex
binkmeisterRick wrote:It was far from SA, but as a regular hat, it actually looked pretty good.
That's what I ment

Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:54 pm
by jlee562
Taking the DPs as a cheapie wool fedora, I don't actually think they look that bad.
They don't look like Indy hats, but they're not ugly hats by any means.
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:57 pm
by inexpensive_jones
This is the official IJ outback. Well worth the $13.00 I paid for it and gave it to my son.

Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:34 pm
by suburbancomics
Here is my Disney Dorfaman that I tried oh so hard to make SA. I have since passed the hat down to a young adventurer in my family!

Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:54 am
by Dangerman009
Is that Mickey's refrigerator you're trying to get into? Better watch out for the Moustapo.
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:42 am
by maboot38
Here's me and my DP (modified) posing for a shot with my friend, MacGuyver.
And here is a collage of the attempted SA conversion (original across top)
There is just nothing you can do with that taper:

Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:49 am
by Dangerman009
About the most that can be done with a Dorfman is to change the ribbon (if desired) and personalize the shape a little. Forget about screen accuracy. There just isn't enough hat to work with. I dug out photos of my last one. Here it is with a ribbon change and some chalk dust applied.
And here it is after a major redo. Reblocking with significant stretching and reshaping.
Yes the taper is gone, but it still didn't look right. Maybe it was because of the size of my head. This hat was an extra large and after the re-block it looked kinda squatty. Maybe it would look better on a small or medium size.
If I could do it over again I would change the ribbon and work on the front pinch and side dents a little. I'd leave the taper and crown shape alone.
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:40 am
by binkmeisterRick
maboot38 wrote:Here's me and my DP (modified) posing for a shot with my friend, MacGuyver.

I love it!

You've got the grail and he's got an ice cream cone. Classic.
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:22 pm
by maboot38
That's 'cause in the opening sequence of Macgyver, he is licking a cone. That's real ice cream too. With the DP on my head, his costume is better than mine!!!!
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:15 pm
by Restless Dreamer
Here's me in Disneyland Paris with my old Dorfman fur felt, reshaped to eliminate that silly teardrop and narrow the front pinch
and with my cousin
I also have some photos regarding the Official Licensed Hat of Indiana Jones for Europe. You american folks probably don't know it. It's sold in Disneyland Paris, made from Crambes. Ten thousand times worse than the DP, I grant you. I'm not posting them here because they would be off topic, but if someone is interested...just ask.
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:17 pm
by twilekjedi
suburbancomics wrote:

Aww, what a great photo!
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:35 pm
by thecoolmiester
Dangerman009 wrote:About the most that can be done with a Dorfman is to change the ribbon (if desired) and personalize the shape a little. Forget about screen accuracy. There just isn't enough hat to work with. I dug out photos of my last one. Here it is with a ribbon change and some chalk dust applied.
And here it is after a major redo. Reblocking with significant stretching and reshaping.
Yes the taper is gone, but it still didn't look right. Maybe it was because of the size of my head. This hat was an extra large and after the re-block it looked kinda squatty. Maybe it would look better on a small or medium size.
If I could do it over again I would change the ribbon and work on the front pinch and side dents a little. I'd leave the taper and crown shape alone.
post a pic of you with it on.
i wanna see this squattyness you speak of.
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:55 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Restless Dreamer wrote:
I also have some photos regarding the Official Licensed Hat of Indiana Jones for Europe. You american folks probably don't know it. It's sold in Disneyland Paris, made from Crambes. Ten thousand times worse than the DP, I grant you. I'm not posting them here because they would be off topic, but if someone is interested...just ask.
I think they would be fine to post here. After all, Stetson had the license before DP and some of those hats were "just as bad." This is a great thread for posting pictures of those well worn "official licensed" Indy hats. Post 'em!

Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:03 pm
by twilekjedi
I didn't buy this, but I found an "official" hat with a very different band while vacationing in Asheville this past spring. Teardrop bash, stitched brim.

Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:17 pm
by theinterchange
I almost like that leather band..
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 4:05 am
by Restless Dreamer
binkmeisterRick wrote:
I think they would be fine to post here. After all, Stetson had the license before DP and some of those hats were "just as bad." This is a great thread for posting pictures of those well worn "official licensed" Indy hats. Post 'em!

very well, here there are
(and no, I'm not THAT short, we are just standing on a staircase)
The hat appears to be more like a safari hat than a fedora. Cotton made, two little holes on each side, and no real bow. No sweatband, nor liner. Very tapered, short crown; stiff brim. It also shrunk down with time, now it doesn't fit me at all. I just keep it as a souvenir.

Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:05 am
by Snapbrim76
I like that first picture - absolutely beautiful. The hat's not bad either

Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:25 am
by Restless Dreamer
Snapbrim76 wrote:absolutely beautiful
what, the picture, or the girl?
thanks, anyway. and no, the hat was not too bad, you're right. but, as I told before, it shrunk down more than a size...and thinking about it, it was too small for my head even when new

but I used to wear it tilted back, so it felt comfortable enough. when not tilted, you could have noticed the sides brim warping.
Here's an example

Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:58 am
by Mitch LaRue
twilekjedi wrote:I didn't buy this, but I found an "official" hat with a very different band while vacationing in Asheville this past spring. Teardrop bash, stitched brim.
My son bought that
very hat from the Animal Kingdom Lodge Gift Shop when we were visiting Disney last year, twilekjedi!
It's the one he's wearing in these photos.
He loves it! (And it gives him "Indy-style" moves & strength in case you couldn't tell!)

Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:41 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
Mitch LaRue wrote:

He really looks like you, I think. It's something around the mouth and chin...
Great pictures Mitch!
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:59 pm
by theinterchange
I think it' the stubble..
Squatty Dorfman
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:17 pm
by Dangerman009
thecoolmiester wrote:post a pic of you with it on.
i wanna see this squattyness you speak of.
I'll have to see if I can find a photo of it.
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:50 pm
by Mitch LaRue
Chewbacca Jones wrote:He really looks like you, I think. It's something around the mouth and chin...

theinterchange wrote:I think it' the stubble..
That whisker gene my dad gave me to pass on is a
...good thing I don't have a daughter!

Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 4:01 pm
by Hollowpond
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 4:26 pm
by theinterchange
Seriously... that's disturbing.
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:02 pm
by greatgarlando
I got this hat at Disney in the early 90's

Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:41 pm
by Ranger36
Love that last pic!

Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:35 pm
by Sundeep
New guy question...
I know there isn't that much love around these parts for the Dorfman Pacific official hats, but that's all I've got (for now)!
I've found conflicting info on the forum and on the main site about what type of bash (i hope I'm using that correctly) the DP hats have. Do they all have the teardrop crown, or are there some variants that came with a center crease? Is it possible to 'exchange' a teardrop hat with a center crease one? If so, how?
From the vendors section of "The crown on the Dorfman is tapered and can come with either the teardrop crown shape or the correct center dent/crease."
Thanks for any assistance! I've searched the forum and not found a clear answer to this.
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:50 pm
by binkmeisterRick
I don't know about "exchanging" one bash for another, but the licensed hats like the Dorfman are almost impossible to make truly screen accurate. The "correct center bash" refers to the fact that it has a center crease. Still, there's no need to be ashamed if that's the only hat you have right now. If you enjoy the hat, that's all that matters. Some folks have had some success trying to reshape their Dorfmans. If you dig around a bit, you'll find folks who have done so.
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:18 pm
by Sundeep
binkmeisterRick wrote:I don't know about "exchanging" one bash for another, but the licensed hats like the Dorfman are almost impossible to make truly screen accurate. The "correct center bash" refers to the fact that it has a center crease. Still, there's no need to be ashamed if that's the only hat you have right now. If you enjoy the hat, that's all that matters. Some folks have had some success trying to reshape their Dorfmans. If you dig around a bit, you'll find folks who have done so.
So does that mean some DP's came from the factory with the center crease? The one I have has the teardrop.
I don't mind wearing it with the teardrop (or putting it on my lifesize Yoda!), and I'm not expecting it to be at all accurate, but if I can get one with the center crease from the factory (without re-shaping it) I'd like to try.
Of course, if DP never made one with the center crease, then oh well.
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:20 pm
by binkmeisterRick
They seem to come either way, depending on what you get. I think the only way to be certain is to see the hat first hand, or at least a true representation online of the hat you want to buy.
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:42 pm
by Sundeep
Thank you!
Anybody know for sure? Has anyone ever seen, in real life or on the web, a DP official hat with the center crease?
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:21 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Scroll down towards the bottom and it looks like you might find both versions!
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:39 am
by Sundeep
Thanks, this shows a good comparison of the types. It sure looks like the only Official DP with the center crease is the Collector's Edition beaver fur model for $400-$500. All the rest have teardrop shape crowns.
Is this what you saw as well?
I'd thought each particular model might come in both variants, and it was just luck which one you got when you ordered.
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:11 am
by Restless Dreamer
my father owns a crushable wool version. it has not the teardrop, and sports a normal center crease. but it's the only good thing of that hat. the color is wrong, the ribbon is wrong, there's no liner nor sweatband, the crown is looooow and very tapered and the brim has folded edge. it could be a nice hat (father loves it) but not a good Indy hat.
and don't trust any photo of a dorfman pacific you see in the sites that sells them. in the picture, they all look good and with the proper bash/proportions. it's all a matter of angle. for example, in the site Bink linked, you can't actually see the top of the hats, and then the orrible teardrops.
Re: Post your Dorfmans here!
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:01 pm
by jkdbuck76
maboot38 wrote:Here's me and my DP (modified) posing for a shot with my friend, MacGuyver.
Sir, I ROTFLMAO at McGuyver. That is hilarious!!
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:22 pm
by Sundeep
Restless Dreamer wrote:my father owns a crushable wool version. it has not the teardrop, and sports a normal center crease. but it's the only good thing of that hat. the color is wrong, the ribbon is wrong, there's no liner nor sweatband, the crown is looooow and very tapered and the brim has folded edge. it could be a nice hat (father loves it) but not a good Indy hat.
and don't trust any photo of a dorfman pacific you see in the sites that sells them. in the picture, they all look good and with the proper bash/proportions. it's all a matter of angle. for example, in the site Bink linked, you can't actually see the top of the hats, and then the orrible teardrops.
Thanks Restless, yes I noticed that. Most photos don't show the top, you're right.
Do you know if your father bought his hat from somewhere in the US, or was it in Europe? Do you know how long ago he bought it, and if it might still be available (with the center crease)?
Any photos of your dad's hat?
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:32 pm
by gwyddion
Sundeep wrote:Restless Dreamer wrote:my father owns a crushable wool version. it has not the teardrop, and sports a normal center crease. but it's the only good thing of that hat. the color is wrong, the ribbon is wrong, there's no liner nor sweatband, the crown is looooow and very tapered and the brim has folded edge. it could be a nice hat (father loves it) but not a good Indy hat.
and don't trust any photo of a dorfman pacific you see in the sites that sells them. in the picture, they all look good and with the proper bash/proportions. it's all a matter of angle. for example, in the site Bink linked, you can't actually see the top of the hats, and then the orrible teardrops.
Thanks Restless, yes I noticed that. Most photos don't show the top, you're right.
Do you know if your father bought his hat from somewhere in the US, or was it in Europe? Do you know how long ago he bought it, and if it might still be available (with the center crease)?
Any photos of your dad's hat?
I think it's still available as I got one as a joke from some colleagues for my birthday July 22nd:
That's the crushable wool one.
Regards, Geert
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:39 pm
by WalkingEye
Do you know if your father bought his hat from somewhere in the US, or was it in Europe? Do you know how long ago he bought it, and if it might still be available (with the center crease)? ... hable.html
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 2:24 am
by Sundeep
Thanks, that must be it! These photos definitely do show it with a center crease. Nice to know it really does exist. Though I'm not sure that makes it a much better looking 'Indy' hat. Might be worse!
COW comes through yet again!
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:51 pm
by Restless Dreamer
Sundeep wrote:
Thanks Restless, yes I noticed that. Most photos don't show the top, you're right.
Do you know if your father bought his hat from somewhere in the US, or was it in Europe? Do you know how long ago he bought it, and if it might still be available (with the center crease)?
Any photos of your dad's hat?
you have been already answered, but anyway he bought it along with my fur felt DP on the very same site Walking Eye linked. and no, I currently have no photos of it
Though I'm not sure that makes it a much better looking 'Indy' hat. Might be worse!
it is. the fur felt version MIGHT become a quite accetable indy hat, if you reblock it and change the ribbon (a member here on COW, don't remeber who, made a terrific job on his DP and made it look like a good Raiders fedora). and, as you can see in the pics I posted, the hat per se isn't bad too. reshaping it without reblocking could lead you to come up with a Temple hat
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:16 am
by davidd
A couple of slightly different angles:
This was my first "Indy hat," an "Indiana Jones Vintage Distressed Hat" by Dorfman Pacific, also known as the "dusted finish" or "OFFICIAL Indiana Jones Dusted Crushable Wool Felt Fedora." I made this purchase impulsively -- the same way I make most of my purchases

-- and before I knew anything at all about fedora-style hats.
Now that I've learned a bit more about fedoras, and the "Indy" fedora specifically, I can understand the quibbles over "screen accuracy." This is not, however, a crummy costume hat. D-P makes some lower end hats, but this one, in "crushable wool felt," is at least a few notches above "costume hat." It's comfortable, wearable, and has a certain flair, particularly in the "swoopy" brim. The "crushable" wool is as durable as advertised: I tried to re-bash this hat by re-setting the indentations and creases to be more screen accurate. I even went so far as to completely soak the hat in water, as well as applying steam from a boiling kettle. No matter what I tried, the hat bounced back to its original shape.
For me, this particular "Officially Licensed" D-P hat makes a more-than-adequate hat for an "ace reporter," "seedy gumshoe," or "depression-era gangster."
Also, what I've read recently indicates the "dusted finish" was a "Limited Edition" and is now out of production. Ooh! Aah! Collectible value!
As an aside: fedoras don't work well with long hair, do they? At least, not on guys.
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:39 am
by binkmeisterRick
Actually, David, I think that one works pretty well for you! While not truly Indy, I like the looks of it as a hat. It's got a lot of nifty character to it.
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:19 am
by Indiana Bugs
davidd wrote: I tried to re-bash this hat by re-setting the indentations and creases to be more screen accurate. I even went so far as to completely soak the hat in water, as well as applying steam from a boiling kettle. No matter what I tried, the hat bounced back to its original shape.
For those of who dont have crushables that bounce back to their original shape no matter what, you can try wetting the top, putting the hat on your head in front of a mirror, and then placing one finger on each hand inside the crease at the front-to-back center of the hat, and pulling outward against the inside of the humps. This will change the center dent into a diamond, but it will also lessen or remove some or all of the taper.
Its a trade-off, really, with a tapered hat like these - more accurate top crease or less taper by changing the top crease. My vote is adjusting the top crease to get closer to that straight-sided look I love.
Re: Post your Officially Licensed Indy hats here!
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:34 am
by Dangerman009
I've often wondered about reshaping a crushable wool felt hat.

They're usually treated with some kind of water repellent, right?