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Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:35 pm
by mcmanm

Just wondering what other members thought of this idea. Would it make sense for the next Hero hat be an AB/Penmen "Henry". I do not own one, but I figured anything created by the makers of the Indy IV Hero hat is a shoe in. ;) I think it makes great sense.

1. Its an Adventurebilt.

2. Made on the same block as the ROTLA hat.

3. Put any bash they want.

4. Best factory hat (felt, ribbon, etc.) on the market, period.

5. Will look the virtually the same in every scene (even the stuntmen).

6. Could make plenty of them (or more in production) at a moments notice.

7. Available in days on 2 continents.

I'm sure there are more reasons. Or maybe some differing opinions. So, what do you think?

MODS: Please move to the fedora section.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:46 pm
by DR Ulloa
I don't see why Steve or Marc would suggest going with the Henry. They would have the distinciton of having made hats for two Indy films. Plus, Steve has already stated that he wants Marc and John to come down to Mississippi to make the film hats. I don't think this will happen, nor do I want it to. I want those three boys to make the Indy V hats.


Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:32 am
by JC1972
DR Ulloa wrote:I don't see why Steve or Marc would suggest going with the Henry. They would have the distinciton of having made hats for two Indy films. Plus, Steve has already stated that he wants Marc and John to come down to Mississippi to make the film hats. I don't think this will happen, nor do I want it to. I want those three boys to make the Indy V hats.

Dave, if all 3 make the next Indy hat, all I can say is WOW!

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:56 am
by binkmeisterRick
mcmanm wrote: 2. Made on the same block as the ROTLA hat.
As far as I knew, there was no way to be 100% sure that these were indeed the actual blocks used for Raiders, rather that they were likely very similar, if not the closest match found to date.

At any rate, it makes the most sense to me that the costumer would use custom fitted hats as opposed to off the shelf hats. Besides, they were VERY impressed with the ABs submitted for IndyIV, so it doesn't make sense to me that they would go for a "lower quality" hat for IndyV. (And realize I put that in quotation marks. I'm not saying the Henry is a low quality hat. If you had to personally choose between a beaver AB or a rabbit felt Henry, which would you choose? ;) )

Also keep in mind that if they DID use the Henry, do you think it would stay at the same affordable price in the long run? My bet is the demand would cause them to raise the price to keep up with the orders, putting it out of the price range of many. We wouldn't want that now, would we? ;)

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:20 am
by Michaelson
Considering Ford was quoted as saying to Bernie on set at the start of CS, 'Bernie, this is one @#$%ing nice hat!' while studying his AB, I doubt they'll be changing vendors or hat type the next round myself.
Regards! Michaelson

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:37 am
by DR Ulloa
Part of what appealed to Bernie was the beaver fur felt. Why go to rabbit? This has been a long time coming. The LC hat was not the thin rabbit felt of Raiders, rather it was a thicker and more substantial rabbit. It only made sense to move to beaver and it worked great. Pus, going to the Henry would be like Swales giving Powell an off the shelf model Poet for Temple fo Doom as opposed to making each one like in Raiders. It just doesn't make sense to me. And Jim, it would be great and Steve has said a couple times that he wants Marc (obviously) and John to make these next film hats. I have decided that if I get myself an Indy V hat, it will be from Marc. I don't have a hat from him yet and what better hat to have from him, ay?


Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:46 am
by mcmanm
Wow! That's great news about all 3 working together on the film hats. I must have missed that thread/post :( I would love to read it though. I'm just glad I got the hats I wanted from Oak now as opposed to waiting :). Wonder if we members would get 1st dibs on ordering the new hat, especially if the changes from what we saw in CS?

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:01 am
by Fedora
Wonder if we members would get 1st dibs on ordering the new hat, especially if the changes from what we saw in CS?
I got a feeling that IF there is a next film, we will have to sign that contract that says we won't offer the film hat.

When we got deal to do the Indy 4 hat, we came in really late. With little time to come up with the hat. So, I feel some of the paperwork was overlooked, like a contract saying we won't sell this hat to the public. That leaves the only Indy hat as being the DP. Would not surprise me a bit, if this happened. From talking to others, this is the general way they do business. At least these days. I think we just got lucky, in that we came into the picture so late. But once they saw our hats, they could stop looking. And did.

Today, I have my doubts about another Indy film. In this case, it's the years, as Harrison is not getting any younger. I believe if it happens, it will be within the next two years-max. As long as we make the LAST Indy fedora, I am happy with that. Although I would like to see a return. But, to me, it really does look like a very long shot. Fedora

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:01 pm
by Mitch LaRue
Michaelson wrote:Considering Ford was quoted as saying to Bernie on set at the start of CS, 'Bernie, this is one @#$%ing nice hat!' while studying his AB, I doubt they'll be changing vendors or hat type the next round myself.
Regards! Michaelson
The Dream I'll never see come true (but would dearly love to see):

Adventurebilt's with sweatbands that read "Adventurebilt Hat Co.", "Handmade" , "Fine Fur Felt."
and, of course... " HF: 'Bernie, this is one @#$%ing nice hat!' "

Any chance this'll happen, Steve?

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:05 pm
by maboot38
They'd solve MANY problems if Indy just wears a Dorfman Pacific in Indy V.

Think about it. That piece of junk that we all throw away a few months after those of us who are silly enough to buy one actually get it will be transformed overnight from a piece of garbage to a 100% SA hat overnight!!!!

All of a sudden DP owners will be selling their DPs for a 600% profit!!!!

Except those of us who have already rebashed ours and replace and replaced the ribbons and then didn't actually throw them away. then we are SOL because they are no long SA.

Kind of like Bizarro world meets Indiana Jones.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:15 pm
by Michaelson
It didn't work for Stetson when Ford wore THEIR hat in a few scenes in Temple of Doom. :-k ;)

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:34 pm
by jlee562
Mitch LaRue wrote:
Michaelson wrote:Considering Ford was quoted as saying to Bernie on set at the start of CS, 'Bernie, this is one @#$%ing nice hat!' while studying his AB, I doubt they'll be changing vendors or hat type the next round myself.
Regards! Michaelson
The Dream I'll never see come true (but would dearly love to see):

Adventurebilt's with sweatbands that read "Adventurebilt Hat Co.", "Handmade" , "Fine Fur Felt."
and, of course... " HF: 'Bernie, this is one @#$%ing nice hat!' "

Any chance this'll happen, Steve?
Haha, I'd pay extra for that last one! :lol:

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:40 pm
by RCSignals
Fedora wrote:
Wonder if we members would get 1st dibs on ordering the new hat, especially if the changes from what we saw in CS?
I got a feeling that IF there is a next film, we will have to sign that contract that says we won't offer the film hat.

When we got deal to do the Indy 4 hat, we came in really late. With little time to come up with the hat. So, I feel some of the paperwork was overlooked, like a contract saying we won't sell this hat to the public. That leaves the only Indy hat as being the DP. Would not surprise me a bit, if this happened. From talking to others, this is the general way they do business. At least these days. I think we just got lucky, in that we came into the picture so late. But once they saw our hats, they could stop looking. And did.

Today, I have my doubts about another Indy film. In this case, it's the years, as Harrison is not getting any younger. I believe if it happens, it will be within the next two years-max. As long as we make the LAST Indy fedora, I am happy with that. Although I would like to see a return. But, to me, it really does look like a very long shot. Fedora

How can they stop you from selling what you already make and sell?

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:15 pm
by that_dog
RCSignals wrote:How can they stop you from selling what you already make and sell?
By contract. Just include a clause in the agreement requiring Steve (and Marc and/or John) to not sell the kind of hat(s) LucasFilm doesn't want him to sell. If he breaches the agreement they can sue him and seek an injunction. Usually the threat of a lawsuit is enough to put an end to the offending activity.

In any event, I don't think Steve is referring to his current AB lineup, but only the block/bash/crease of any hats made for IJ5 (which would be different from those of KotCS if prior history is any guide -- each of the four movies has had a different look for the hat). Of course, LucasFilm can include whatever restrictions they want in any contract they offer Steve & Marc for IJ5, including a requirement that they not sell any KotCS hats (or Raiders hats, for that matter). It's then up to Steve and Marc to decide whether they want to make hats under those restrictions or not.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:54 pm
by RCSignals
that_dog wrote:
RCSignals wrote:How can they stop you from selling what you already make and sell?
By contract. Just include a clause in the agreement requiring Steve (and Marc and/or John) to not sell the kind of hat(s) LucasFilm doesn't want him to sell. If he breaches the agreement they can sue him and seek an injunction. Usually the threat of a lawsuit is enough to put an end to the offending activity.

In any event, I don't think Steve is referring to his current AB lineup, but only the block/bash/crease of any hats made for IJ5 (which would be different from those of KotCS if prior history is any guide -- each of the four movies has had a different look for the hat). Of course, LucasFilm can include whatever restrictions they want in any contract they offer Steve & Marc for IJ5, including a requirement that they not sell any KotCS hats (or Raiders hats, for that matter). It's then up to Steve and Marc to decide whether they want to make hats under those restrictions or not.
They first have to designate what is 'theirs'. Is that simply a brown Fedora? That's all their 'authorised' ' official Indiana Jones hat' is. I doubt they can get away with that, and from what I've read they can't patent clothing.
As long as the hats don't use Registered trade marks AB should be OK shouldn't it?

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:57 pm
by DR Ulloa
I don't think there is anything Lucasfilm can do at this point to make Steve or Marc stop selling Indy IV hats. That time has passed. They can say we are the official hat of Indy IV and we can sell you the official hat of Indy IV, becuase Lucas didn't restrict them from doing so. CS has passed, there is nothing Lucas can do about it now. If another Vendor suddenly starting saying he could you someone a Kingdom of the Crystal Skull fedora, the same one used on screen, then they could seek legal action against him. But not against AB.

As far as being able to buy the Indy V hat, the way I understand it is like this. Steve, Marc, and John make the Indy V hats and IF Lucas presents them with a contract forbidding them from selling the Indy V hat to public or saying that they can sell you the official Indy V hat, the same one worn by Harrison Ford, then they cannot call it an Indiana Jones and the (insert catchy title here) fedora. Just like no one can sell a Raiders of the Lost Ark fedora, but everyone sells a "Raider" or something along those lines. We will still be able to get the Indy V fedora. They cannot stop someone from making a hat that looks just like what we see on screen. And if our boys make the hat, we will get EXACTLY what is on screen. But they can stop them from advertising it as an official Indy V hat.


Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:07 pm
by that_dog
RCSignals wrote:They first have to designate what is 'theirs'. Is that simply a brown Fedora? That's all their 'authorised' product is. I doubt they can get away with that, and from what I've read they can't patent clothing.
As long as the hats don't use Registered trade marks AB should be OK shouldn't it?
I don't think LucasFilm can stop AB from selling what they sell now. I'm no intellectual property expert, but so long as AB doesn't represent the hats as anything "official" or endorsed by Lucas there shouldn't be a problem. (Attorneys for LucasFilm were on the prowl leading up to KotCS and Steve did get a cease-and-desist letter, but I'd be surprised if AB weren't in compliance at this point.)

But if there is a vendor agreement between Lucasfilm and AB for IJ5, the terms of that contract can be whatever the parties want it to be. Lucas can demand that Steve & Marc agree to not make or sell any IJ5 hats. Or not make or sell any KotCS hats. Or not make or sell any more hats at all (I doubt it, but with Lucas these days you never know). Whether Steve and Marc agree to those terms is another issue... but, generally speaking, people can contract to do (or refrain from doing) whatever they want, within certain parameters....

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:52 pm
by Texan Scott
I cringe at the "bring it full circle" ideas, because you limit yourself and recycle ideas that were done before and done better, in the creative venue. Nevertheless, when dealing with the fedora, it would be nice to see a rabbit or rabbit blended fedora in Indy V, due to the felt characteristics. Obviously, from the various outside scenes in Raiders, those that are so endering to forum members and hardcore fans, it just looks like a well worn, battered hat, just like the hero character, himself. The hat mimmics him...the essance of Indiana Jones, who he is.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:55 pm
by DR Ulloa
Bernie has said that he went with the Beaver felt becuase of the heavy use of soakings in the film. If this next one won't be as wet, I guess he might go back to rabbit, but with his attention to detail and continuity, I doubt we will see anything but beaver in the next one.


Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:07 pm
by Texan Scott
You pulled the continuity card on me. [-X Didn't you? :P

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:13 pm
by Indycrazy5187
Michaelson wrote:Considering Ford was quoted as saying to Bernie on set at the start of CS, 'Bernie, this is one @#$%ing nice hat!' while studying his AB, I doubt they'll be changing vendors or hat type the next round myself.
Regards! Michaelson

Where was he quoted saying this? Would love to read that.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:50 am
by darthbish
Fedora wrote:
Wonder if we members would get 1st dibs on ordering the new hat, especially if the changes from what we saw in CS?
I got a feeling that IF there is a next film, we will have to sign that contract that says we won't offer the film hat.

When we got deal to do the Indy 4 hat, we came in really late. With little time to come up with the hat. So, I feel some of the paperwork was overlooked, like a contract saying we won't sell this hat to the public. That leaves the only Indy hat as being the DP. Would not surprise me a bit, if this happened. From talking to others, this is the general way they do business. At least these days. I think we just got lucky, in that we came into the picture so late. But once they saw our hats, they could stop looking. And did.

Today, I have my doubts about another Indy film. In this case, it's the years, as Harrison is not getting any younger. I believe if it happens, it will be within the next two years-max. As long as we make the LAST Indy fedora, I am happy with that. Although I would like to see a return. But, to me, it really does look like a very long shot. Fedora
Actually I'm glad you mentioned that coz I've always been curious.

From what I've seen, generally Lucas ties up just about every loose end he can as far as merchandising is concerned, and demands fairly sizeable royalties for item replicas from his films..(see any unlicensed Star Wars replica makers)....and yet you guys seem to have escaped pretty well.

Nice one :TOH:

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:33 am
by inexpensive_jones
...and yet you guys seem to have escaped pretty well.
Which has been a big plus for all of US. :H:

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:59 am
by Michaelson
Indycrazy5187 wrote:
Michaelson wrote:Considering Ford was quoted as saying to Bernie on set at the start of CS, 'Bernie, this is one @#$%ing nice hat!' while studying his AB, I doubt they'll be changing vendors or hat type the next round myself.
Regards! Michaelson

Where was he quoted saying this? Would love to read that.
This was passed along to us by more than one person who was 'on set' during production while we were up to our armpits in consultation during filiming of CS, and they heard Ford himself say it.

I doubt you're going to read his actual words anywhere, as Ford says what he thinks, and in very colorful ways at times. :lol:

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:04 am
by Texan Scott
...was @#%&*!!....just an effort to test your new keyboard? :P ;)

colorful metaphores.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:42 am
by Michaelson
It looked more 'impressive' than having the word censor catch it and it showing up as '####ing'. :[

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:45 am
by DR Ulloa
And here I was, thinking that Ford actually said at-pound-dollar-percent-ing!


Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:57 am
by Michaelson
Uh, yeah Dave, I'm sure that's what he meant too! \:D/ :Plymouth:

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:05 pm
by mcmanm
Wonder if Bernie and the gang would consider a CS with the "turn" in it? Never seen one myself. Wonder what it would look like?

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:08 pm
by BendingOak
mcmanm wrote:Wonder if Bernie and the gang would consider a CS with the "turn" in it? Never seen one myself. Wonder what it would look like?

There was one.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:15 pm
by Texan Scott
DR Ulloa wrote:And here I was, thinking that Ford actually said at-pound-dollar-percent-ing!


...that's an add lib line. It's not in the script. Indy is known for his financial savy in his later years. ;)

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:24 pm
by Michaelson

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:27 pm
by mcmanm

Was it a particular scene? Just wondering because when I think of CS, I don't recall the turn.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:05 pm
by BendingOak
Ill see if I can get a pic. I know there is a clear shot of the hat when Ford and Steve and the kid are talk on location.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:05 pm
by mcmanm
That would be cool. Watched the extras, but didn't pay that much attention to them. Was it in the actual movie?

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:47 pm
by BendingOak
mcmanm wrote:That would be cool. Watched the extras, but didn't pay that much attention to them. Was it in the actual movie?

I'm going to watch the movie again soon and I'll try and make a mental note of it.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:09 pm
by mcmanm
Me too :)

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:42 pm
by theinterchange
Texan Scott wrote:You pulled the continuity card on me. [-X Didn't you? :P
Though, does continuity REALLY matter? I mean we have the Raiders hat followed by the atrocity that is the ToD hat followed by another good looking hat is LC. :#:


Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:51 pm
by Wade Egan
I think they will make Indy 5. LucasFilm is too greedy not to. We'll see more Star Wars in the next 10 years, too if I'm not mistaken.

They used the LC bags for CS and are very merch savvy with these things. But cheap, too. In truth, as much as it would be cool to have a different hat to get excited about, I really believe they would just use the ABs they used for CS. They've figured out that the hats are like gold, and they're being stored properly in the Lucas archive on Skywalker Ranch. Trust me...


Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:40 am
by Indy_Werner
If/when Indy comes back to the screen with an AB again, it'll give everyone on here at least ONE reason to go see it regardless of their opinion on CS.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:47 am
by DR Ulloa
So then AB would still be the company that made the hats for Indy V and we now have SA CS and Indy V blocked and creased hats. That makes things easier, and less expensive on us. But to be honest, I don't understand this logic. The LC bag used in CS was a last resort and others were used in the film too. I am sure there are plenty of hats, jackets, pants, shirts, and shoes in the archives, but every film has new ones made. Why would they suddenly start reusing gear from the previous film? Plus, it doesn't make sense from Lucas' stand point either. This way there is more @#$% he can store in the archives once it is done. I don't know, but this "They have enough hats left over to make another film so they will use those hats" theory just doesn't work. I believe new ones will be commisioned and it will be AB. The new hats may still be the same as they were in CS, but they would be new hats.


Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:10 am
by bigrex
Wade Egan wrote:I think they will make Indy 5. LucasFilm is too greedy not to. We'll see more Star Wars in the next 10 years, too if I'm not mistaken.

They used the LC bags for CS and are very merch savvy with these things. But cheap, too. In truth, as much as it would be cool to have a different hat to get excited about, I really believe they would just use the ABs they used for CS. They've figured out that the hats are like gold, and they're being stored properly in the Lucas archive on Skywalker Ranch. Trust me...

Yeah, they'll just do it in ten more years and cherry pick an awful script that has the blessing of Lucas and the eventual support of Speilburg because he can be sold a bag of half baked rolls if the salesman is master yoda George. Oh, and Harrison won't be in it, just Shia, the hat, and his three year old sidekick from outer Mongolia...and don't forget the nifty saturday morning cgi effects stolen from barney the dinosaur, lol, sorry just woke up from a long sorely needed nap...think I'll go back to sleep. :-s

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:45 am
by Michaelson
Might want to take those observations to this thread, bigrex:



Regards! Michaelson

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:18 am
by Fedora
and yet you guys seem to have escaped pretty well.

Which surprised Marc and I. I kept waiting for the contract to arrive, which never did. Then found out later, it is the rule rather than the exception that a vendor signs an agreement. One vendor, who worked for another film kept getting the agreement in the mail, but ignored it, until it was too late, as that particular film had started, and his ware was already on film. So, he never signed one, on purpose. And could sell what he furnished for this film, and did!

I just have a feeling, if they do another one, we may see those contracts though. But, it would only be for an Indy 5 hat. But if the 4th is the same as the 5th......what would they do? It may be that we just won't be able to use the the fact that we made the hats, on our sites, like we do now. That is, mention Indy on the site.

I know alot of hatters and hat retailers got a cease and desist letter during the filming of Indy 4. Everyone had to take their reference to Indy down! Except the ads for the Official Hats. Including me and Magnoli. So, I changed my site, and then used Indy again, SINCE, nothing was signed, and we made the hats! HJ was allowed to use Indy with their own line, because they made those hats that were used in the film. So, it may be, there is nothing they can do. I guess we may find out, if Indy 5 comes about.

Since in my many conversations with Bernie, this never came up, it may be that the big boys don't care, and might just let the original makers of the costume to offer them for sale. I really don't know for sure. But, they let Bernie mention us and Tony on the dvd, so......that makes me feel positive about another one. Time will tell. Fedora

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:51 am
by Michaelson
Fedora wrote: It may be that we just won't be able to use the the fact that we made the hats, on our sites, like we do now. That is, mention Indy on the site.
I don't believe that would be the case, Steve. David Hack had the same situtation when the Lucas legal folks rumbled through his door at U. S. Wings prior to CS, but they could not say or do a thing about his Indy offerings prior to Last Crusade. He WAS the past franchisee of Lucas for the TofD production and aftermarket jackets, and apparently DID have some form of paperwork connecting him to the Raiders production jacket.

As he said, 'that horse had already left the barn', and apparently there was nothing they could do to keep him from making the claim he was involved and continues to make in interviews and on website. He was involved, and it is now film history.

I also understand it's the same for Peter at Wested, but specifically to the jackets he can prove he produced and supplied for the films. That's why you see his website worded one way for some jackets, and outright (and true) claims of his direct involvement on others.

It's all in keeping the legal eagles happy, but there are some things they can't put the lid on when it's a part of established history. Only you can agree to sign away those rights.

That said, they could make it a bullet point in a contract that YOU agree to stop advertising yourself as maker of the Indy 4 hat if you WANT the new contract....but that said, they can't MAKE you take the deal. If it's written in a contract, it will be your choice to relinquish the right to claim....or at least that's how it was explained to me. (we teach law and ethics here at the Space Institute. ;) )

Of course, the usual 'disclaimer' that this is in no way being offered as legal advice..... :M:

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:21 am
by Fedora
That said, they could make it a bullet point in a contract that YOU agree to stop advertising yourself as maker of the Indy 4 hat if you WANT the new contract....but that said, they can't MAKE you take the deal. If it's written in a contract, it will be your choice to relinquish the right to claim....or at least that's how it was explained to me. (we teach law and ethics here at the Space Institute. )

Yes, you are right. I never thought about that though. But, makes great sense.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:25 am
by Michaelson
Fedora wrote: But, makes great sense.
It did? :shock:

Considering I'm on my first cup of coffee, if that doesn't scare you, NOTHING will! :lol: ;)

Regards! Michaelson

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 4:26 pm
by kiltie
Try maybe the scene where he pokes his head through the back of the truck to fire the RPG - I dunno if the hat's just cocked funny or actually turned, but you get the idea of what it would look like, either way. That's the scene that's always stuck out in my mind.
mcmanm wrote:Oak,

Was it a particular scene? Just wondering because when I think of CS, I don't recall the turn.

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:41 am
by Indy_Werner
kiltie wrote:Try maybe the scene where he pokes his head through the back of the truck to fire the RPG - I dunno if the hat's just cocked funny or actually turned, but you get the idea of what it would look like, either way. That's the scene that's always stuck out in my mind.
mcmanm wrote:Oak,

Was it a particular scene? Just wondering because when I think of CS, I don't recall the turn.
I noticed these.... cant tell if the second one is actually turned or not. ... ij4_68.jpg ... ts/316.jpg

Re: Indy 5 Hat

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:08 am
by mcmanm
If those hats are turned, then don't turn it. Just doesn't look right on the CS.