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OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:25 am
by Indiana Citroen
I'm ready to splurge....(aussie word for spending a few bucks) and I need a LONG bag strap, holster and whip holder.
Can someone make me a quick list of the most easily sourced SA CS gear.
As one of Terrys whips will be in my hand next week...I may as well continue down the path of focusing on Dr Jones latest gear.
If there is some better cross over stuff I would be happy to hear.
Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:29 am
by Indiana Jeff
Your best bet is to use the search button for CS gear. There are multiple vendors and everyone has their favorites. Read through the threads and make your choice.
Indiana Jeff
Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:32 am
by masa
Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:25 am
by Caber
Ok . If you want a good whip holster I recom mend going to " The whip studio .com They have the best Holsters. But dont get the indy whip holster . It is made for mostly show. If you want a holster for use that will work realy good get the one with the turn buckle that was used in the movie rundown.
If you want a long bag strap i would go to magnoli clothers . they have the kind indy has

Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:59 am
by Holt
what jeff said!

Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:44 pm
by knibs7
Wade Egan, hands down!
Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:21 pm
by clark.j.kent
There is a couple of nice straps on eBay. I got this one for $52 AUD. Comes with interchangeable buckles (TOD, LC & CS):

Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:37 pm
by Indiana Jake
I can make a holster for you, as well as an extra long strap if you just tell me what length you need. I also have the correct CS style of buckle for the shoulder bag. PM me for more info. I also have a pattern for a CS whip holder.
Indiana Jake
Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:10 am
by theinterchange
I must say Wade did me right when I ordered from him. Matter of fact, I need to take a couple of pics of my Raiders strap soon. He does a nice CS strap, also.
Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:49 am
by TheExit148
I was in the same boat. I just ordered a Raiders belt, and strap from Wade. His work is also customizable so he can make it anyway you like. As for the holster I went with Todds Raiders style.
For belt's and straps, I think Wade is your man, and as for holsters, well you have many different vendors with different quality, just depends how much you want to spend; ex. Todd's, Jake's, and Adventurebilt. Jake's and AB's are hand made so you are paying for a quality, durable holster. While Todd's is factory made I believe, although still very nice quality, its not the same as a handmade holster.
Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:14 pm
by jones the whip
Hi there,
wondered if this link would be any good to you.
It's a UK based company
They have been very helpful to me regarding belts, straps and custom made holsters.
Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 4:37 pm
by Kt Templar
Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:52 am
by Imahomer
You know it's really a personal thing. Is comfort and style more important to you? Are you a SA type of guy and if you are, how much so? Will you be buying everything at once, or piece by piece? Is it more for display, or will you be buying and using any of it? I always enjoy hearing what other say, so it's not going to hurt to get various opinions.
I pieced my stuff together, but someday I'll probably redo it, just because I'm a pretty anal type of guy.
Re: OK...I need good advice on straps, holsters and whip holders
Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:57 am
by Indiana Citroen
Im about 70% SA
I like to wear gear most days...well shirt pants jacket....but could wear LL Bean and still feel "Indyish"
When it comes to pieces like bags and whips I want as good as I can get...because I dont have any real ocassion to get it all out.
As for hangs in my 200 year old cupboard....just where I like it. Nothing like opening up and looking at an Indy scene.