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Need some gearhead input..concerns Fed Deluxe III and steam!

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:28 pm
by ReturningSon
Ok, you all know I just spent $600 on Steves uber cool and uber rare fedora. So, why, you are probably asking, is this guy concerned over the rumpled, beaten and loved (yet loved kinda harshly) Federation Deluxe III. Well, I bought this hat so I could actually wear it and not worry about $600 big ones on my head and believe me, this is such a nice hat! I am reall glad I bought it. The brim has been cut and the hat has seen definite wear however, i think its such a nice and very "Indy" looking hat. The felt is so soft and really floppy. The only thing I think needs work is the bash. Right now, it has a SOC thing going on which I like I just think the bash needs to be more "defined". However, because the felt is so soft and floppy, it doesnt wanna stay. So, two questions

1.) Does any recommend or have a simple, easy to use steam bashing tutorial?
2.) Does this hat really need one? The more I keep looking at it, the more SOC I see in it. What do you guys think?

Here are some pics


Re: Need some gearhead input..concerns Fed Deluxe III and steam!

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:58 pm
by ReturningSon
Some more pics



Re: Need some gearhead input..concerns Fed Deluxe III and steam!

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:15 pm
by WConly
It looks great to me...I think you will just have to be patient with it...give it time. Looks super :clap: ! Just nuture and enjoy! And, quit wondering if it 'works' or not, because from those pic's -- it works :whip: ! W>

Re: Need some gearhead input..concerns Fed Deluxe III and steam!

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:59 pm
by WhipDude
I am surprised by the reception. I loved this hat as just a fedora but when it come to looking Raven bar or Idol Grab Bash, I wasn't a fan. I wanted nothing more than a person to buy it and enjoy it. I am glad it fell into your hands (or head!) If you do anything, I'd like to see it. Especially if you clean it up a bit. :)

Re: Need some gearhead input..concerns Fed Deluxe III and steam!

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:20 pm
by WalkingEye
i don't think you'll need steam to define the bash. i'd avoid steam as the hat already seems to have a bit of taper in it and you wouldn't want to accidentally make it any more drastic. i'd set the bash further back than it is now and drop the center dent in the back. in the side profile pic the back seems just a bit too high.

step 5 in this tutorial is what you need to do:
that should define the bash better. if the felt is broken in already it shouldn't warrant anything other than some pinching in your fingers to get what you want.

hope that helps.