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Complete newbie

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 8:28 am
by ffab
Hey all,
First let me tell you how thrilled I am to be on this forum.
I guess I am what you could call a "net-taught cracker".
I have been doing Chinese Martial Arts for a long while and when I was younger I played with Chinese Meteor Rope, 9 sections chains and a few "soft weapons" (basically everything that is not bludgeon or blade).
A couple of months ago a friend in the "adult world" showed me his single tails and that rekindled my passion about exotic weapons.
I checked the net (youtube is your friend) and found out this video :notworthy:
and then the whole Adam Winrich vids.

I quickly purchased a cheap stock whip from Mike Murphy, then a nylon snake 3' from Ryan Galmadez and later a nylon 4'5 bullwhip from Calvin Singo on EBay.
Got to play a bit, starting getting better (vids will be coming soon) with the bullwhip.
Now my goals are :
- have a nice routine with single handed bullwhip (learn also new cracks)
- get to dual wielded cracking
- make my own nylon whip(s)

I hope some COW members can help and give me some pointers [-o<

for instance, I am looking for some tutorials for any nylon whip. I checked the very nice tutorial I got from , I also check the tutorial from Derek Wood. I have hard time to figure exactly how many strands and long should they be for a basic project (for instance a 4' bullwhip, 4 plaits belly, 8 plaits overlay)...

well anyway, that was just a little self-intro and a first shout out for advices and pointers.

Happy Cracking :whip:

*edited for spelling*

Re: Complete newbie

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:39 pm
by hollywood1340
Welcome to COW! This is why we're here :D

Re: Complete newbie

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 5:57 pm
by hollywood1340
^+1 I'm a a disciple of Mr. DeLongis as well. Good stuff there, logical and common sense.

Re: Complete newbie

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 11:30 pm
by Hollowpond
Welcome and remember...have fun with the whip. It is an awesome toy/weapon/noisemaker/whatever! :whip: