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Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:31 pm
by Vaderbreath
Mods, if you want to merge this into the other thread, I understand.

Here is Todd's new Indy Downtowner Hat. It is very stiff...just like a cowboy hat, and comes pre-bashed. The bash is nice, and the quality seems good. Nice leather sweat, and satin liner with the Coyle's logo. Overall, a very nice, affordable Indy hat right out of the box. Just know, that this is not a floppy hat at all....very, very stiff, but nice.

Sorry for the rushed pics and blank look...I was in a hurry.



The stiffness will take some getting used to, but I really like it. Todd tells me the 'Uptowner' will be really nice, and very affordable.

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:33 pm
by Vaderbreath
I should add that it arrived in a very nice "Coyle's Hats" box. Thanks, Todd!


Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:10 pm
by Pitfall Harry
Wow! :o

I think Todd just made the Dorfman's extinct with this!

I know it's not a "high quality" Fedora and it's a stiff as a board but from what I see so far it looks really good. :tup:

For people who don't like to or can't style their hats it's nice to see there's another option out there...

I love messing with mine to some degree but even I'm tempted to pick one of these up just to see how it would look on me.

Just curious......I can't really tell from the pics but did Todd put "the turn" in this hat? :-k

Also, I'm wondering what's going to be different about "The Uptowner"? :-k

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:40 pm
by whipcracker
It looks good on you. I like it. you should be: :D
I know how everyone goes on about floppy felt but honestly there are sometimes when it is better to have a stiffer hat. Like in high wind or riding a horse during high wind (you really want to be able to see then). I think that I will buy one of these, eventually. I can pretty much guarantee that it if you wear it 14 hrs a day in the heat wind and rain it WILL loosen up.

I was thinking, it would be cool to an all Todd's gear full gear picture to see how the overall look is, if he ever does pants.

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:56 pm
by DR Ulloa
What will you do when it has loosened up and you are riding a horse in high wind? ;)


Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:09 pm
by Tremolo
Cool pictures!
I would really like to see a good front picture of it ;)

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:06 pm
by Mountaineer
So where did the pics go in the last hour?


And for an "All Todd's Gear" photo, for what it is worth, my avatar (minus the hat and whip) IS ALL Todd's gear.

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:52 pm
by Puppetboy
I was thinking, it would be cool to an all Todd's gear full gear picture to see how the overall look is
Here you go: ... h=54721462

Not my pants, but everything else.


Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:55 pm
by Ranger36
Deleted by Ranger36

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:14 pm
by Ranger36
Deleted by Ranger36

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:14 pm
by Mighty_Draw
Looks pretty good, can we get a bow shot?

Now if you can just toss it in the dryer on low with some tennis balls and show us if it will soften up really well.... On second thought maybe you shouldn't... :-s

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:46 am
by DR Ulloa
Guys, stiff fedoras are made with an obscene amount of stiffener. No matter what you do, these hats will be stiff. They may soften up a bit but this will never be a soft and floppy hat. Trying to make these hats floppy may actually damage the hat and can actually crease and crack the felt.


Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:59 am
by morethanatimelord
DR Ulloa wrote:What will you do when it has loosened up and you are riding a horse in high wind? ;)

You staple the lid to your head :lol:

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:31 am
by whipcracker
DR Ulloa wrote:What will you do when it has loosened up and you are riding a horse in high wind? ;)


restiffen it :D

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:36 am
by whipcracker
Puppetboy wrote:
I was thinking, it would be cool to an all Todd's gear full gear picture to see how the overall look is
Here you go: ... h=54721462

Not my pants, but everything else.

I hadn't seen that thread before. Way cool!

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:44 am
by Pitfall Harry
I'm really looking forward to seeing more shots of members wearing this hat. For a $100 "beater hat" this is looking to good to pass up. :)

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:34 pm
by Vaderbreath
Here are a few more pics of just the hat...



Close-up of the bow...

Here's Todd's on the left and my AB Henry on the right...

Hope this helps!

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:49 pm
by Pitfall Harry
In that last shot the ribbon looks almost identical in color to the JPD hats but in the other shots it comes across almost black. Is that just the flash distorting the color or is the color of the ribbon more brown than black? :-k

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:53 pm
by Dr._J
Looks great! Perhaps a darker ribbon is in order? One with more contrast? I LOVE the liner!

Regards, Dr. J

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:57 pm
by Vaderbreath
The ribbon is definitely more brown than black. As you can see in the pic with the Henry, the color difference is pretty obvious. It's a nice ribbon, just not real dark.

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:12 pm
by Puppetboy
Straight on in direct light, the ribbon photographs pink somehow. The picture from the top angle shows the color better. Here's my picture from the bow side: ... towner.htm

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:25 pm
by Indyzane
I just ordered mine I cant wait! \:D/ Thanks Todd for having such great products! You the man. :H:


Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:58 pm
by Mountaineer
Good looking hat.

Keep doing this Todd. It's nice to have a 1-stop shop in the states that has pretty much everything for this gear.

And it is much more than just "costume" gear; I've gotten considerable wear out of what I've purchased from you way beyond Halloween.

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:18 pm
by Vaderbreath
I agree. Todd has really done a fantastic job offering us high quality gear that's affordable. This newest hat is really growing on me. It has a lot of character right out of the box. I used a little steam and tweaked it a bit, and it fits me absolutely perfect. It's a bit taller than my Henry, but so looks the part of a Raiders hat. Now, if Todd would just offer the pants we'd be set!

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:22 pm
by Zendragon
That's a great looking hat.


Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:14 pm
by Vaderbreath
I wanted to add that these pics were taken right after I got it...meaning I took the hat out of the nice hat box, and simply put it on my head. I didn't do a thing to it. As I've worn it the last few days, it is really forming to my noggin'. I did use a little steam to slightly reshape it to fit my oval head better, but that took all of one minute. I'm really starting to love this hat.




Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:21 pm
by Mitch LaRue
So, I realize that this will seem like maybe a pretty "newbie" question... and I'm not just asking specifically about this Downtowner hat, but hats in general...
When a lot of us first saw the Downtowner - myself included - it seemed that the majority of us presumed that the hat was of the softer, floppier variety... we now know this to NOT be the case.
But CAN a hat like this get softened to the point where it IS floppier?
IS "breaking in" a hat (that's as stiff as this one apparently is) easily done?
Can a hat that's very hard and stiff be softened up without perhaps the danger of bending the felt of the brim (for instance) to the point where it "breaks" the felt and leaves a permanent bend?
I'd be curious to know whether this might be possible... especially for this sort of hat. Or is it widely understood that when you remain within a certain price range, that the quality of the hat demands you don't "mess" with it too much.
You know what I mean?
I'd love to get some feedback on this... Please feel free to weigh in, I'd be very interested to read a few insights.

(And by the way, Vaderbreath: Since I have no idea where this conversation will go from here, allow me to take a moment to say that that hat DOES look very sharp on you!)


Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:52 pm
by DR Ulloa
DR Ulloa wrote:Guys, stiff fedoras are made with an obscene amount of stiffener. No matter what you do, these hats will be stiff. They may soften up a bit but this will never be a soft and floppy hat. Trying to make these hats floppy may actually damage the hat and can actually crease and crack the felt.


Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:06 pm
by Vaderbreath
Just what Dave said. I asked Todd if it was possible to sit on it, crumple it up and such, and he suggested not doing that for the very reason that the felt would likely crease. Before I bought it, he kept saying, "This hat is really stiff, and it will not lose it's shape". I think his key things for this hat was that it would look like an Indy hat right out of the box, and it wouldn't lose it's shape. I think he succeeded.

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:27 pm
by Mitch LaRue
Wow, Dave... I feel REALLY :oops:
I can't believe I missed you writing that (and I usually make a point of reading whatever you write, too...)
Blame it on a busy week that had me jumping onto these Boards for short visits only... Sorry about that, gents... but thanks for repeating yourselves and clearing that up for me.

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:22 pm
by Mountaineer
I think Todd pretty much hemmed in the exact nature of his hat in another post where he laid out what "niche" this hat was designed to fill. Link here: (About half-way down the page.)

It doesn't seem to be a higher-end hat killer, but perhaps a death knell for the Dorfman as Pitfall Harry said may pretty well sum it up.

At least Todd was up rather front about it and said so from the outset.

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:05 am
by Mitch LaRue
By the way, Vaderbreath...
Somewhere in all of this, I don't think I went on record:
That hat looks REALLY good on you!
(And I'm thinking it will continue to develop it's own distinct characteristics as time goes on...)

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:14 am
by Vaderbreath
Thanks Mitch, I appreciate it. For what it is going to be used for (my main costume hat), I think it works great. I've never been one to intentionally get my hats dirty just to look good with the costume...I'd rather have my Fed and Henry look really nice for a long, long time. This one, though, will get dirty. No, this hat isn't necessarily cheap, but you can't find another hat in the States that looks this good out of the box, and so it was just what I was looking for...a fur felt hat that looks like Indy, and I'm not afraid to get it dirty for my costume. :)

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:46 am
by Puppetboy
Not everyone is into soft hats, believe it or not.

I've had HJ customers disappointed that the hat was so soft. They call when the center crease pops out, in a panic, and ask if they should send it back. They call and complain that they're not what they wanted, saying things like "it's so soft I can just dent it with my fingers!" I've had HJs returned because the brim wasn't as factory crisp as a Dorfman. There are people who want the hat to come out of the box perfect, and they want them to stay looking brand new. They just aren't into getting dents in their crowns, or having to put them back into shape when someone throws their coat over it. These are mainstream customers, not hat afficianados. They don't know how to, or want to, make adjustments, steam the brims, lower the crowns, or in any way fiddle with the hat.

Don't buy one of these, thinking that for $99 you can turn it into a Keppler. They will soften a little over time with handling, but attempts to soften them by crushing or flexing will just ruin the hat (I don't think the hat would actually CRACK, but it will retain the crease marks). Of course, I haven't actually done this, so its all hypothetical. I'll try it on one and let you know what really happens.

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:48 am
by Vaderbreath
Thanks for the info, Todd. As I've said, I love this hat. I normally enjoy bashing the hat myselft, but honestly, the bash job you did was excellent, and I wouldn't have done as well. I think this hat is a great option for people and I'm just loving it more and more!

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:07 pm
by NJIndy
This hat has raised my interest...

I am waiting on an AB and bought a FedIV to get me through.
I wear a hat every day, rain/sun/snow... have since a couple years BEFORE Raiders.

I don't abuse them except that I wear the constantly and in all conditions... and on recommendations from others bought the FedIV and it is a great, tough hat but it has softened up a bit for my taste.

I want a hat as stiff as a cowboy hat BUT the felt has to be tough enough for all weather and all conditions. The FedIV has passed the tough part but not so good on staying stiff. Does the downtowner pass both of these tests? If it is stiffer than the FedIV, is it as tough?

Any one other note.... any info about whether to wait for the upcoming uptowner?
Tough? Stiff? Smoother? What will be the differences from the downtowner including price? (even a rough estimate)

All insight is greatly appreciated... never been steered wrong by COW members.


Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:22 am
Vaderbreath wrote:Mods, if you want to merge this into the other thread, I understand.

Here is Todd's new Indy Downtowner Hat. It is very stiff...just like a cowboy hat, and comes pre-bashed. The bash is nice, and the quality seems good. Nice leather sweat, and satin liner with the Coyle's logo. Overall, a very nice, affordable Indy hat right out of the box. Just know, that this is not a floppy hat at all....very, very stiff, but nice.

Sorry for the rushed pics and blank look...I was in a hurry.



The stiffness will take some getting used to, but I really like it. Todd tells me the 'Uptowner' will be really nice, and very affordable.
Good looking hat (very good looking on you) and good price also
This hats seems to made with the same felt than the Peterbros hats (Indy)
The stiffness is a choice.
Not bad if the hat is correctly formed at the departure (seems to be the case here).
Is it comfortable to wear it ?
I bought an PB some years ago...It wasn't a hat but an "helmet"!!! (bullet-proof...)
Regards :TOH:

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:28 am
by Indyzane

Hey what size is your hat? 60,61?

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:35 am
by Vaderbreath
Mine is a 60. My Henry is a 59 and that's probably more my size. My Fed IV is a 60 and is a bit big, but over time has molded nicely to my head. As I said, I used a little steam to fit this hat a bit better to my oval head, and now it's as comfy as my other hats.

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:16 pm
by Indyzane
Vaderbreath wrote:Mine is a 60. My Henry is a 59 and that's probably more my size. My Fed IV is a 60 and is a bit big, but over time has molded nicely to my head. As I said, I used a little steam to fit this hat a bit better to my oval head, and now it's as comfy as my other hats.
I ordered a “Downtown” size 61 and I think it‘s a little big. Yes I am a newbie. My only thing about this hat is the crown is 5 inches tall, I realize that this is the correct measurements. Your hat doesn’t look that stove pipe as mine does so that’s why I was wondering your size. I’m 6’3 and kind of skinny my hat looks like Abe Lincoln hat (stove pipe) on me. My wife thinks that the hat looks way to tall or big for me? Oh well I think need to get a 60 for me so it fit’s a little more snug because the 61 is on the top of my ears. Thanks for your help. :TOH:

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:21 pm
by DR Ulloa
Actaully, the film hat was 5 1/2''. If your wife thinks that your other Indy hats look tall, then this one should be more to her liking.


Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:11 pm
by gwyddion
Indyzane, what is 5" tall on your downtowner? The sides, the front of the pinch or the open crown measurement?

Regards, Geert

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:43 pm
by Indyzane
gwyddion wrote:Indyzane, what is 5" tall on your downtowner? The sides, the front of the pinch or the open crown measurement?

Regards, Geert

Here is a picture of my Downtown with the measurement. I could be completely wrong in measuring in the crown height. :oops: Actually its about 5”1/2 inches to be precise. Just for the record I love this Fedora \:D/ (I don’t want Todd thinking I’m not liking his work on this Fedora :notworthy: ) just not use to the crown height. It’s just a newbie getting use to all of this S.A. gear. ](*,)


Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:52 pm
by gwyddion
Wow, that is a high crown... For an Indy hat the top of the front pinch usualy is at 4.5", not at 5.5" like in your pic :-k Both my AB's as well as my Henry are 5.5" open crown, so with the bashes pushed out, and 4.5" at the top of the front pinch.

Regards, Geert

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:11 am
by Puppetboy
Indyzane, it looks like the crease has popped out a little. Maybe it had a ride in a really hot truck. On the 60 and 61s I crease them a little taller than 4.5" front and 3.5" rear like the smaller sizes in order to keep the proportions. Your hat should be about 5" front and 4" rear. You can steam the top real good and then push it down a little more if you'd like.

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:50 am
by gwyddion
Puppetboy wrote:Indyzane, it looks like the crease has popped out a little. Maybe it had a ride in a really hot truck. On the 60 and 61s I crease them a little taller than 4.5" front and 3.5" rear like the smaller sizes in order to keep the proportions. Your hat should be about 5" front and 4" rear. You can steam the top real good and then push it down a little more if you'd like.

That's what I thought, but I didn't know if it was possible with this stiff a hat.

If you look at a little above the 4.5" mark in that pic you can actualy see something that looks like The top of the front pinch used to be there. Also, the back seems like it is sitting to high for that hat: it looks like the curve at the back isn't interupted by the center dent at all :-k So it actualy looks like a hat that had it's center dent popping out.

Regards, Geert

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:39 pm
by indyclone
sorry to all i didnt see this thread when i asked about the hat --- been on vacation and didnt think to look all the way down the list of threads ---- but that hat looks awesome and i think i will get one ---i have a dorfman (stop throwing rocks) but i would love to get a raiders bash like this one has --- and the price is nice for a family man who is strapped for some cash. the pics look awesome --- how long did it tke to get the hat?

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:25 pm
by indyclone
just ordered mine this morning , and should have it in a week or so , will post pics when i get it in , can't wait , todds costumes does a lot of good quality work on their items .

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:39 pm
by Russian Raider
Looking great so far. Cant wait to see more pictures of Downtowner.

Re: Todd's new Downtowner Fedora with pics!

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:39 am
by Kredepops
Hi Guys

I've just recieved my Downtowner from Todd. I bought it for my 1:1 Indy bust, so it's way too big for me to wear. That's why it's displayed on this bust. It's a size 61 - I'm a size 57-58. I have mixed feelings about this one.

First of all: I LOVE the bash. It's an exeptionally nice Raiders streets of Cairo Bash, looks awesome. The price can't be argued with, $99 is cheap for a great fedora like this one. I don't even mind it's stiffness.

Secondly: I don't love the colours :? It's almost identical to my old Dorfmans fedora, way too dark brown for my taste. The ribbon is unfortunately not exactely black either, it's dark brown and has a purple-ish shine to it. It's not too bad, though. Don't get me wrong. I think Todds costumes is a great shop, he's very friendly and lightning fast to ship your stuff.

I also bought a Raiders holster and a sandbag, both of which I'm more than happy with. Great job on both!!!

If only the colour only had been more like 'sable', with a black ribbon, I would have ordered a second one in my size aswell.

Judge from these pics: