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Charity whip auction to raise money for dog shelter.
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:03 am
by BullWhipBorton
Sallah: The dog? You are named after the dog? HA HA HA...!
Indiana Jones: I've got a lot of fond memories of that dog.
The team that brought you the Whip-Basics line of whips and videos is now involved in a special auction. This auction is being organized to help raise money for a shelter & rescue organization in Germany which takes in and cares for in old, ill and unwanted dogs, specifically Boxers.
starting this Monday, August 31st and ever other day following Whip-Basics aka Robby Amper will be auctioning off one of the original whips from the Whip-Basics signature line on E-bay, in an effort to raise money and awareness for these dogs in need. With ALL proceeds raised going directly to the shelter organization, this is a very charitable cause and might be a good opportunity for those interested to acquire a new whip in the process of helping out some needy canines that had an unlucky break in life.
You can find the more information about this project, the shelter as well as links to the upcoming the auctions themselves here.
Re: Charity whip auction to raise money for dog shelter.
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:57 am
by MurdocXXL
Thats a great subject

.... wondering why nobody replys

at least to whish you all the best Robby, for the auctions to get some money collected, for a real good project. I would be in for one, but my wife will be out for hunting me, with the 2 whips i already own
All the best for the remaining auctions....
Re: Charity whip auction to raise money for dog shelter.
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:25 pm
by floridacrackerbullwhips
I wish you the best in this project, as I live with 2 Pit bull dogs and have the greatest respect for the breed and as a dog lover I hope you raze a lot of money for the shelter.
Re: Charity whip auction to raise money for dog shelter.
Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:54 am
by Whip Basics
Thanks for the good wishes - it really helped :o) I was able to send 1.867,39 US Dollars to the dog shelter. The biggest part came from the german Indiana Jones Forum.
In fact, they brought about 900.- Euro. If someone from the german Indy Forum reads this... Ein herzliches Dankeschön an euch! Ihr habt Größe gezeigt, und mir geholfen,
den Tieren zu helfen.
Re: Charity whip auction to raise money for dog shelter.
Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:32 pm
by BullWhipBorton
I'm very happy to hear that there were such a good response from the Indy community; This really was a perfect opportunity especially for the folks from the German site to get some quality whips at a very good price and help raise alot of money for some great dogs in need.
All the best.