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Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:41 pm
by Darth Indiana
(note: l'm not lnsertng random uppercase "eyes" for fun. my "eye" and "7+1" keys are messed up so "L" is "eye" for the moment. tried uslng !, but that's a PlTA.)
l've been putt!ng together a set of gear based on the concept art(on wh!ch i based my first set of gear year ago). th!s quest has !t's own advantages and challenges. only one v!sible s!de means eye can put whatever l want on the other s!de,, but !t also makes lt hard to ldentlfy gear. l've got a jacket that's a pretty good match. l've got the gunbelt, , and l've got a source for the ammo pouch and leather belt. l thlnk the holster ls a WWll offlcer's holster based on the posltlon and apparent slze of the flap. l'm thlnklng the whole thlng ls WWll US lssue.
Re: Concept Art Gear
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:34 pm
by alphared6
Absolutely. 100% Government surplus. Now, given the time frame, 1930's prior to WWII, the canvas pistol belt and .45 mag pouch will be made out of tan colored cotton rather than "O.D." which did not come about until 1943. Also all the metal fittings on both will be brass, anodized black. The holster is just a brown GI .45 auto holster, there was no special version for officers (though there was a special version for General officers.). Hope this is helpful.
Re: Concept Art Gear
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:20 am
by Darth Indiana
yeah, perlod-accurate gear would be tan, but l'm golng on the actual concept art, so l'm matchlng the colors to that. MKvll lsn't perlod-accurate elther, after all. to ROTLA, anyway.
l thought the average Gl holsters were canvas and the leather ones were for hlgher-ups?
why has thls been moved to Guns and Holsters? lt concerns the entlre outflt.
Re: Concept Art Gear
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:37 am
by binkmeisterRick
Darth Indiana wrote:
why has thls been moved to Guns and Holsters? lt concerns the entlre outflt.

Don't know. But you might as well leave the gun belt and ammo pouch thread here. You could start another thread in General Gear about the rest of it, though, linking to this thread with the gun info in it...
Re: Concept Art Gear
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:02 pm
by Dragonlady Jones
Darth Indiana wrote:
why has thls been moved to Guns and Holsters? lt concerns the entlre outflt.
Probably because your original post contains the words "gunbelt", "ammo pouch", "holster", and "WWll offlcer's holster".

Re: Concept Art Gear
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:51 pm
by Michaelson
Considering the very first line of the 'notice' at the top of this section states:
Welcome to the guns/holsters section of IndyGear. Where we discuss firearms, gun accessories such as belts/holsters/ammo etc. as an intregal part of the Indy character.
Based on that, since almost all of original post and subsequent answers are only discussing the gun rig, it kind of belongs here, don't cha think?
bink makes a good may want to dissect your outfit and get separate threads going on each item of gear for your 'conceptual art' outfit. You'll get a lot more input from the community that way.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Concept Art Gear
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:16 pm
by alphared6
Darth Indiana wrote:l thought the average Gl holsters were canvas and the leather ones were for hlgher-ups?
No, all US issue holsters were leather. In WWII some soldiers were issued a canvas holster made by the Brits specifically for the US M-1911-A1 .45 Auto, but it was rare. I feel certain, because of my intimate affiliation with this holster, that the one in the concept art is the standard .45 leather holster.
Re: Concept Art Gear
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:06 pm
by Darth Indiana
ok then.
Re: Concept Art Gear
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:15 pm
by Darth Indiana
alphared6 wrote:Absolutely. 100% Government surplus. Now, given the time frame, 1930's prior to WWII, the canvas pistol belt and .45 mag pouch will be made out of tan colored cotton rather than "O.D." which did not come about until 1943. Also all the metal fittings on both will be brass, anodized black. The holster is just a brown GI .45 auto holster, there was no special version for officers (though there was a special version for General officers.). Hope this is helpful.
Llke thls, rlght? ... cts_id/700
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:58 pm
by alphared6
Yup, that's it. Originals were a darker brown. Perhaps oiling that one will darken it up?
This holster is dated 1943, but is otherwise identical to the WW1 issue holster. The belt is 1943, the ammo pouch 1941, the canteen cover is a Mounted/airborne cover dated 1942. It's easy to see the difference in color between the pre 43 and post 43 stuff here.
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:05 pm
by Dragonlady Jones
Darth Indiana wrote:(note: l'm not lnsertng random uppercase "eyes" for fun. my "eye" and "7+1" keys are messed up so "L" is "eye" for the moment. tried uslng !, but that's a PlTA.)
l've been putt!ng together a set of gear based on the concept art(on wh!ch i based my first set of gear year ago). th!s quest has !t's own advantages and challenges. only one v!sible s!de means eye can put whatever l want on the other s!de,, but !t also makes lt hard to ldentlfy gear. l've got a jacket that's a pretty good match. l've got the gunbelt, , and l've got a source for the ammo pouch and leather belt. l thlnk the holster ls a WWll offlcer's holster based on the posltlon and apparent slze of the flap. l'm thlnklng the whole thlng ls WWll US lssue.
Anybody care to enlighten me with this "concept art"?
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:22 am
by Indiana Jake
This is the concept art painted by Ralph McQuarrie. He painted the Indiana Jones Charater based on the original script before Harrison Ford was cast in the part. It gave people learning about the project to see what filmmakers had in mind for the look of the film, character, costumes, etc.
http://dangerousdebris.files.wordpress. ... 5/indy.jpg
I have to agree that this would be a great costume to put together. Gee what kind of jacket would I get? Black or Brown? Certainly a different collar. Harrison does not look as mean as this guy, but he is still just as tough.
Indiana Jake
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:28 am
by Indiana Bond
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:05 am
by Dragonlady Jones
Indiana Bond wrote:
Cool - many thanks! I hadn't seen that before.
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:17 pm
by Indiana Charles
Indiana Bond wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this piece done by Jim Steranko? I mean his name is there right by the bullwhip handle.
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:59 pm
by Lightning
Here's another one.

Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:12 am
by schwammy
Yeah, definitely Jim Steranko. He also drew (and wrote) Nick Fury in the late 60s. Great artist.
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:18 am
by Indiana Jake
Thanks for clearing up the artist's credit to Jim Steranko on the Indy concept art. Clearly too much Star Wars on the brain. The second piece with Indy and the cobra clearly shows a brown jacket.
Indiana Jake
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:10 pm
by Mark Brody
Indiana Bond wrote:
Interesting thing about this shirt is that it doesn't button all the way down. It only goes down to about his naval (kinda like Spalko's shirt).
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:43 pm
by alphared6
Typical European shirt of the period. Should have a large collar too.
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:36 pm
by agent5
Here's Steranko's holster. Looks like the flap holster above is about right.
Here's the main components of the costume. You can see he's wearing some sort of watch which is not an element in any of the films. What we know as a bag strap seems to just be a pretty regular looking belt. There is no bag attached to it as what would most resemble the bag in the picture is actually a clip holder for his 45. The gun belt (I think - I own one and am not 100% sure what it was used for) is a standard army issue canvas ammo belt with the gun attached to it. I'm not sure if the belt was an item he had in mind or it it was made up for the picture. Lets face it - this costume is so much more simple to put together than the real gear from the film. Half or more of this can be picked up at a decent Army/Navy Surplus store.

Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:41 pm
by alphared6
I notice the pistol belt is gone though.
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:08 pm
by DetectiveJones
I really like the Steranko paintings as well. I thought I saw a while back this type of shirt on a militaria website. I'f I'm not mistaken, it is a WWI officers shirt. The buttons do not go down all the way. Also, I looked all over for that belt buckle. It appears plain in the painting, and it definately is military in origin. The shoulder strap is commonly known as a Sam Brown belt strap. If you look around, some state troopers still wear them. It helps to take alot of the gunbelt weight off one's hips. One last thing. The correct military/law enforcement name for the "clip pouch" is magazine holder. In case anyone is wondering, I was once in the military and am currently in law enforcement, hence my silly screen name!
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:17 pm
by DetectiveJones

Don't forget this one too!
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:43 am
by alphared6
These are so cool. Where are they all coming from?
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:20 am
by DetectiveJones
They are the four well documented Indiana Jones Concept Art shots. Lucas and Spielberg had them commisioned to give studio execs a glimpse of what the movie was to look and feel like. Lucas did it with Star Wars as well, as I'm sure you already know. Just Google Steranko.

Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:25 am
by agent5
I have one of the press kits that they had developed with the Steranko illustrations in them to show to the studios. They're extrememly rare and go for quite a bit of money as press kits go. I'm not even sure it is a standard press kit because those are usually released right before the movie comes out and this particlar Raiders kit was put together before the film was even green lit.
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:28 pm
by DetectiveJones
Cool. You should post some pics of the press kit.
Re: Concept Art Gear - Holster
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:57 pm
by binkmeisterRick
This is cool concept art, but let's try to keep this thread related to the the original holster question and how it relates to the concept art. (I know, it's a bit tricky in this particular thread.) '5, feel free to post the press kit pics in Lao Che's, though, because I'd still like to see those!