To Stretch or Not to Stretch

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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To Stretch or Not to Stretch

Post by Bartram »

When do you all, if ever, stretch your fedoras?

I ordered a Stetson Nostalgia and a Fed DlxIV on the same day (different sizes) and the Nostalgia just came in today.
It is the first "real" fedora I've owned and after measuring my head at 57mm I ordered a 7 1/8 for the Nostalgia and a 58 for the Fed.

The thing is when I put the Nostalgia on the fit is very snug. Not too, snug but enough to make me want to try a 7 1/4 to see if that fits better - and there's the rub. It could end up costing me an extra $50-$60 bucks in shipping to sort this out and I'm not even sure the 7 1/4 won't be to big. I'm pen to the fact that perhaps the has fits like all factory fedoras and by wearing it enough it will settle in. The thing is, I just don't have enough hat experience to know.

So, here is my question: Would a hat stretcher be advised here?
What would you guys do?

Please advise.

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Post by Mighty_Draw »

My experience is that hats shrink as you wear them, mine certainly have. All of them started somewhat loose feeling and become comfortably snug. If its already seeming too tight its probably best to exchange it rather then try and stretch a brand new hat to fit. Stretchers, while I do not own one currently, are for maintaining a hats appropriate size from what I understand.
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Post by Restless Dreamer »

This could seem a silly advice but...if you wear long hair and you don't mind to cut them, well, you could use a military cut
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Post by Bartram »

This is really good advise.

I think I'm going to exchange it. A night's sleep help clear the mind on these things and relegate the emotion of not wanting to wait to wear it, you know?

Would you agree that the 7 1/4 is the way to go based on my descriptions?


Oh, and BTW I am a bald guy (on top) buzed on the sides. If only I had the long hair problem;)
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