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Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:06 am
by Snapbrim76
In CS did they use a combination of Steve's hats and Marc's hats? Or did they both work on each hat?

If they used some of each, does anyone know which scenes are SD and which are MK? Also, what differences do you notice. Which shots look nice? Which angle do you like? You know the score COW... remember this isn't a competition between Steve and Marc, I'm just looking for a few CS bashes to admire and maybe model my AB on.

If I'm a bit slow, is there a thread that discusses this already?

Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:09 am
by BendingOak
My understanding is that both their material was mixed together and they couldn't even tell you.

Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:24 am
by Fedora
For most of the hats, we both worked on them. But I had some that only I did, and I sent some in that were completely Marc's, except I did tweak his bows to match mine.
(Bernie wanted clones)
The gray hats, I did alone. There were only two of them.

The different looks in the film basically came from hats getting wet, (it was a wet film) and shrinking a bit. Several got totally saturated, and Bernie just popped out the crowns and dried them, and then re-used them. So, the blockier looking hats were newer, and the less blockier looking hats had been wet at one time, or, Bernie steamed them numerous times which caused some changes. We made these hats very fast(for us) and could not take as much time with them as we generally do. No time for the aging that we do.

Also, Western Costume had a gal that aged the hats, cosmetically, before shipping out to the site. I am not sure exactly what she did, other than age some of the white liners, using a color to do so, adding sweat stains in the process. But he called it "ageing" so they may have done something to the felt. Not sure. Fedora

Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:09 pm
by Snapbrim76
Thanks Steve, that's a great bit of info. Darn it... gonna have to get me one of them. I'm gonna start working overtime! Do you and Marc even recognise which hats in which scenes were your own? And would it be rude of me to ask you if you can share that info. Once again, i don't wanna turn this into some sort of competition. I just thought it would be an interesting topic.

Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:00 pm
by FloatinJoe
Steve, I seem to remember reading once that the gray hats were made on a vintage block you had in the shop, and not a Crystal Skull block. Is that the case? Any insight you can give us about that hat design?


Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:40 pm
by Fedora
Do you and Marc even recognise which hats in which scenes were your own? And would it be rude of me to ask you if you can share that info
There is no way to tell mine from his. Bernie wanted clones, and that is what he got. So all hats were identical, at least they were when I mailed them off to Western Costume.
Steve, I seem to remember reading once that the gray hats were made on a vintage block you had in the shop, and not a Crystal Skull block. Is that the case? Any insight you can give us about that hat design?
Yes indeed. Bernie wanted a hat that was not exactly like the brown hats. So, I used a vintage block that I had many of in the various hat sizes, because initially, the stunt men were to get one too. Apparently they had tenatively decided no gray hat was needed, and then changed their mind, while up at Harvard.

Then, I get a call from Bernie, as they are flying back to LA for the weekend, post filming. He told me they had used the gray hat, and needed one more for a backup, because there were still scenes left to be shot, with the gray hat. He wasn't taking any chances, and wanted a back up gray hat. Fedora

Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:43 pm
by maboot38
Fedora wrote:while up at Harvard.
Oh boy, you just made an IVY LEAGUE mistake!!!!!
Any bluebloods on here, take it easy on him, I'm sure he didn't mean it!

Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:49 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
maboot38 wrote:
Fedora wrote:while up at Harvard.
Oh boy, you just made an IVY LEAGUE mistake!!!!!
Any bluebloods on here, take it easy on him, I'm sure he didn't mean it!
As a Yalie myself (and "Dr. Jones' classroom" was just above my German classroom), I'd have to say "ouch" for my alma mater being mistaken for "Cambridge Community College." ;)

For any of you Harvard guys out there, I'm just kidding... :lol: :lol: :lol:

best wishes,
Nebraska Schulte

Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:51 pm
by binkmeisterRick
:lol: Yale, Steve. It was Yale. At least according to the friend of mine who teaches there and put up with the camera crews and all during filming. :lol: ;)

Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:59 pm
by Texan Scott
The gray fedoras, was it a vintage 1950's block used or possibly 1930's?

Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:54 pm
by FloatinJoe
Steve, on the gray hats, did you use a vintage ribbon, or was it new? Color? What about the liner, which one was in there? I'm just curious, since I have one on order, as to what was used, and what will be coming be coming in the mail.

Sorry about all the questions.


Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:53 am
by Fedora
Yale, Steve. It was Yale.

:oops: I knew that!!! How did I make that mistake? Actually, I had just heard a bit of a news story about some politician, a crook, that hailed from Harvard. And that got stuck in the old brain. :lol:
The gray fedoras, was it a vintage 1950's block used or possibly 1930's?
I feel that it was a block used prior to the 50's. Only because of the crown height. They tended to drop in the 50's and this one was a tall block. And one of the reasons that I chose it.

Steve, on the gray hats, did you use a vintage ribbon, or was it new? Color? What about the liner, which one was in there? I'm just curious, since I have one on order, as to what was used, and what will be coming be coming in the mail.
The ribbon was new Schiff, black, 1 1/2 inches in width. Pattern 705. I THINK both gray hats got the side seamed plain white liners that Art sold me. And Art got them from Graham at Optimo a few years ago. But, those are all gone now. Fedora

Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:01 pm
by FloatinJoe
Steve, thanks for the info. I'm looking forward to it. Mike

Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:24 pm
by Snapbrim76
@ FloatinJoe, what is that beautiful hat on your avatar? It that an Indy pic with your face on or is that really you in your Indy gear?

Re: Crystal Skull war of the hats

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:40 pm
by FloatinJoe
@ Snapbrim76, that is indeed me in Indy gear. That was taken at the 2005 QM summit and is still one of my favorite pics, I believe I had just finished an overhead crack.

As for the hat, it is an AdventureBilt, but it wasn't mine. At that time I didn't own one, though I won the one Steve donated later that night. That hat belonged to a former board member who went by the name of IndianaTone. To this day, I still think it was the best version of a Raiders hat ever. It might also have something to do that it looked really good on him.

As for the rest of the gear... at that time it was a NH shirt and pants with a Lee Keppler bag strap. The gunbelt was a Todd's and the holster was a circa 2001 Keppler Raiders holster (he changed the color right after I got mine). Oh yeah, NH web belt and a brand new pair of Aldens.
