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How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:14 pm
by Harry Gooch
For those of you who wear these regularly, do they leak during rain? How about at the seams?
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:43 pm
by TheExit148
I was wearing them during a huge rain storm, stepped on a piece of plywood covering a hole on the side of a road that was over some flooded part of the curb. I thought "I'll use the wood as a bridge over the water"... Bad idea... The wood was soaked, it gave in, and my foot was almost completely engulfed by the puddle (soaker style)! I pulled it out, and had to trudge back through the rain to our hotel and they held up perfect. No leaks, no nothing. You couldn't tell the next day that they had been soaked in the rain. Mind you I came home, and Pecarded them up nicely.
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:04 pm
by McFly
I try not to wear mine in the rain because I've heard that rain gets into the boots through the moc toe stitching. TheExit - you didn't have any leaks at all? You must have the super pair! Or maybe they've changed the way they make them since I read that thread (it was a long time ago).
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:03 pm
by Band Director Jones
I wore my in one heck of a rainstorm one Friday night during a football game. Wore them in the rain and went sloshing around in puddles for at least 5 hours. When all was said and done, the leather was find, my feet were soak, and the boots had to be resoled. The spacers between the neoprene sole and the leather uppers warped like you wouldn't believe. Those spacers are just pieces of leather, and like all untreated leather when it gets wet it can get ruined. I haven't worn my boots in that much rain again, and never will.
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:56 am
by Michaelson
Yeah, it seems dicey from pair to pair. I've had them leak, and I've worn then in rain and snow and NO problems, and them being treated equally the same with Pecards.
So, I'd also suggest 'erring' to the side of caution and if you find yourself facing a frog strangling storm, try to avoid it....but also keep in mind....they're shoes. Use them.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:11 am
by Ronski
I find Alden's to be pretty resistant to water. I was forced to run across a stream a few weeks back, and my feet stayed dry until the water went over the top. Granted I had to keep my feet moving. Incidently, even after being stuck standing in the stream for about 4 hours, the shoes dry pretty quick, being completely dry the next day. After a coat of Pecards, they looked good as new!
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:14 pm
by Marc
I had mine soaked on various hikes, when we (my wife and I) got cought in the rain. Often to the core. Good thing I always have one or two pairs in reserve to change

Once they dry, a good coat of Pecard's and they're ready to wear to the office again
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:19 pm
by Marc
P.S.: Maybe you wanna have a look at this thread regarding the durability of the Alden boots: ... 92#p514692
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:53 pm
by Luke Warmwater
I currently own only two pairs of shoes, a pair of brown 405s which I got married in, and a pair of black 405s which are the shoes I wear at work as a firefighter. The black ones have been though just about everything (except fires- gotta wear turnout boots for that)- car crashes, river and rock rescues, you name it, with nary a problem. Polish them, Pecard them, send them back to Alden for maintenance and I don't think they'll ever let you down. I also haven't needed to go to my chiropractor since I started wearing them.
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:52 am
by Michaelson
That's about as good an endorsement as you can hope to find around this joint regarding a piece of gear for real use!
Regards! Michaelson
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:08 pm
by Flash Gordon
DON'T wear them in the rain!!!
You'll slip and break your neck!!!
They have absolutely NO traction on wet surfaces. In fact, it's NEGATIVE traction

Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:23 am
by Michaelson
So there you have absolutely rock solid 'maybe....maybe not'.
Aren't you glad you asked now?
Regards! Michaelson
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:16 pm
by Hollowpond
Welcome to COW! Where we take pride in our ambiguity!
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:45 pm
by IndianaChris711
I wouldn't recommend being out in the rain for long period of time with Aldens on. I have made it through a thunderstorm great, but my Aldens have Pecarded two or three time in the year and half I have had them. They do a good job of keeping the water out if it is a good rain, but don't be out there for hours, your feet probably will be soaked, I am not taking that risk myself, I paid $300 bucks, I want to take good care of my shoes.
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:42 am
by sneakertinker
With Pecards they will last forever...Worn my Original pair a great many times in the rain and general wet conditions with no adverse reaction...Feet stay nice and dry...
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:11 am
by Luke Warmwater
Flash Gordon wrote:DON'T wear them in the rain!!! You'll slip and break your neck!!!
They have absolutely NO traction on wet surfaces. In fact, it's NEGATIVE traction

I disagree categorically with this opinion. I have never had any traction issues with my Aldens. On snow, ice, wet pavement, algae-covered river rocks worn smooth my 300 million years of erosion. NEVER. NOT ONCE.
IndianaChris711 wrote: I paid $300 bucks, I want to take good care of my shoes. IndianaChris
A well-crafted pair of shoes, even at $300 will be more durable and last longer than a cheap pair. 405s are
work boots, after all.
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:40 pm
by darth_ming
Don't you think that a pair of shoes which cost over 300 bucks should be so delicates? specially if it is "working boots"???
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:31 pm
by IndianaChris711
Well at my work there really isn't a whole lot of wear and tear, mostly tiled floors or carpet. They are great boots, I wear them quite a bit and probably will for the next 10 years or more. I guess what I was trying to say is trying to intentionally going outside in the rain for hours could potentially hurt the leather of the boots, yes you need to put Pecards on it right away. I just want to take care of my boots, that does not mean I put them in plastic or in a display case. I do wear my boots, but excessive intentional wear is not what I plan. $300 dollars may not sound like much to you, but that was 2 years ago when I paid for the boots/shoes. That is a lot of money to some people, sure it is a great investment since my boots went up $44.
I know the boots will last a long time, just me personally I like to take care of things. I don't like to beat things into the ground. I did have my jackets out in the rain, but not for hours at a time. These are the only Alden 405's besides my ABs. I bought the shoes because they do last a long time and help me to be able to stand on my feet for long periods of time. I don't know what point you are trying to make, but yes I have slipped on my Alden's on slick floors, just from the excessive water on the floor, did I fall down, no. But there is no traction on the shoe. Other times in the rain they are fine on concrete. As someone pointed out everyone has their own opinion on these shoes, you want to go and take your boots on a 5 hour hike in the rain, that is fine with me. I just don't have money like some of you people on here to spend money on many pairs of shoes, I don't need that many. I only need the 3 pair I have and two of them are Aldens.
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:18 am
by Dragonlady Jones
Thread revival - how do the leather soles perform in the rain? I don't mean traction, but rather how do they wear? This really pertains to any leather soled shoes or boots. Do you notice a significant difference in how fast they wear out or develop deformities? Just curious, as I'm putting a pair of 1000 mile boots through their paces (in the rain today). Thanks!
Re: How do Alden's hold out in the rain?
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:37 am
by sallah4
About how much do Alden's sale for?