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New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:20 pm
by ksteryous
Some of you may remember my incident with my Joe Strain Stockwhip that put a nasty gash in the handle. Well, it didn't hurt the functionality of the whip, and actually doesn't look nearly as bad now that the gash has sort of 'aged' a little bit.

Nonetheless, I've been really keen on two tone whips lately, and I used this incident as my excuse. Only instead of getting a whole new whip, I asked Joe if he could simply make me a new handle. The type of two tone that I wanted wasn't that particularly fancy, but it was just enough to give it that extra little pop. I showed Joe a picture of what I wanted, and he duplicated it perfectly. The saddle tan is a perfect accent color, and to my eye, it gives it a little English flare (maybe that's just me, though).

So below is a pic before I put the new handle on, and one after. There's been a lot of praise for Joe's work lately, and it is all well deserved.



Re: New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:01 pm
by McFly
Looks great!! :tup: :tup: How easy is it to replace the handles on those guys? I thought they were more permanently attached than it looks in those pictures. :-k

Do you prefer stockwhips to bullwhips, or are they sort of separate but equal to you?


Re: New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:14 pm
by racerx
Really nice, the handle complements the thong quite well, Joes' work is truly extraordinary as always :whip: , thanks for showing.


Jim J.

Re: New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:40 pm
by Gaucho

This handle is wonderfull.



Re: New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:41 pm
by ksteryous
McFly wrote:Looks great!! :tup: :tup: How easy is it to replace the handles on those guys? I thought they were more permanently attached than it looks in those pictures. :-k

Do you prefer stockwhips to bullwhips, or are they sort of separate but equal to you?

Shane, I guess that's one of the unique things about a stockwhip is the ability to change out the handle. On a real working stockwhip, I guess you would probably wear out the thong sooner than the handle, and so instead of making a whole new whip, you can simply make a new thong portion, and you're good to go. Because Joe's work is so good (this whip is 7 months old, but still tight as everything), it was actually a little tough getting the old handle off, but not that big of a deal...just took a little patience. It's much easier to put the new handle on than it is to get the old one off.

And to your question about stockwhips versus really answer your question I would need to handle something like a 7ft. Aussie style bullwhip to make the proper comparison. Hmmm, where could I find one of those? Seriously, my only bullwhip is a 10ft. pagey, and it's simply a totally different animal. For what I'm into right now, multiple cracking, there's no doubt that a stockwhip is the way to go. In fact, 90% of the time I'm cracking it's with a stockwhip....I love them. But, a longer handled bullwhip (DeLongis style) is going to handle more similarly to a stockwhip than an Indy style.

So I guess my answer for today is I like stockwhips better.....but I still want a longer handled bullwhip (and an 8ft. Raiders style from Strain, Del Carpio, Morgan, et. al.). :D


Re: New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:02 pm
by McFly
:-k Hmm... that's what I thought. Well, that's terrible news!! :lol: I MAY have to put that on my shopping list! ](*,)

Thanks for answering so thoroughly! :TOH:


Re: New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:44 am
by WhipDude
Nice stockwhip. Excellent choice on colors and the maker. I have to agree with most of the things you said but you should never worry about replacing the thong. That stockwhip should seriously out last you if taken care of. Now if accidents happen like what you had, then sure, that would be the beauty of a stockwhip.

I'll chime in too on McFly's question. Bullwhips have their own perks of course as do stocks. You'll find that bullwhips require more arm and I personally believe you can "feel" them more as you are cracking. You got yourself a superb whip for DeLongis styled cracking. For some of the DeLongis stuff, that hard whip handle is good when blocking or attacking like you would with a nunchaku. A stockwhip's handle would simply be to long for the fast manuevers necessary. If you really wanted to go crazy such as volleys are take on rhythmic patterns then the stockwhip is your obvious choice as the thong transition on a bullwhip would wear out much easier and you have to put to much motion into it and possibly wear yourself out easier. So you have to ask yourself what you plan to do. I use my 6 footer with a 12 inch handle (bullwhip) for tricks and targeting. But doing volleys with it is not that easy and its hard on it which is why I'd go stock. But when I want to do targeting, I prefer to not use my stocks because I don't have the "feel" nor do I like the transition for target work but others may feel differently on that subject matter.

Re: New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:24 am
by Marhala
Hey Kenton, good to know you got that handle problem sorted out. I like the look on the handle. I have one question: did you feel any difference in performance when changing handles? I've always been a bit afraid to make either a new thong or a new handle for a stockwhip and ruining its performance (that is, if you have no recollection on how the taper, weight, flex, etc, were before). I've come with a couple of possible solutions to that. Anyway, since it is Joe Strain we're talking here, I think I have answered myself: if it changed in performance, it was for better! :P

Re: New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:34 am
by ksteryous
Marhala wrote:I have one question: did you feel any difference in performance when changing handles?
To be honest, I was a little worried about this, but to my pleasant surprise, I think it's settled down and is every bit as good as before. I say 'settled down' because when I first put the new handle on, the two keepers weren't quite as cinched down on each other as the old, and I may have detected ever so slight of a kickback or bucking, though that may have been my imagination, too. But now, after using it a good bit, the two keepers have already gotten back tight on each other and I don't detect any performance issues.

Re: New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:03 pm
by ksteryous
....and speaking of performance, I shot a quick video with this whip....

Re: New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:50 am
by kooniu
WhipDude wrote:... But when I want to do targeting, I prefer to not use my stocks because I don't have the "feel" nor do I like the transition for target work but others may feel differently on that subject matter.
I use stock whip for targeting as well - this no problem with "transition" but practice :whip: - my first "whip" (made from nylon rope like girls hair) was stock type whip and 18 years I used only this whip. At 7 years (when I sawn haw looks true whip :shock: )I use bullwhip aswell but still prefer stock whip for all purposes

Re: New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:04 am
by Marhala
ksteryous wrote:....and speaking of performance, I shot a quick video with this whip....
Well, after watching that, I think there is no room for doubt anymore! The thong travels fluidly and effortlessly in the air... :o It cracks beautifully...!!! :whip:

All the best,


P.S. And congratulations on having such a great whip by JS.

Re: New Handle for Strain Stockwhip (with Pics)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:05 pm
by WhipDude
I'd rather not go off topic Kooniu or take away from ksteryou's thread. But yes, a stock can work for targeting. But I think majority of people out there prefer a bull due to the transition. :TOH:

Good video Ksteryous. You are coming along quite well, especially since your last video!