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New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:04 pm
by winrichwhips
I went to Milan, Italy, this past April and took part in a show called "Lo Show dei Record" where they had me attempt a brand new record, most cans cut in half in 3 minutes with a whip. They wanted me to do at least 20 cans for it to be a record, and each can had to be cut clean in half (at least two pieces). I managed to get 23. I used a heavy 8 ft bullwhip for most of the cutting, and then had a 6 ft stockwhip for backup.
While I don't have video of the attempt on Italian television, here is a video shot by a local arts magazine which features a bunch of whip work, including cutting cans in half. Keep your eye out for what is now considered the perfect cut, where the bottom half of the can is left unmoved, and you can walk up and drink the soda that's left.
Right now I'm just south of Dallas, TX, at the Scarborough Renaissance Festival working on an instructional DVD for whip cracking. Aside from the cattleman's crack, overhead crack, and the flick, we'll be showing/teaching the fast figure 8 and the Tasmanian cutback. It will also include my show at the Arizona renaissance festival, and this morning we just cracked a 220 ft whip for the cameras, so that will also be on the DVD.
PS: I'll be performing at the St. Louis Renaissance Faire from May 16 to June 7.
Re: New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:26 pm
by willthebold
Great job sir! When are you performing at the festival? I'm down in Austin and was thinking about heading up.
Re: New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:31 pm
by pfcyoung
Man a 220 Ft whip!!! Doesnt that break your 216 Guinness World Record? was it leather or nylon? how do you crack it? let me know when your DVD comes out i will pick up a copy.
Re: New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:39 pm
by Hollowpond
Oh yeah...I overhead crack my 220 foot whip all of the time

No biggie.
No seriously...
220 feet!!!!!!
I have GOT to see that.
High Regards
Re: New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:28 pm
by winrichwhips
I'll be there every weekend, in St. Louis, from May 16 to June 7. You can find more info on the fair using google.
Yes, the 220 ft whip does break my previous record, though it won't be made official as I didn't go through all the paper work needed to get an official record. The main reason I added the 220 ft whip to the DVD was to give it something else that other whip cracking DVDs don't have.
The whip is made from different lengths of rope, spliced together. The whip starts as a shovel handle, the first 100 ft are 1" rope, then it tapers down to 1/4" rope.
We hope to have the DVD out in August.
Re: New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 8:20 pm
by ffab
Very nice work, as usual
I was wondering if for "can cutting" a specific cracker / fall was recommended.
A while ago a friend suggested me to use some metal "cracker" (guitar string I guess) to do some "cutting", namely plastic bottles.
About that 220 feet ...

what is the overall weight of that monster and you have to use both hands to wield it ?
ps:thank you again for all your online videos, I trying to do stuff by watching you.
if you ever come toward Japan, holler this way.
Re: New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 9:09 pm
by Hollowpond
ffab wrote:
I was wondering if for "can cutting" a specific cracker / fall was recommended.
A while ago a friend suggested me to use some metal "cracker" (guitar string I guess) to do some "cutting", namely plastic bottles.
Watch the ears!

Re: New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 11:37 pm
by Venky
I cannot wait to see the DVD Adam, you are always a treat to see...that's why I dragged my GF to see you a second time on the same (last) day of the Renaissance in AZ. Congrats on the record break as well
Re: New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 11:39 pm
by bobm2004
Okay Adam , next time we get together the heck with playing with those 22 footers, I want to play with the 220 footer! Now to add spice to it I say we do nothing but cattleman cracks with it while on fire!!
Seriously, that is good stuff!! And just so you know I am progressing nicely with the Schultz whips!
Re: New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 1:31 am
by ichnob
Congrats on the new record and looking forward to your dvd in August. Your IOAB definitely wants to learn a few more tricks.
Re: New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 4:22 am
by Canuck Digger
220 feet! Wow! That's just amazing Adam!
Just one question though, can you SWING from it? (Wink-wink...)
My most distinguished regards sir,
Re: New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 10:02 am
by winrichwhips
Well, I think you could swing from it, or at least parts of it, because half of the whip is made from an old hay mow (barn) rope that was used for moving hay bales around.
About swinging, I was messing around with an 8 ft nylon bullwhip the other day, down at the ren fest, and I actually swung from it. It took a while to get the whip to stay put, and once I got the whip in position I put all my weight on it first to test if it would hold me. After that I swung back and forth on the whip several times, and when I was done I got the whip down with one flick of the wrist.
So, with that little experiment, it wasn't quite like Indy because I had to test the whip before I did the swinging. With that, I think the hard part with any swinging is getting the whip to wrap tight enough so it doesn't have any slip.
Re: New can cutting Guinness record
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:32 pm
by Canuck Digger
Yeah you could swing a whole family on that rope! We used to have swings made with those ropes and they lasted over 20 years! But they made this sound; a sort of creaking sound that reminded me of an old sail ship that creaks and cracks in the storm. We were sure one day those ropes would give way and one of us would wind up going through the living room window lol!
I remember when I was younger and (more) foolish, I did that too and yes, getting the whip to not unravel was the hardest part. Of course once you got it secure enough to swing from it, it was usually pretty hard to unwrap it loll! I'm sticking with taking a bridge across the ravine.