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What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:18 am
by Snapbrim76
In every scene in every film, the fedora looks slightly different each time. Sometimes that's due to it literally being a different hat - I believe there were quite a few used in TOD. But which specific scene do you think the hat looks best and why? My personal favourite is in Raiders when Indy breaks free from the Well of the souls after pushing the large stone out of the exterior wall. It looks so dusty like a true adventure hat.
What say you COW members?
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:03 pm
by Bullitt
My favorite shot is when Indy says: "Marion", when he realises she is trapped in the Flying Wing with fuel surrounding it. Having said that, I do believe that they used just one hero hat for the entire Tunisia shoot. ScreenUsed's comparison shots seem to back up this theory. So, technically, the Tunisia hero hat would be my favorite.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:11 pm
by DR Ulloa
The SoC hat, but, specifically when Indy is drinking his Belle of Lincoln. He is asked to speak to Belloq so he gets up and walks up to a big guy and says "You looking for me?" After that he turns around and we see this beautiful, square hat. That's it. That's the one! But, since I like to keep all my hats nice and clean, I usually go for the hat we see right after the pit swing, as Indy walks into the idol room. It is a different hat from the idol grab hat and I love it. It looks crisp and clean and positively Indy.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:17 pm
by indyclone
my favorite hat would have to be when he firsts appears from knocking the gun from barrancos( spelling) hand in the first few minutes of the film, he walks from the shadows of the tree and we fisrt see his face , that is my favorite hat .
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:50 pm
by Snapbrim76
forgive my ignorance but I can't work out what SoC stands for.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:55 pm
by DR Ulloa
Streets of Cairo.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:57 pm
by Kredepops
'Streets of Cairo'?
EDIT: ah I was too slow

Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:15 pm
by Snapbrim76
Ok I was nearly there.
Bullitt, you're bang on there mate.
Dr Ulloa, I love the way you put it. I know exactly what you mean.
Indyclone, I think the crown isn't in the shot for long enough there. It's a good looking had that doesn't get enough exposure.
I'm about to order an AB Henry and I'm looking for a good shot to model the bash on so this all helps. Besides I love talking about it anyway...
Keep em coming!
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:31 pm
by DR Ulloa
The Henry is a great choice. You will be able to get any Raiders look out of it with ease.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:21 pm
by Indy35
Favorites got to be ROTLA Idol Grab that is a great hat. I also like the Venice Pier hat in TLC and the Bridge hat in TOD. All the CS hats were pretty much the same, i like the CS bash the most out of the four. Blasphemey I know, but its grown on me.

Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:46 pm
by Snapbrim76
Yes the idol grab is a great one. I love that stove pipe look. I do like the bridge hat although I think it looks a bit new and unbashed.
In the LC pier scene (meeting Dr Schnider) and the climbing out the college window scene, the hat looks so smart. There's no way anyone would give him the old "cowboy hat" comment. The brim is a very nice shape - its in Indy hat for formal ocassions. I cannot get any of my fedoras to look like that. Does anyone else like that curl in the brim?
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:21 pm
by Fedora
For me, ANY Raiders fedora.

Followed by the CS. Neither the TOD or TLC fedora I am fond of.
On the CS fedora, there are indeed variations, and I am surprised the guy who brought it up can't see those differences. For me, I prefer the hats that Bernie steamed the stew out of, instead of the crisp looking ones. The CS fedora looks best once it settles in. And Bernie did that using steam, and then of course some of the wear that took place. Not to mention, re using after they got totally wet. But, maybe I am being too hard on the guy who can't see any difference.

I sure can! Fedora
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:31 pm
by Snapbrim76
Thanks for the pic Michael. Looks great - any chance of more pictures from different angles?
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:01 pm
by jnicktem
I would have to go with that LC that is pictured above (the Penman)... probably because LC is my favorite Indiana Jones movie (Raiders is before my time... and I have good memories of watching LC as a kid with my Dad).
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:55 pm
by Tremolo
My favourite Indy hat, besides the Young Indy hat, is the CS fedora.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:58 pm
My favorite is the opening scene of Raiders, but I like all the variations even TOD. All the Indy movies are good and for me each hat is good as it represents that movie.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:23 am
by Indy_Werner
It's a given that I love the raiders hat but I've always loved the ToD fedora as well, especially the bridge scene but also the village scene. I guess I just love how trashed and real adventurous the hat looks. CS I love as well. If I had to pick a scene, I'd say during the jungle chase or right when Spalko has Indy at gun point on the ant hill, you can see the hat mushrooming out.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:36 am
by Michaelson
Snapbrim76 wrote:
In the LC pier scene (meeting Dr Schnider) and the climbing out the college window scene, the hat looks so smart. There's no way anyone would give him the old "cowboy hat" comment. The brim is a very nice shape - its in Indy hat for formal ocassions. I cannot get any of my fedoras to look like that. Does anyone else like that curl in the brim?
Sign me up! That, too, is my favorite. I have had success getting that kind of curl out of a PBBM brim.
That style is closely followed by the CS/CS travel hat as my favorite(s).
I'm going to be sacriligious....I have never cared for the tight pince Raiders style from ANY scene.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:21 am
by Texan Scott
There are a few. The temple/idol scene. The point where Indy is sitting at the table with the monkey (SoC), and the close-up after the explosion, when he thinks Marion is on the back of the truck. The scene in CS when Indy is hauled out of the trunk of the car by the two Russians, the hat looks just like a LC hat, with a lower crown and relaxed front pinch.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:35 am
by MustangLoverMex
I'll go with the CS hat... Followed by the Raiders hat.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:36 am
by maboot38
Venice Pier, baby. Venice Pier!!!!!
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:20 pm
by alex1152
My favorite look is the SOC,it looks awesome, I've been trying to get that look in one of my hats but I can't

Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:22 pm
by maboot38
alex1152 wrote:My favorite look is the SOC,it looks awesome, I've been trying to get that look in one of my hats but I can't

Ha ha, for that one, just take your Fedora, punch it 800 times, then give it to your dog to play with for 10 minutes, then bury it for a day, dig it up, cover it in fullers earth, then soak it, and hang it in the sun until dry.
Tadaaaaa. SOC hat!
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:02 pm
by Hollowpond
I'm all about LC Venice Pier! That was a classy hat! Can't get mine from John (any day now!)
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:58 pm
by alex1152
I love the idea!,but you know what I think I'm going to skip the part of the dog, thanks for the advice LOL.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:14 am
by albert jones
For me its the ovitos tempel oder the gold idol!!!
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:22 pm
by Mattdeckard
Just can't beat that gray hat from Raiders
Wider ribbon than the brown hats, and I think the band is a charcoal gray rather than a black. Black ribbon would just be too stark.

Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:36 pm
by Minnesota Jones
My brown PBBM has had the "Venice Pier" side brim swoops in it for years now. For the Finger Lakes Summit, I finally unswooped 'em for a more ToD look.
So you could say my "favorite Indy hat" is my "Minnesota Jones" PBBM fedora, regardless how I've got it bashed. A close second(s) are my Optimo and my AB.
My PBBM is now over 6 years old and she's got a good well worn look to her now...
For the movie hats... sorry, I don't have a favorite "scene" per se. But I love the AB's in Crystal Skull.

Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:08 pm
by Lord_Clarence
I think the Raiders opening hat does it for me. It's the beginning of the first movie, you don't know who this guy is, and you just see his silhouette. The shape of the hat there is so iconic. Then you see him come out of the shadows--after he whips Barranca--and you're like, "Woah, this guy is serious."
That said, one of my very favorite "hat moments" is in LC when he tells Henry Sr., "Happens to me all the time!" Indy gives his fedora a little tug to tighten it, and you almost never see him do that. It's an "okay, bring on the next challenge" move.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:14 pm
by DR Ulloa
After the Drinkin' With a Monkey hat (Someone's gotta through that in there since Fox is on vacation), the CS travel hat is second. That is just such a beautiful hat!
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:34 pm
by cowboy827
I gotta go with the Idol grab for the best looking hat in action.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:52 pm
by Snapbrim76
Dave you're right again mate. That's when "the turn" seems to be at it's most effective. Also as he walks round the corner into the idol room the brim gives that classic "turn" shape.
To everyone who mentioned the grey travel hats - which is a smarter more sophisticated look: grey travel or Venice pier?
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:50 pm
by cowboy827
Snapbrim76: I think that back in the day, men often had several hats if different color, and they wore a hat that coordinated with their suit.
When Indy is wearing a blue or gray suit, he wears a gray hat. When he's wearing brown tweed, he wears a brown hat. Thus, they're both "smart" IMHO.
Pardon the pun, but I tend to follow suit. I have a gray Akubra Fed IV that I wear with blue, gray and black suits, and a brown AB Henry that I wear with other colors, when I'm dressing more casually, and of course, with my leather jacket.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:53 am
by Snapbrim76
Yes, I have fedoras in brown, navy blue, dark grey and light grey; I always co-ordinate my look with my fedora. So I'll rephrase my question:
Which is Indy's smartest look, Raiders plane to Nepal OR end of Raiders "beaurocratic fools" scene OR Venice pier?
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:36 am
by DR Ulloa
I'm fairly certain that both the seaplane and Washington hats were one and the same. It gets my vote over the Venice hat.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:09 pm
Permantly this one :

Last crusade...the best movie of the four
Same body and same felt than TOD (bridge) but special pinching at the top only and different cut for the brim.
(best general look also)...for me
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:38 pm
by Russian Raider
Raiders. Clipper scene and Raven bar scene. The best fedora i have ever seen. It is smart, very classy but still there is some young vibe from it. Like a kid who wears formal suit with funny tie.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:11 pm
by pilgrim_in_an_unholy_land
Last Crusade at the very end when he's talking to his dad about Elsa and what they found.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:51 pm
by whipwarrior
Hands-down, the Venice pier LC hat, with the slightly curled side brims. I modeled the shape of my HJ Poet exactly like it, but I recently found a bonus feature: If I snap down the upcurled back brim, it lowers the side curls to produce the look of Indy's fedora during the tank chase. I also love the shot of Indy's hat lying on the table in Donovan's apartment right as Donovan says: "This tablet is one of those markers." When the camera pans down to the table, it looks EXACTLY like my Poet!

Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:06 pm
by G-Roberts
Mine would be Raiders Raven bar then LC Venice pier then CS. I also love the travel grey hats from Raiders and CS. All these hats look AWESOME!!!!!
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:45 pm
by albert jones
For my opinion is the LC PENMANN THE BEST.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 8:39 pm
by Noah
I like all of them. But to choose a few, Raiders Peruvian temple scenes and Idol Grab, CS, the LC hat in Donovan's apartment, and the LC hat at the end of the movie.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:42 pm
by Gorak
My fav is is Raiders when he runs out and right up to the camera to shoot the truck driver in the Cairo is just so beaten and crooked and dusty but looks like it has been on some really incredible adventures and very soft.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:36 am
by Niob
1. Raiders Raven Bar hat
2. Raiders in the scene he and Sallah found the ark
3. ToD The hat he is wearing in the plane (strange i know

Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 12:55 am
by Kustomkid
My favorite is the Streets of Cairo. The totally wore out fedora is what I think the raiders hat should look like!
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 3:55 am
by backstagejack
Whilst it dooesn't always look great on everyone I have to say SOC.
It's not classic, it's not common.
It's Pure Indiana Jones.
It's kinda the brass ring, really. the hat the can't be truly replicated due to the fact that the same felt, etc.
The jacket, sure, we can find the same cut, we can the same kind of sheep, we can pretty much get spot on.
But that darn hat. We can't find that felt, block etc.
we can't ensure that whatever we put it through will give us that look. We have to purposefully force the hat to look like that.
Heck, we pay for an ROTA or a TOD or a LC or a CS. But it's the only movie we pay EXTRA for a ROTLA SOC!!!!! No other hat in the series has a specific scene we purposefully pay for to such a degree. Sure some pay for the Venice pier for LC but that's here and there. No where near the attempt that EVERYONE tries to replicate the ROTLA SOC.
SOC all the way.
Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:48 am
by michael
Perhaps I'm cheating a bit, but I'm partial to a ... combination, a marriage, if you will ... of the idol grab and streets of Cairo.

What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 7:36 pm
by ChrisMD
Hard to pick a favorite. I LOVE every hat. Im glad the Raiders hat wasnt in every film. Its realistic. Different years, different hats. He isnt super man, with a closet full of the same stuff. (Well not hats jackets or pants at least). Maybe after he settled back into real life after fighting Nazis and realized that his hat was wrecked, he purchased a new one and boom, the next movie hat. It gives us more to talk about, more to collect, and more to enjoy. I was literally an infant when Last Crusade came out. My uncle was babysitting me and took me to see it. I imagine a bad choice for a noisy infant. Apparently I sat on his lap and didnt make a peep for the entire film. Just stared at it. It's all I remember growing up so each piece of gear is perfect in its own way and own movie for me.
Minus Crystal Skull. Not a fan of anything from that movie.
I currently only own one "real" Indy hat and one Disney World souvenir. I have a Standard Rabbit Raiders from Garrison Hatters that goes darn near everywhere with me. So as far as hats, MY personal handcrafted fedora is my favorite!

Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 8:22 pm
by backstagejack
ChrisMD wrote:Hard to pick a favorite. I LOVE every hat. Im glad the Raiders hat wasnt in every film. Its realistic. Different years, different hats. He isnt super man, with a closet full of the same stuff. (Well not hats jackets or pants at least). Maybe after he settled back into real life after fighting Nazis and realized that his hat was wrecked, he purchased a new one and boom, the next movie hat. It gives us more to talk about, more to collect, and more to enjoy. I was literally an infant when Last Crusade came out. My uncle was babysitting me and took me to see it. I imagine a bad choice for a noisy infant. Apparently I sat on his lap and didnt make a peep for the entire film. Just stared at it. It's all I remember growing up so each piece of gear is perfect in its own way and own movie for me.
EXACTLY!!!! I've never understood GL and SS insistance and hints that its the exact same hat through all the movies and the young indy series. To me it's much more believable that he rotates his hats, when his new one for civilian wear gets worn, he uses it as his travel hats and buys a new one for civilian wear, etc.
But off topic abit, sorry!

Re: What's your favourite Indy hat?
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 9:24 am
by micsteam
It's hard for me to pick a specific scene the way the hat was worn in but as far as what is the best Indy movie hat it's Raiders hands down for me all the time. Deborah Nadoolman, whom is married to director John Landis (Animal House, American Werewolf in London fame), was the costume designer on this movie and I have to say not only Indy's fedora but all the others worn in the movie had real character !! I love the Temple grab, the Streets of Cairo, Bar Fight, Fight at the Plane, it's just a great fedora. I think now the ultimate goal is finding the right thin grade felt that matches the Raiders hat.