Any tips on making a Double Bow?

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Any tips on making a Double Bow?

Post by Cooler King »


Just got my ribbon from Dalexs! Big things to him, wonderful ribbon! Now I begin my project to rebash and re-ribbon my PB. I was wondring if anyone had any tips on making a double bow? Dalexs' site takes the first step: and I was wondering if anyone had any tips or suggestions on making a double bow. Is it simply adding a second fold in the bow portion? Just wondered if anyone had any suggestions. Thanks! :)
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Post by Dakota Ellison »

Yes, measure a vee of ribbon 5 1/2" long, then fold the ends about 1/4" and stagger them so the bottom one is slightly longer and slightly at an angle to the top end. Fold a 3" piece of ribbon so that 1 1/2' is now 1" and fold 1" on each end so that you now have a 1" square knot. If you make your folds then iron with a cloth between the iron and the ribbon, your folds will stay put till you stitch them down, using a stitch at each corner of the bows and each corner of the knot, but not on the knot itself. This is the way HJ does it and you don't have a bulky bow.
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Post by Dalexs »

Yeah, sorry about that. I never got around to showing how the double bow is formed (I got sidetracked on some goofy shirt dying thing...). There are a few ways of doing it.
I actually make almost 2 complete bows which makes things a bit bulky but looks a little better in my opinion.

My ribbon is a kinda heavy, so Dakotas method probably works better.

I also believe in StitchWitch (iron-on bonding tape), thinnest possible, eliminates alot of sewing, (if you're not very good at it).

Also, use steam when ironing, the ribbon is designed to conform to whatever shape you apply when steamed.

Hope this helps. (sounds like my hat site might need a little updating).

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Post by Cooler King »

Dalexs wrote:Yeah, sorry about that. I never got around to showing how the double bow is formed (I got sidetracked on some goofy shirt dying thing...). There are a few ways of doing it.
I actually make almost 2 complete bows which makes things a bit bulky but looks a little better in my opinion.

My ribbon is a kinda heavy, so Dakotas method probably works better.

I also believe in StitchWitch (iron-on bonding tape), thinnest possible, eliminates alot of sewing, (if you're not very good at it).

Also, use steam when ironing, the ribbon is designed to conform to whatever shape you apply when steamed.

Hope this helps. (sounds like my hat site might need a little updating).

No problemo. :D Your site gives good information, couldn't make this thing without it. Stitch Witch is good, I think I have some, thanks for the tips guys, I'll let you all know how it turns out! :)
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Post by Dalexs »

I personally would love to see a tutorial that we can add to the site, (mine or indygear).

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Post by Farnham54 »

I too recieved my ribbon from Dal a few days ago, and after 4 hours of poking my finger with a needle I got it attached. It's one #### of an improvement over my old ribbon, whcih you may recall was destroyed by battery acid.

As soon as I get some hosting I'll post some pics of a well worn Fed with a Farnham Special ribbon job (nothing special about it...just that I did it :D )
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Post by Dalexs »

Farnham54 wrote:I too recieved my ribbon from Dal a few days ago, and after 4 hours of poking my finger with a needle I got it attached.:D )
Well, now thats why you're SUPPOSE to where your official IJ leather gloves when doing stuff like that...
hmmm, lets see, were those the midwest 850s or the 1130 WellsLamonts that worked better... :D

Glad you like it!
