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My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:05 pm
by fedoraiders
Hello everyone! I'm new on your forum. I would like to present myself. My name is Jason and i am from Québec Canada and i am my trirty's. Sorry for my english is not perfect, please be patient.
I am a Indiana Jones fan since chilwood but i discovered the Indiana Jones phenome in 2006 on the internet. After this periode, i'm watching the Indiana Jones movies without questionning the costume, the arthefacts and the famous hat that Harrison ford wore. I have become passonite ( bordeline obsessed ) by the Raider of the Lost Ark hat ( street of Cairo ) that the company Screen Used has. I bought many hats, Federation Standard, Federation Deluxe and Herbert Johnson but i don't like the shape of these hats. I have found a retied hatter in my region that is showing me the art of hat making. I also have learned to sculp many of my own hat blocks. I believe that i have made the almost perfect hat block after many hat blocks test.
My dream is to become a great hatters same as Steve Delk because he's becoming my biggest idol. I don't have a Adventurebilt hat. I absolutely will buy one this year.
I have a question, i would like to know if someone knows where to buy the good felt with a good color because it' very hard to find. I konw Judith, Hat supply and Many' millinery.
If you have a any place, i appreciate any help. Thanks!
Now, you can see my pictures of my own finished hat made with my own hat block. I made this hat with a rabbit felt body bought on Judith. I believe to have made a good job for the shape with this felt. You can see the many details on my hat on these pictures. If i will find a good felt with a good color, i will specialize on ( street of Cairo version ) because it has become my speciality. If you have any question, please be patient beacause my english is not perfect.
P.S. Someone helpep me with this message.
Comming soon, my Federation Deluxe reblocked with my ultimate hat block.
(Moderator Edit: Some pictures changed to links. Please see the rules section regarding the posting of pictures. )
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:09 pm
by Canasta
Very nice!
Welcome to you.
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:12 pm
by indyclone
i like them -- very nice work , i would like to know the cost of one of those hats ? can you pm me and let me know/ thanks , and again very well done .
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:24 pm
by TheExit148
Welcome to the forums! Great to have you! Your hat looks awesome! It is a very SOC. Very nice work!

Nice to have another Canadian on here too, especially for a potential hat vendor!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:26 pm
by Niob
I think your hat looks fantastic and it seems you have a very big talent in making hats. Keep up the great work.

Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:40 pm
by suburbancomics
Wow! Nice work! That fedora looks great, very streets of Cairo. Welcome to the boards.
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:44 pm
by RCSignals
Nice hats Jason
Check out Biltmore Hats in Ontario for hat bodies. Indiana G had no luck but you might fair better.
They make the RCMP 'Stetson'
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:15 pm
by IndianaBogart
AWESOME streets of cairo hat!
And welcome to COW,

Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:56 pm
by WhipDude
Many hats out there look just like SOC but this looks like it was stolen from the movie. It has that rumbled look, the sweat stains, the dust and everything. Most impressive!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:01 pm
by Hollowpond
Good job

and welcome! I think you will find lots of information and support here!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:02 pm
by suburbancomics
Is the ribbon actually higher up in the front or is that just an optical illusion? That really makes it look very SOC!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:51 pm
by Mulceber
I'll be honest - I think you're well on your way to being as good as Steve. VERY nice hats, I too would be interested. -M
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:46 pm
by WalkingEye
great hats my friend! Glad to see you posting pics for everyone to see!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:30 pm
by CairoIndy
Wow fr,you've really nailed the SOC look!
Always room for passionate talented hat-makers around these parts!
Welcome to COW!

Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:09 pm
by indydad
Awesome hat! It is amazing to me that one can do this work so well.
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:31 pm
by alphared6
I like the sweat stain apparent in the last picture of you. Is this from honest use or have you invented a way to fake that stain?
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:38 pm
by The Penitent Man
Very Nice!!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:44 pm
by Chiliana Jones
welcome Jason!
good show!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:33 am
by 3thoubucks
GREAT SOC look, fedoraraiders. Are you free to say if these are 360 stovepipe blocks? Or is there some front and back taper? Hope you find your felt. I see you have a picture of Steve D. there in your workshop...

Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:46 am
by RCSignals
You certainly have a selection of hat blocks.
Is that a block with bash built in on the lower shelf? Kind of looks more like felt without the brim?
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:04 am
by bigrex
Not going to lie, that's an awesome streets of cairo hat you have there!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:33 am
by DR Ulloa
Very impressive!
If I can give just a bit of constructive criticism, I'd say that the bow needs a bit of work, but you don't have a very good shot of it, so it is difficult to be sure. Otherwise, I'd say you have a very good looking and SA SoC fedora. Great job...and welcome to COW!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:52 am
by Jones Boy
Yes indeed great work. It is nice to see a Raiders hat that looks bashed around and lived in!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:10 am
by mufflowne
Dude, not too shabby at all! Really nice SOC hats! Finally someone specializes in SOC hats. Might justify a purchase...
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:00 am
by fedoraiders
Thank you everyone for your good comment. I cannot sell now the hat because I don't have good felt and at present, i'm just a Indiana Jones fan. This is my hobby, play with my hats.
Maybe a day that i sell my homemade hat but now, i don't have enought experience with the completion. Exemple: the seams.
I answer has your question soon because i go to my york.
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:14 pm
by Indiana G
very nice SOC renderring there and welcome to cow......great to have another canuck on board

Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:05 pm
by fedoraiders
suburbancomics wrote:Is the ribbon actually higher up in the front or is that just an optical illusion? That really makes it look very SOC!
Hello, it's a optical illusion because my ribbon is straight. My front brim is more lower.
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:29 pm
by Indiana G
fedoraiders wrote:suburbancomics wrote:Is the ribbon actually higher up in the front or is that just an optical illusion? That really makes it look very SOC!
Hello, it's a optical illusion because my ribbon is straight. My front brim is more lower.
mr. $3K touched on this subject ages ago about ironing the brim into the does kill that 90 degree brim break that you see from new hats and gives you these beautiful SOC effects......i may try that once the new block comes in.
you've done an excellent job with that effect fedoraiders

Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:48 am
by suburbancomics
Indiana G wrote:fedoraiders wrote:suburbancomics wrote:Is the ribbon actually higher up in the front or is that just an optical illusion? That really makes it look very SOC!
Hello, it's a optical illusion because my ribbon is straight. My front brim is more lower.
mr. $3K touched on this subject ages ago about ironing the brim into the does kill that 90 degree brim break that you see from new hats and gives you these beautiful SOC effects......i may try that once the new block comes in.
you've done an excellent job with that effect fedoraiders

I really think that is one of the features that makes it look so SOC! Is there a way to achieve that without ironing the hat? Indiana G you have the benefit of actually knowing what you are doing, while I on the other hand would not be able to bring my hat anywhere near an iron. Heck, I sometimes worry about something bad happening to my hat when it gets too hot in the house let alone attacking it with and iron.

Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:49 am
by Mitch LaRue
VERY impressive, fedoraiders!
That hat of yours is
100% Indyesque and has
TONS of character!
I've sent you a pm.
I hope you get a chance to read it.
Fox (Mitch)
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:53 pm
by Canyon
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:41 pm
by fedoraiders
Thanks! In my avatar, it's my Herbert Johnson bought use in 2006 on ebay and that i have reblocked. Look the picture before and after.
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:29 pm
by alphared6
WOW! Great! I should send you some of my fedoras to re-block!!!!!!!!!!

Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:03 pm
by Mitch LaRue
I'd LOVE to own a hat like that one of yours, Jason!
GREAT job!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:10 pm
by Niob
Mitch LaRue wrote:I'd LOVE to own a hat like that one of yours, Jason!
GREAT job!
Me too

Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:08 am
by alphared6
Niob wrote:Mitch LaRue wrote:I'd LOVE to own a hat like that one of yours, Jason!
GREAT job!
Me too

Me as well!

Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:52 am
by Mitch LaRue
Yes, I was already VERY impressed with the overall "look" of fedoraiders hat in the first few photos he posted up at the top.
He was clearly able to get a very well-worn, beat up & adventurous look to his hats that absolutely captured that
Raiders SoC look that so many of us love...
Some people might think that was partially the luck of continually working on and toying with the hat as much as he has... end result: Same overall look as Indy's Hat.
But these "Before & After" photos DEFINITELY show (at least
I think) that Jason not only REALLY knows what he's doing, but more importantly, has the
SKILLS to reshape a hat into the hat he wants out of it.
I mean, those are TWO such DIFFERENT looking hats!
When you look at the
FIRST one, most folks probably think:
"That's a pretty darn good Raiders Hat..."
But, when you look at the
SECOND one (after Jason's worked his "magic" on it), you almost can't help but think:
"WOW! HOW did this guy get his hands on the Original Movie Hat?!!!"
Once again, I'll repeat myself, fedoraiders:
You've created a VERY unique looking, VERY impressive Raiders hat... I'd love to proudly wear one on my head someday.
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:21 pm
by ichnob
Your hat look so messed up it's not's actually awesome! I like the very worn-in look, like you've actually been to Cairo or the Well of Souls. Great job.
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:26 pm
by DR Ulloa
fedoraiders wrote:
Thanks! In my avatar, it's my Herbert Johnson bought use in 2006 on ebay and that i have reblocked. Look the picture before and after.


How did you manage to reblock that hat and not loose some brim width in the process. That is quite a transformation!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:43 pm
by alphared6
So... when are you going to get some quality fur felt bodies and start making those hats for those of us who want one? EH? 
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:21 pm
by TheExit148
That reblock is really really good! It really shows that the HJ's can take on a really solid, really SA look on the right block. I really am interested in getting one of these hats, hopefully something works out for fedoraiders!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:42 pm
by darth_ming
Definitively, I want a hat blocked by you!!!!
THIS IS the shape I always wanted of a Raiders hat.
Once again, congratulations for the magnificent work you do.
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:50 pm
by jacksdad
very nice I love the reblock, you've got some skills there and welcome
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:50 pm
by fedoraiders
How did you manage to reblock that hat and not loose some brim width in the process. That is quite a transformation!
Hello Dave, after many experience, i find this solution to stretch the brim. It is hard to explain but look the picture and i think that you understand.
Thank you everyone for your good comment, i appreciate.

Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:08 pm
by Indiana G
awesome work! how stable do you find that technique? when i've tried that with hj felt, she always wanted to return to it's previous shape leaving you wide open for the taper monster. have you had trouble with retaining the shape from that felt?
does the felt get significantly thinner?
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:31 pm
by fedoraiders
I heat the brim felt with a domestic iron. The HJ felt is very sensitive, it shrink very much. I succeed after several attempt. I can pass easily from 30 to 50 hours per hat. I do not succeed always of the first test.
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:35 pm
by DR Ulloa
Well, thats the problem with the HJ felt. It has so much air and not enough body. The hat can be stretched out like that, which is what I assumed you did, Jason, but won't stand up to the elements much. Now, if its being used exclusively for costuming, it will take a little longer to taper, but that felt will taper; its just not dense enough. The great thing about that felt is the way it bulges like the Raiders felt. My Christy's does the same thing; there is some tapering until about half way up the crown, then you have that famous Raiders bulge. These hats are stetched out a lot at the factory, stetching them out even more will make the felt even less stable. Felt stability aside, that is one sweet looking lid, Jason!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:45 pm
by fedoraiders
Thanks Dave for this explication, i appreciate!
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:52 pm
by DR Ulloa
The greatest way to get a great quality HJ is to order a hat that is way too big for you and shrinkit down. Block it on your block and cut and flange the brim to match. You increase the felt density. The problem with that is that you run the risk of ripping the brim right off the crown as the sweatbands are sewn in by machines and perforates the whole body of the hat. The way Steve does it is best. He gets all the HJs completely undone and does everything by hand. With the Mag/AB HJ you get a completely handmade HJ. I fyou could contact Herbert Johnson and ask them to send you their largest body with the sweatband not installed and you size it down, you will have the best looking and most stable HJ possible. I'd like to see you tackle that project, Jason.
Re: My fedoraiders Presentation and I'm Hat Maker amateur + Pics
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:22 am
by fedoraiders
In 2008, i bought a Federation Standard 62cm for made a 59 cm and i trim just a little bit the brim. I cut the Sweat Band. The result is very good.