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Vintage HJ w/ Winston 360 reblock

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:38 pm
by 3thoubucks
I got this HJ on ebay about 4 years ago. It came from England and the owner said it was from the 20's or 30's. I think it might be newer but it's old. It looked good in the pic, but had more front and back taper than a Federation, plus a good amount of side taper. But it's about 3 sizes too big, so I always thought I could reblock it. So, I reblocked it on my Winston block, but it was so pointy, it compressed the styrofoam a bit, so it has a little taper. It's also a bit short, as is the brim. I don't think it's a perfect Raiders hat, so I'm not posting pics of it on my head. I like it a lot though, because the felt is superb and I think this color might be perfect. The color printed on the paper tag inside is "nut brown". The brim felt is 1.5 mm thick. Image Image Image

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:55 pm
by Local Land Surveyor
Hey 3thou$,
Nice find. Neat color. New Bond Street, sweet!!
Did it have the original sweatband? If so, was there a name of the hat on it? What is your impression of the felt as compare to that of the film hat? soft, floppy, stiff, etc..?


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:28 pm
by 3thoubucks
The felt feels like velvet, and there's a glow at the edges, that I've only seen on Tonaks. There's a fair amount of stiffener, probably a lot more than the film hat. The sweat says 'made in England by Herbert Johnson for Brooks Brothers" No hat name, unless it's "cumber" which was printed on a paper hj tag inside. There was a 2 inch wide vinyl sweat barrier at the back of the sweat which was sewn in, and not an add on. This is why I thought it was newer, but vinyl has been in comercial use since 1926.?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:15 am
by Indiana G
is that first pic the reblock? if so, that is sweeeeet!!! got any more pics of her?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:11 am
by 3thoubucks
O.K., here's one. Interesting the front of the brim is bumpy, as is the Raiders hat. The original brim has extra curl, so I ironed all of it flatter, except the left rear that needs to flip up, but I think some limp remanant of the old curl remained. - The top crease is 1/4 inch shorter than the Fed I took off this block, partly because the HJ has a shorter crown, so I can't bash as deep, and partly because the styrofoam compressed like I mentioned. So, The side view when worn doesn't look as good to me. I gotta have a taperless 360 stovepipe. 8) Image

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:13 am
by Erri
Any picture of the front even if not on your head? What happens when you wear it anyway? Does the shape change radically?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:02 am
by Fedora
The color printed on the paper tag inside is "nut brown"
Hey 3M$, one of my vintage HJs was this same color. I guess nut brown was a popular color way back when. I agree with you on the felt too. Both of mine had great rabbit felt. And this will give you an idea of what HJ used to produce. Great felt! Fedora